In this section, SNPs are identified using a combination of SAMTOOLS v1.3 and BCFTOOLS v1.3. After several filtering steps, the PSMC analysis is performed and results plotted.
# Call and Filter SNPs
samtools1.3 mpileup \
-C 50 \
-q 20 \
-Q 20 \
-d 200 \
-u \
-f C_mydas.fa \
C_mydas.merged.sorted.bam | \
bcftools1.3 call \
-m -v | \
bcftools1.3 filter \
-g10 -G10 -O v | \
bcftools1.3 filter \
-sFAIL -e'%QUAL<20 || \
INFO/DP<=15 || \
INFO/DP>=88 || \
INFO/MQ<=30 || \
INFO/MQB<1e-20 || \
INFO/RPB<0.0001 || \
INFO/BQB<0.0001 || \
(INFO/DP4[1]+INFO/DP4[2]<=2) || \
(INFO/DP4[3]+INFO/DP4[4]<=2)' \
-O v > C_mydas.filtered.vcf
# Remove INDELS, Mitochondrial SNPs, and retain only "PASS" SNPs
grep "^#" C_mydas.filtered.vcf | \
cat - <(grep -v "^#" ../C_mydas.filtered.vcf | grep "PASS" | grep -v "INDEL" | grep -v "NC_000886.1") \
> input.vcf
# Dont forget to make a new reference fasta file and index
# using the genome without the mitochondrial contig
Description of parameters:
- samtools1.3 mpileup :: create pileup file
- -C 50 :: adjust mapping quality; recommended:50
- -q 20 :: skip alignments with mapQ smaller than 20
- -Q 20 :: skip bases with baseQ/BAQ smaller than 20
- -d 200 :: max per-BAM depth (200x coverage); avoids excessive memory usage
- -u :: uncompressed BAM output
- -f C_mydas.fa :: indexed reference genome file
- bcftools1.3 call :: SNP/indel variant calling from VCF/BCF. To be used in conjunction with samtools mpileup
- -m :: alternative model for multiallelic and rare-variant calling (conflicts with -c)
- -v :: output variant sites only
- bcftools1.3 filter :: Apply fixed-threshold filters to VCF file
- -g10 :: filter SNPs within 10 base pairs of an indel
- -G10 :: filter clusters of indels separated by 10 or fewer base pairs allowing only one to pass
- -O v :: output type v: uncompressed VCF
- -sFAIL :: annotate FILTER column with "FAIL"
- -e'%QUAL<20 :: exclude sites for which the expression is true (see man page for details), SNP Qaulity < 20
- INFO/DP<=15 :: read depth <= 15X (1/3 genome-wide average) INFO/DP>=88 :: read depth >= 88X (2X genome-wide average) INFO/MQ<=30 :: mean mapping quality of SNP reads <=30 INFO/MQB<1e-20 :: mapping quality strand bias p value less than 10^-20 INFO/RPB<0.0001 :: read position bias p value < 0.0001 INFO/BQB<0.0001 :: base quality bias p value < 0.001 (INFO/DP4[1]+INFO/DP4[2]<=2) :: at least 2 reads with the reference base (INFO/DP4[3]+INFO/DP4[4]<=2)' :: at least 2 reads with the alternate base
Here we apply the ambiguous base codes to all SNPs in the reference genome and and convert the output into a fasta file used by PSMC.
# Make Consensus fasta file
bcftools1.3 consensus \
-f C_mydas.fa \
-i input.vcf | \
gzip > C_mydas.filtered.fa.gz
Description of parameters:
- bcftools1.3 consensus :: Create consensus sequence by applying VCF variants to a reference fasta file -f C_mydas.fa :: indexed reference genoe file -i :: output variants in the form of IUPAC ambiguity codes
This step will generate the PSMC-specific input file format, run PSMC, and also run PSMC on 100 bootstrap replicates.
# Generate psmcfa input file
fq2psmcfa C_mydas.filtered.fa.gz > C_mydas.filtered.psmcfa
# Split for bootstrapping
splitfa C_mydas.filtered.psmcfa > C_mydas.split.filtered.psmcfa
# Run PSMC on the genome
psmc -N25 -t15 -r5 -p "4+25*2+4+6" -o C_mydas.filtered.psmc C_mydas.filtered.psmcfa
# Run PSMC on the bootstrapped files
for b in {1..100}
psmc -N25 -t15 -r5 -b -p "4+25*2+4+6" -o C_mydas.filtered.${b}.bs.psmc C_mydas.split.filtered.psmcfa
# Merge together full and bootstrapped files
cat \
C_mydas.filtered.psmc \
C_mydas.filtered.{1..100}.bs.psmc > \
C_mydas.filtered.combined.psmc \
-X50000000 \
-p \
-g42.8 \
-R \
-x1000 \
-u1.2e-08 \
test \
This is extra code to further make specific plots frm the PSMC output, in addition to adding a sliding window of sea surface temperature data taken from van de Wal et al. 2011 Climate of the Past.
# Load libraries needed
# Open PDF file to write to
pdf("psmc.plot.pdf", height = 7, width = 10)
# Adjust plot margins
par(mar = c(4.1, 4.1, 2.1, 4.1))
# Start new empty plot
plot.window(xlim = c(10000, 40000000), ylim = c(0, 35), log = "x")
axis(1, tck = -0.01, at = c(10000, 100000,1000000,10000000), labels = expression(10^4, 10^5, 10^6, 10^7))
axis(1, tck = -0.01, at = c(20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 60000, 70000, 80000, 90000, 200000, 300000, 400000, 500000, 600000, 700000, 800000, 900000, 2000000,3000000,4000000,5000000,6000000,7000000,8000000,9000000,20000000,30000000,40000000), labels = F)
y.axis = seq(0, 35, by = 1)
axis(2, las = 1)
axis(2, las = 1, tck = -0.01, at = y.axis, labels = F)
# Load temp data
b = read.table("temp-data.tsv", sep = "\t", header = T)
# Rescale temperature data to match X axis and take the mean of every 2000 year window
temps = zoo(rescale(b$Temp, to = c(0, 35)))
temps.mean = rollapply(temps, width = 2000, FUN = mean, align = "right", by = 200) = rollapply(zoo(b$Tbp), width = 200, FUN = median, align = "right", by = 200)
# Add temperature points to the plot
points(, temps.mean, col = rgb(1, 0, 0), lwd = 1, type = "l")
# Plot each bootstrapped PSMC file in gray color
for (i in 1:100){
a = read.table(paste("test.", i, ".txt", sep = ""), header = F)
points(a$V1 + 0.0001, a$V2, col = "grey", type = "l", lwd = 1)
# Plot the overall PSMC results as black line
a = read.table("test.0.txt", header = F)
points(a$V1 + 0.0001, a$V2, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 3)
# Add lines for each major geomagnetic reversal
abline(v = 780000, lty = "dashed", col = "black")
abline(v = 2580000, lty = "dashed", col = "black")
abline(v = 3580000, lty = "dashed", col = "black")
# Add a second Y axis
x = c(min(b$Temp), seq(from = -15, to = 20, by = 5), max(b$Temp))
axis(4, las = 1, tck = -0.01, at = rescale(x, to = c(0, 35))[2:(length(x) - 1)], labels = seq(from = -15, to = 20, by = 5))
# Write plot to PDF file