Log your access logs from nginxproxymanager traffic to influxdb for grafana.
Download the GeoLite2 databases from maxmind.com or via the script. Create a nginx folder in your current pwd with a nginx.conf file inside.
docker run -d --name nginxproxymanager-traf \
-e INFLUXDB_URL=influxdb \
-e INFLUXDB_TOKEN=influxdb \
-e INFLUXDB_BUCKET=influxdb \
-e INFLUXDB_ORG=influxdb \
-v nginx-logs:/logs \
-v $(pwd)/GeoLite2-City.mmdb:/app/GeoLite2-City.mmdb \
-v $(pwd)/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb:/app/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb \
-v $(pwd)/nginx/:/app/nginx/ \
--restart=unless-stopped \
// geo specific data will be empty if it's a local / internal IP
NewPoint("nginx_access_log", map[string]string{
"target": host,
"client_ip": remoteAddr,
"city": cityName,
"state": stateName,
"country": country,
"latitude": fmt.Sprintf("%f", latitude),
"longitude": fmt.Sprintf("%f", longitude),
"postal_code": postalCode,
"asn": asn,
}, map[string]interface{}{
"upstream_status": upstreamStatus,
"status": status,
"method": requestMethod,
"scheme": scheme,
"target": host,
"uri": requestUri,
"client_ip": remoteAddr,
"body_bytes": parseInt,
"gzip_ratio": gzipRation,
"server": server,
"user_agent": httpUserAgent,
"referer": httpReferer,
"request_time": timeString,
"city": cityName,
"state": stateName,
"country": country,
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude,
"postal_code": postalCode,
"asn": asn,
}, time)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.