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riccoarntz edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 36 revisions


The ScrollTrackerComponentManager is a Class that tracks whether a component is within your viewport based on your scroll position. It will/can handle the following for you:

  • Trigger methods such as enterView or leaveView, once you component enters/leaves your viewport.
  • Update your component with a progress value between 0 and 1. This is the progress of you components visibility.
  • Enable smooth-scroll if needed.


Constructing and adding components.

  const components = [new DummyFoo(), new DummyFoo2()];
  const scrollTrackerComponentManager = new ScrollTrackerComponentManager();

Configuration - IScrollTrackerComponentManagerOptions.

Methods/properties of the component that are triggered which can be overwritten to add components with a different/custom interface.

  const scrollTrackerComponentManager = new ScrollTrackerComponentManager({
    container: window,
    element: 'element',

    enterView: 'enterView',
    leaveView: 'leaveView',
    beyondView: 'beyondView',
    inViewProgress: 'inViewProgress',

    inViewProgressThreshold: 'inViewProgressThreshold',
    enterViewThreshold: 'enterViewThreshold',
    componentId: 'componentId',
    hasEntered: 'hasEntered',
    currentViewProgress: 'currentViewProgress',

    inViewProgressEnabled: false,
    setDebugLabel: true,
    debugBorderColor: 'red',
    scrollThrottle: 100,
    resizeDebounce: 100,
    // When this is enabled you should set the container(body) to a fixed height(100%).
    enableSmoothScroll: false,
    smoothScrollOptions: {
      damping: 0.1,
      thumbMinSize: 20,
      renderByPixels: true,
      alwaysShowTracks: false,
      continuousScrolling: true,
      wheelEventTarget: null,
      plugins: {},


component methods

  • enterView - MethodName of the component which is triggered when the component is within the viewport.
  • leaveView - MethodName of the component which is triggered when the component has left the viewport.
  • beyondView - MethodName of the component which is triggered everytime it is already scrolled passed a component, or when you would load a page while the scrollbar is already at the bottom or passed a component.
  • inViewProgress(progress:number) - Method name of the component which is triggered every time the scroll-position changes and your component is within the viewport. This method will have the parameter progress which is a number between 0-1.


component props

  • element - PropertyName of the component that contains the HTMLElement of the component.
  • enterViewThreshold - PropertyName of the component that contains a number between 0 - 1. Setting this number to for example 0.5 will trigger the enterView method when the component is already visible for 50% within your viewport.
  • inViewProgressThreshold - same as enterViewThreshold but then used as an offset from when your inViewProgress will start.
  • hasEntered - PropertyName of the component that should is by default set to false. Will be set to value if it has passed the viewport once already.
  • currentViewProgress - PropertyName of the component where we will store the progress of its visibility.
  • componentId - PropertyName of the component that should contain a unique string for each added component.

global props

  • container - the container that will be the scroll-area, default is the window.
  • inViewProgressEnabled - When this is set to true we will call the method inViewProgress(progress). By default this is set to false.
  • setDebugLabel - Enable/Disable visible scroll-tracker-points for each component, this will allow to you see when the transitionIn/Out is called.
  • debugBorderColor - Color of the scroll-tracker-points (top/bottom line).
  • resizeDebounce - Number in milliseconds to update the scroll-tracker-points with a debounce if the window is being resized.
  • scrollThrottle - Number in milliseconds used to throttle the scroll event. When enableSmoothScroll is set to true, this will be ignored.
  • enableSmoothScroll - Enable/Disable smooth-scroll, see documentation below. By default this is set to false
  • smoothScrollOptions - See documentation below. This is only applied when enableSmoothScroll is set to true.

Removing components from the scrollTrackerComponentManager


Disposing scrollTrackerComponentManager


Example scroll component that can be added.

export default abstract class AbstractScrollComponent {
  public componentId: string;
  public enterViewThreshold: number = 0;
  public inViewProgressThreshold: number = 0;
  public currentViewProgress: number = 0;
  public hasEntered: boolean = false;
  static eventNamespaceCount: number = 10000000;
  public eventNamespace: string = '';

  constructor(private element: HTMLElement) {
    this.eventNamespace = '.' + ++AbstractScrollComponent.eventNamespaceCount;
    this.componentId = this.displayName + this.eventNamespace;

  public inViewProgress(progress: number): void {
    console.log('inViewProgress', progress, this.componentId);

  public enterView(): void {
    console.log('enterview', this.componentId);

  public leaveView(): void {
    console.log('leaveView', this.componentId);

  public beyondView(): void {
    console.log('beyondView', this.componentId);

  public get displayName() {
    return this.element.getAttribute(`data-component`);

Smoothscroll ( EXAMPLE )

In case you want to enable smooth-scroll, read their documentation for all the possibilities.

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