Here we download only the raw, short-insert, paired-end sequencing data. Short insert sequences are recommended for SNP identification and thus any downstream SNP-related analyses. Long-insert sequences are primarily for scaffolding and structural analyses. To download the data from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA database), we use the NCBI SRATOOLKIT v2.8.2.
The Run Table describing all the SRA metadata for the study can be downloaded here SAMN02981410 Run Table. It also available here as SraRunTable.txt.
# Get list of Run IDs
sed '1d' SraRunTable.txt | cut -f7 | head -8 > SRR.list
The file, [SRR.list](./Data/SRR.list], contains the run IDs for the 8 sequencing libraries to be downloaded. Now they can be downloaded using the commands below.
while read SRA
fastq-dump --split-files -gzip $SRA
echo "Finished $SRA"
done < SRR.list
Description of parameters:
- --split-files :: separate forward and reverse read pairs into separate files
- -gzip :: compress output using gzip
Next, we trim low-quality bases and reads using TRIMMOMATIC v0.35. The code loops through each of the 8 pairs of SRA files (16 in total) separately.
# Trim reads, loop through each SRA file
while read SRA
trimmomatic \
PE \
-threads 8 \
${SRA}_1.fastq.gz \
${SRA}_2.fastq.gz \
${SRA}_F.trimmed.fastq.gz \
${SRA}_F.SE.trimmed.fastq.gz \
${SRA}_R.trimmed.fastq.gz \
${SRA}_R.SE.trimmed.fastq.gz \
ILLUMINACLIP:all.fa:2:30:7 \
done < SRR.list
Desciption of the parameters:
- PE :: the input data are paired-end reads
- -threads 8 :: use four CPUs (threads)
- ${SRA}_1.fastq.gz :: the name of the forward reads file
- ${SRA}_2.fastq.gz :: the name of the reverse reads file
- name of the trimmed and paired forward reads output file
- name of the trimmed and unpaired forward reads output file
- name of the trimmed and paired reverse reads output file
- name of the trimmed and unpaired reverse reads output file
- ILLUMINACLIP:all.fa:2:30:7 :: fasta file of adapter sequences to trim, see file all.fa
- 2 :: seedMismatches: specifies the maximum mismatch count which will still allow a full match to be performed
- 30 :: palindromeClipThreshold: specifies how accurate the match between the two 'adapter ligated' reads must be for PE palindrome read alignment.
- 7 :: simpleClipThreshold: specifies how accurate the match between any adapter etc. sequence must be against a read.
- LEADING:20 :: trim bases from start of the read with a Q < 20
- TRAILING:20 :: trim bases from end of the read with a Q < 20
- SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 :: using a 4-base window, remove the last base if average Q < 20
- AVGQUAL:30 :: remove the entire read if the average quality is < 30
- MINLEN:50 :: remove reads less than 50 bases after quality trimming
The C. mydas genome is downloaded from GenBank and then indexed using BWA v0.7.12.
# Download reference genome
gunzip 8469_ref_CheMyd_1.0_chrUn.fa.gz
mv 8469_ref_CheMyd_1.0_chrUn.fa C_mydas.fa
# Build Index
bwa index \
-a bwtsw \
Trimmed reads are mapped to the indexed reference genome again using BWA v0.7.12. Then, the mapped reads are filtered for mapping quality, and only properly-paired reads with both mates mapped are kept using SAMTOOLS v1.3. Next, the BAM files are sorted, duplicates removed, and indexed also using SAMTOOLS.
# Define a read group in header
# Begin mapping, looping through each SRA file pair of trimmed reads
while read SRA
bwa mem \
-t 8 \
-R $rg \
-M \
C_mydas.fa \
${SRA}_F.trimmed.fastq.gz \
${SRA}_R.trimmed.fastq.gz | \
samtools1.3 view \
-b \
-q 20 \
-f 0x0002 \
-F 0x0004 \
-F 0x0008 \
-T C_mydas.fa \
- | \
samtools1.3 sort -T ${SRA}.tmp \
- | \
samtools rmdup \
- ${SRA}.sorted.bam
# Index the BAM file
samtools1.3 index ${SRA}.sorted.bam
# Get mapping stats from the BAM file
samtools1.3 stats ${SRA}.sorted.bam > ${SRA}.bamstats
done < SRR.list
Desciption of the parameters:
- -t 8 :: 8 threads
- -R $rg :: add the read group line to the BAM header
- -M :: mark shorter split hits as secondary
- C_mydas.fa :: indexed reference genome file
- samtools1.3 view :: use samtools v1.3 to filter aligned reads
- -b :: output file in BAM format
- -q 20 :: only include reads with mapping quality >=20
- -f 0x0002 :: only include reads with all bits set in INT set in FLAG (properly paired)
- -F 0x0004 :: only include reads with none of the bits set in INT set in FLAG (read unmapped)
- -F 0x0008 :: only include reads with none of the bits set in INT set in FLAG (mate unmapped)
- -T C_mydas.fa :: indexed reference genome file
- samtools1.3 sort :: use samtools v1.3 to sort the BAM file
- -T ${SRA}.tmp :: store temporary sorted files here samtools rmdup :: use the older samtools v0.1.19 to remove duplicate reads
Right now there is a separate BAM file for each read library (8 bam files). Now, we make a list of these BAM files and merge them all together using SAMTOOLS
# Make list of bam files
ls *.bam > bams.list
# Make a header file using any one of the sorted BAM files
samtools1.3 view -H SRR446050.sorted.bam > header.txt
# Merge using samtools
samtools1.3 merge \
-h header.txt \
-b bams.list \
# Index the merged BAM file
samtools1.3 index C_mydas.merged.sorted.bam
# Get stats from the merged BAM file
samtools1.3 stats C_mydas.merged.sorted.bam > C_mydas.merged.sorted.bamstats