1. Input Variables (Ground-truth)
The ADNI patient dataset (dataset/adni/adni_fold{i}.xls
) has the following columns.
Column Name | Description |
RID | Patient ID |
VISCODE | Baseline (bl) or month of measurement (mXX) |
Years | Year of clinical measurement |
DX_bl/ DX_bl_num | Diagnosis at baseline (year 0) - Type of cognitive impairment (EMCI, CN, LMCI, SMC) |
CurAGE | Patient's age |
PTGENDER/ PTGENDER_num | Gender (Male/Female) |
PTEDUCAT | Years of education |
APOEPOS | Presence of APOE ε4 gene |
MMSE_norm, ADAS11_norm, ADAS13_norm | Normalized MMSE, ADAS11, ADAS13 scores |
mri_FRONT_norm, mri_HIPPO_norm |
cogsc |
2. Estimated parameters for differential equations
The differential equations' parameters that were estimated based on demographics of ADNI patient dataset (dataset/adni/adni_fold{i}_parameters.xls
) has the following columns.
Column Name | Description |
beta_estm |
tpo_estm | Actual pathology time-period at baseline (CurAGE - 50) |
alpha1_estm |
alpha2_gamma_estm |
Each experiment's config is saved under configs\train_configs
or configs\eval_config
Column Name | Description |
name | Experiment name |
seed | Random seed used in the experiment or data generation. |
gamma | The gamma parameter used in modeling the relationship between Y(t), X(t) and I(t) |
gamma_type | Type of gamma parameter, which can be 'variable' or 'fixed'. |
epochs | Number of training epochs or iterations in an experiment. |
batch_size | Size of data batches used in training. |
cog_mtl |
discount | Discount factor applied to rewards in RL. |
max_time_steps | Maximum number of time steps (years in this case) n a training episode. |
w_lambda | Trade-off between the mismatch (C_task - C(t)) and the energy cost M(t) in the reward function (see Eq 8 of the original paper) |
action_lim | Limit or constraint applied to action values. Set to 2.0 , so |
cog_init | Initial value or setting for cognitive measurements. Set to full (a value of 10.0) |
cog_type | Type of cognitive data, e.g., 'variable' or 'fixed'. |
energy_model | Type or name of the energy model used in the experiment. inverse or inverse_squared
score | cognition score to use (MMSE, ADAS11, ADAS13). |
network | MLP network hidden layer size. defauts to 2-layer MLP with hidden_size = 32, so [32,32]. |
algo | Name or type of the machine learning or RL algorithm. |
category | Fixed to 'APOE' which is the APOE ε4 gene. |
1. Variables computed using estimated DE parameters and information allocation by RL model
The results for each experiment run are saved in results/{algo}/{fold}/{seed}/{experiment_name}.xlsx
and contains the following RL model's predictions for each timestep (in addition to the Input Variables (Ground Truth)):
reg1: medial temporal lobe (mtl/HC) i.e. Hippocampus or hippocampal region
reg2: frontal temporal lobe (ftl/PFC) i.e. Pre-Frontal Cortex (PFC) or frontal region
Column Name | Description |
reg1_info_rl |
reg2_info_rl |
reg1_fdg_rl |
reg2_fdg_rl |
reg1_mri_rl |
reg2_mri_rl |
reg1_D_rl |
reg2_D_rl |
beta_rl, alpha1_rl, alpha2_rl, gamma_rl | Parameters used by RL model for the DE-based simulator |
cogsc_rl | $C(t) = \sum I_v (t) $ Cognition score computed by RL (reg1_info_rl + reg2_info_rl) |
cogsc |
cog_diff | Difference between cogsc_rl and cogsc |
2. RL Reward
Each experiment's errors between RL predictions and ground truth values (Mean Absolute Error and Mean Square Error) are saved in results/summary_{dataset}.csv
with the following data. |
Column Name | Description |
train_mae, valid_mae, test_mae | Mean Absolute Error (MAE ) on the train, validation and test split. |
train_mse, valid_mse, test_mse | Mean Squared Error (MSE ) on the train, validation and test split. |
train_mae_emci, valid_mae_emci, test_mae_emci | MAE for Early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI) category for the 3 splits |
train_mae_cn, valid_mae_cn, test_mae_cn | MAE for Early Cognitive Normal (CN) category for the 3 splits |
train_mae_lmci, valid_mae_lmci, test_mae_lmci | MAE for Late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI) category for the 3 splits |
train_mae_smc, valid_mae_smc, test_mae_smc | MAE for Signficant Memory Concern (SMC) category for the 3 splits |
train_mse_emci, valid_mse_emci, test_mse_emci | MSE for Early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI) category for the 3 splits |
train_mse_cn, valid_mse_cn, test_mse_cn | MSE for Early Cognitive Normal (CN) category for the 3 splits |
train_mse_lmci, valid_mse_lmci, test_mse_lmci | MSE for Late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI) category for the 3 splits |
train_mse_smc, valid_mse_smc, test_mse_smc | MSE for Signficant Memory Concern (SMC) category for the 3 splits |
train_reward_rl, valid_reward_rl, test_reward_rl | RL-based reward for the 3 splits |
train_reward, valid_reward,test_reward | Reward metric for the 3 splits |