- If you are using vscode, install and enable the required extensions.
- If you are not using vscode, sort your imports and use the following prettier settings:
- semi: true
- singleQuote: false
- printWidth: 100
- trailingComma: "es5"
- tabWidth: 2
- useTabs: false
- If you are not using vscode, sort your imports and use the following prettier settings:
- Functions, constants and variables are always camelCase
- Classes are allowed to be PascalCase
- Extract shared code to util
- Code that is not a plugin or hook lives in cli
Contributing a plugin to the denopack repo is not only extremely welcomed, it's even encouraged. That does mean a few conventions are in order, extending from the existing Rollup conventions these are:
- Plugins should have a clear plugin name with a
prefix - Plugin functions are always camelCased and are default exported
- Plugins and their documentation should be stored in a separate folder inside the plugin directory
- Optionally also indicating what the most impactful action is (resolve, load, transform, bundle ...). The typescriptCompile plugin is an obvious exception, but do take a look at the naming of the other plugins
- Use async Deno APIs (readFile not readFileSync, etc.)
- Document your plugin in English and detail what flags are required! Here's an example
Contributing a hook follows the following conventions:
- Hooks start with the keyword use
- Hooks are always camelCased
- Hooks are stored inside of hooks.ts
- Hooks are always functions and always return an array of plugins
- Using plugins that accept configuration options in hooks should always be allowed to pass config down to that plugin
- Configuration options are stored in one object containing all configuration options, see hooks.ts for examples