The PwnedPasswords ingestion endpoint can be found at the /ingestion/append
path. To submit passwords for ingestion you'll need to send a JSON array with each element containing a sha1Hash
, ntlmHash
and a prevalence
for each password.
Example JSON document for the passwords Passw0rd!
and hunter2
"sha1": "F4A69973E7B0BF9D160F9F60E3C3ACD2494BEB0D",
"ntlm": "FC525C9683E8FE067095BA2DDC971889",
"num": 15
"sha1": "F3BBBD66A63D4BF1747940578EC3D0103530E21D",
"ntlm": "6608E4BC7B2B7A5F77CE3573570775AF",
"num": 25
The ingestion endpoint is authenticated with Azure API Management and requires a valid subscription key to be sent with the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
HTTP header. Here is an example request:
POST /ingestion/append HTTP/1.1
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: __EXAMPLE_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY__
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 329
"sha1": "F4A69973E7B0BF9D160F9F60E3C3ACD2494BEB0D",
"ntlm": "FC525C9683E8FE067095BA2DDC971889",
"num": 15
"sha1": "F3BBBD66A63D4BF1747940578EC3D0103530E21D",
"ntlm": "6608E4BC7B2B7A5F77CE3573570775AF",
"num": 25
If the entry is valid and accepted the API will return a 200 OK response containing a transaction id.
Example response:
"transactionId": "c2c59a12-4788-40b3-b8b4-4fa2e720aab8"
To confirm the submission, the transaction ID must be submitted to the /ingestion/append/confirm
endpoint, again providing the API Management subscription key. This step is intentional to reduce accidental multiple submissions. Non-confirmed submissions will be deleted if they aren't confirmed within 24 hours.
Example request:
POST /append/confirm HTTP/1.1
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: __EXAMPLE_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY__
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 65
"transactionId": "c2c59a12-4788-40b3-b8b4-4fa2e720aab8"
If the transaction is found and has not been confirmed already, the API will respond with a 200 OK response. The hashes will then be queued and processes. The updates won't show up immediately in the blobs, but they should have their cache purged at 00:30 UTC the next day.