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Signed truncating integer division by constants

Raffaello Giulietti, v2023-10-30-02

In terms of running time, division is the most expensive of the integer arithmetical/logical operations on contemporary CPUs.

Given an integer compile-time constant d, it turns out that it is possible to replace later computations of x / d with faster code producing the same outcome, where integer x is not known at compile-time. A preparatory work, done at compile-time and that depends on d alone, leads to faster code for the division later on at run-time.

Detailed proofs of the core algorithm presented here can be found elsewhere, in §10.1.


  • We write $-2^k$ for $-(2^k)$, although the former really means $(-2)^k$ (negation binds tighter than binary operations like exponentiation).
  • $W$ denotes the word size (e.g., $32$ or $64$).
  • $/$ denotes usual division over the real numbers (when not appearing in code as /).
  • $\div$ denotes truncating division over the real numbers: $x \div d = \lfloor x / d\rfloor$ if $x / d \ge 0$, $x \div d = \lceil x / d\rceil$ otherwise, where $d \ne 0$. In Java code, with int x, d, and absent overflows, x / y${}= x \div d$.

Positive divisor

Let integer $d$ meet both $0 < d < 2^{W-1}$ and $d \ne 2^k$ for all integers $k \ge 0$. That is, we exclude powers of $2$, even $d = 1$, as divisors. The reason is twofold: there are faster computations when $d$ is a power of $2$; and it later simplifies the code a bit.


$$m = (W - 1) + \lceil \log_2 d\rceil, \qquad c = \lceil 2^m / d\rceil$$

Here, $m$ and $c$ meet

$$W + 1 \le m \le 2 W - 2, \qquad 2^{W-1} < c < 2^W$$

so $c$ fits in an unsigned $W$-bit word.

Then, for integer $x$ meeting $0 \le x &lt; 2^{W-1}$, the quotient $q$ meets

$$q = x \div d = \lfloor x c / 2^m\rfloor$$

and for integer $x$ meeting $-2^{W-1} \le x &lt; 0$ it is

$$q = x \div d = \lfloor (x c - 1) / 2^m\rfloor + 1$$

All computations can be done in signed $W$-bit arithmetic (for $m$), or signed $2 W$-bit arithmetic (for other values), and the quotient fits in $W$ bits.

Negative divisor

For integer $d$ meeting $-2^{W-1} \le d &lt; 0$ and $-d \ne 2^k$ for all integers $k \ge 0$ (which excludes negated powers of $2$, even the extremes $d = -1$ and $d = -2^{W-1}$), this case reduces to the above by means of the identity

$x \div d = -(x \div (-d))$


The remainder $r$ is defined as

$$r = x - q d = x - (x \div d)d$$

and can be computed using $W$-bit arithmetic once $q$, a $W$-bit value, is known.

Java code for the int case

Positive divisor

Preliminary check

To check whether an unsigned int d (an int interpreted as an unsigned value) is a power of $2$:

(d & (d - 1)) == 0;     // holds iff d is a power of 2, or if d = 0

Compile-time preparation

int m = (2 * Integer.SIZE - 1) - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(d);
long c = (1L << m) / d + 1;     // the division only happens at compile-time

No overflows occur.

Here, c could fit in an unsigned int. If so, below it must be masked with 0xFFFF_FFFFL before multiplication.

Since about half of the admitted divisors is even, one can apply a reduction step as follows

int k = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros((int) c);
c >>>= k;
m -= k;

As alluded, in about half of the cases this leads to a $c$ that fits in a signed int. For int divisors, the exponent $m$ still meets $m \ge W + 1$, even after reduction. This might help in emitting faster code.

Truncating division

It turns out that, in the int case, $x c$ is never a multiple of $2^m$, except for $x = 0$. This means that, for $x &lt; 0$, the above equation for the quotient $q$ can be simplified to

$$q = x \div d = \lfloor x c / 2^m\rfloor + 1$$

long p = x * c;     // to reduce latency, schedule the product before computing s
int s = x >>> (Integer.SIZE - 1);   // 0 if x >= 0; 1 if x < 0
int q = (int) (p >> m) + s;

again without overflows.


If accessing the high int half of a long, and shifting it, is faster than just shifting a long, the line for q can be replaced by

int q = (high_half(p) >> (m - Integer.SIZE)) + s;

where the shift distance m - Integer.SIZE is a compile-time constant.

Of course, in compile-time contexts where x is known to be non-negative, the division can be simplified to the one-liner

int q = (int) (x * c >> m);


int q = high_half(x * c) >> (m - Integer.SIZE);

Similarly when x is known to be negative.

Negative divisor

Computing -d overflows to itself when d = Integer.MIN_VALUE, but this is not an issue: indeed, when seen as an unsigned value, this is a power of $2$, and thus excluded during the preliminary check.


int m = (2 * Integer.SIZE - 1) - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(-d);
long c = (-1L << m) / d + 1;    // the division only happens at compile-time


long p = x * c;     // to reduce latency, schedule the product before computing s
int s = x >>> (Integer.SIZE - 1);   // 0 if x >= 0; 1 if x < 0
int q = -((int) (p >> m) + s);

with similar variations as above.