A sample implementation of a PKI with a standalone Certificate Authority with step-ca on Azure, leveraging Azure Key Vault, Azure MySQL (soon) and Managed Identities. Please refer to smallstep documentation for any step-ca or step cli details. For convenience, I'm adding here the documentation referenced by me while building this sample.
- The Design & Architecture of Smallstep
- Installation
- Configuration
- Azure Key Vault
- step cli init documentation
- Production considerations
- Integrations
- Provisioners
- Move the backlog to GitHub
- Add detailed deployment guidance, automation details and architecture diagram
- Add feature set details and mapping to Azure services.
- Configure the Azure Provisioner
- Configure the ACME provisioner, Run your own private CA & ACME server using step-ca
- Configure the OAuth/OIDC provider with Azure AD
- Add client scenarios, VM, AKS, https://github.com/shibayan/keyvault-acmebot
- Review public access/firewall for services behind Private Endpoint
- Review Key Vault RBAC for minimum rights required
- Review Step provisioners and Remote Provisioner management
- Add MySQL as Database
- Test Azure Managed HSM and Azure Dedicated HSM
- Add High Availability to MySQL
- Improve CA initialization during deployment via script or ACI.
- Store password, ca.json and defaults.json in Key Vault.
- Add High Availability to step-ca
- Add VMSS base image
- Azure Monitor support, metrics and logs
- Add Deploy to Azure portal experience
- SSH and Azure AD SSO
- AKS version smallstep/step-ca and Helm Chart
Login to your target subscription with Azure CLI and ensure it's the current default subscription.
az login az account show -o tsv --query name
The following environment variables can be used by the deployment script to set the required parameter values. Please review the template for the full list of parameters that can be configured.
Variable Default value Notes AZURE_RG_NAME Target Resource Group AZURE_LOCATION westeurope Target region for the deployment CA_CAVMNAME Virtual Machine name CA_KEYVAULTNAME Key Vault name CA_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY SSH Public Key DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD Database admin user password CA_INIT_PASSWORD Parameter for step ca init --password-file contents CA_INIT_NAME CA Name CA_INIT_DNS The DNS fully qualified name of the CA CA_INIT_PROVISIONER_JWK The name of the default JWK provisioner AZURE_DNS_RESOLVER_OUTBOUND_TARGET_DNS A json array of targetdnsserver objects. AZURE_DNS_RESOLVER_OUTBOUND_DOMAIN the target domain with traling dot. For more information about the CA_INIT_ parameters, please refer to the step ca init documentation.
Variables can be exposed to the deployment script in the shell or via codespaces secrets if you use the provided codespaces container. For example:
export CA_CAVMNAME="myca" export AZURE_LOCATION="uksouth"
Run the deployment script.
Connect to your CA via Azure Bastion from a Virtual Machine with the matching private key. The provided script depends on the last deployment to the resource group to discover the necessary parameters.
az extension add --name ssh
export AZURE_RG_NAME="pki"
export AZURE_BASTION=$(az deployment group list -g pki -o tsv --query [0].properties.parameters.bastionName.value)
export CA_ADMIN_NAME=$(az deployment group list -g pki -o tsv --query [0].properties.parameters.caVMAdminUsername.value)
export CA_VM_NAME=$(az deployment group list -g pki -o tsv --query [0].properties.parameters.caVMName.value)
az network bastion ssh -n $AZURE_BASTION -g $AZURE_RG_NAME \
--auth-type ssh-key --username $CA_ADMIN_NAME --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa \
--target-resource-id $(az vm show -g $AZURE_RG_NAME --name $CA_VM_NAME -o tsv --query id)
Once connected, you can verify the daemon state with:
systemctl status step-ca
Note: these are included in the provide dev container/codespaces.