diff --git a/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/kill_cancel.rs b/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/kill_cancel.rs
index 81675c136f..a2c48764fa 100644
--- a/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/kill_cancel.rs
+++ b/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/kill_cancel.rs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 use super::{fixtures, matchers, *};
+use crate::partition::state_machine::tests::matchers::{invoked, killed, suspended};
 use assert2::assert;
 use assert2::let_assert;
 use googletest::any;
@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ async fn terminate_scheduled_invocation(
             response: eq(IngressResponseResult::Failure(match termination_flavor {
                 TerminationFlavor::Kill => KILLED_INVOCATION_ERROR,
                 TerminationFlavor::Cancel => CANCELED_INVOCATION_ERROR,
+                _ => panic!("Unexpected termination flavor"),
@@ -172,6 +174,288 @@ async fn terminate_scheduled_invocation(
+#[case(ExperimentalFeature::InvocationStatusKilled.into(), TerminationFlavor::KillAndRestart)]
+#[case(EnumSet::empty(), TerminationFlavor::KillAndRestart)]
+#[case(EnumSet::empty(), TerminationFlavor::CancelAndRestart)]
+async fn terminate_and_restart_scheduled_invocation_has_no_effect(
+    #[case] experimental_features: EnumSet<ExperimentalFeature>,
+    #[case] termination_flavor: TerminationFlavor,
+) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+    let mut test_env = TestEnv::create_with_experimental_features(experimental_features).await;
+    let invocation_id = InvocationId::mock_random();
+    let _ = test_env
+        .apply(Command::Invoke(ServiceInvocation {
+            invocation_id,
+            execution_time: Some(MillisSinceEpoch::MAX),
+            ..ServiceInvocation::mock()
+        }))
+        .await;
+    // assert that inboxed invocation is in invocation_status
+    let scheduled_invocation_status = test_env
+        .storage()
+        .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+        .await?;
+    assert!(let InvocationStatus::Scheduled(_) = scheduled_invocation_status);
+    // This has no effect
+    let actions = test_env
+        .apply(Command::TerminateInvocation(InvocationTermination {
+            invocation_id,
+            flavor: termination_flavor,
+        }))
+        .await;
+    assert_that!(actions, empty());
+    // Invocation status didn't change at all
+    assert_eq!(
+        scheduled_invocation_status,
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+    );
+    test_env.shutdown().await;
+    Ok(())
+#[case(ExperimentalFeature::InvocationStatusKilled.into(), TerminationFlavor::KillAndRestart)]
+#[case(EnumSet::empty(), TerminationFlavor::KillAndRestart)]
+#[case(EnumSet::empty(), TerminationFlavor::CancelAndRestart)]
+async fn terminate_and_restart_inboxed_invocation_has_no_effect(
+    #[case] experimental_features: EnumSet<ExperimentalFeature>,
+    #[case] termination_flavor: TerminationFlavor,
+) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+    let mut test_env = TestEnv::create_with_experimental_features(experimental_features).await;
+    let invocation_target = InvocationTarget::mock_virtual_object();
+    let invocation_id = InvocationId::mock_generate(&invocation_target);
+    // First invocation takes the lock
+    let _ = test_env
+        .apply(Command::Invoke(ServiceInvocation {
+            invocation_id: InvocationId::mock_generate(&invocation_target),
+            invocation_target: invocation_target.clone(),
+            ..ServiceInvocation::mock()
+        }))
+        .await;
+    // This invocation will be inboxed
+    let _ = test_env
+        .apply(Command::Invoke(ServiceInvocation {
+            invocation_id,
+            invocation_target: invocation_target.clone(),
+            ..ServiceInvocation::mock()
+        }))
+        .await;
+    // assert that inboxed invocation is in invocation_status
+    let inboxed_invocation_status = test_env
+        .storage()
+        .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+        .await?;
+    assert!(let InvocationStatus::Inboxed(_) = inboxed_invocation_status);
+    // This has no effect
+    let actions = test_env
+        .apply(Command::TerminateInvocation(InvocationTermination {
+            invocation_id,
+            flavor: termination_flavor,
+        }))
+        .await;
+    assert_that!(actions, empty());
+    // Invocation status didn't change at all
+    assert_eq!(
+        inboxed_invocation_status,
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await
+            .unwrap()
+    );
+    test_env.shutdown().await;
+    Ok(())
+async fn kill_and_restart_when_invoked() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+    let mut test_env = TestEnv::create_with_experimental_features(
+        ExperimentalFeature::InvocationStatusKilled.into(),
+    )
+    .await;
+    let invocation_id = InvocationId::mock_random();
+    // Start invocation and pin the deployment and add one entry (doesn't matter which one)
+    let _ = test_env
+        .apply_multiple([
+            Command::Invoke(ServiceInvocation {
+                invocation_id,
+                ..ServiceInvocation::mock()
+            }),
+            Command::InvokerEffect(InvokerEffect {
+                invocation_id,
+                kind: InvokerEffectKind::PinnedDeployment(PinnedDeployment {
+                    deployment_id: Default::default(),
+                    service_protocol_version: Default::default(),
+                }),
+            }),
+            Command::InvokerEffect(InvokerEffect {
+                invocation_id,
+                kind: InvokerEffectKind::JournalEntry {
+                    entry_index: 1,
+                    entry: ProtobufRawEntryCodec::serialize_enriched(Entry::ClearAllState),
+                },
+            }),
+        ])
+        .await;
+    assert_that!(
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await?,
+        invoked()
+    );
+    // First we should transition to killed status
+    let _ = test_env
+        .apply(Command::TerminateInvocation(InvocationTermination {
+            invocation_id,
+            flavor: TerminationFlavor::KillAndRestart,
+        }))
+        .await;
+    assert_that!(
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await?,
+        killed()
+    );
+    // Now send the Failed invoker effect to complete the kill procedure
+    let actions = test_env
+        .apply(Command::InvokerEffect(InvokerEffect {
+            invocation_id,
+            kind: InvokerEffectKind::Failed(KILLED_INVOCATION_ERROR),
+        }))
+        .await;
+    // Should have restarted the invocation
+    assert_that!(
+        actions,
+        contains(matchers::actions::invoke_for_id(invocation_id))
+    );
+    // We should be back to invoked state with a reset journal and reset deployment id
+    assert_that!(
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await?,
+        pat!(InvocationStatus::Invoked(pat!(
+            InFlightInvocationMetadata {
+                journal_metadata: pat!(JournalMetadata { length: eq(1) }),
+                pinned_deployment: none(),
+                restart_when_completed: eq(false)
+            }
+        )))
+    );
+    test_env.shutdown().await;
+    Ok(())
+async fn kill_and_restart_when_suspended() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+    let mut test_env = TestEnv::create_with_experimental_features(
+        ExperimentalFeature::InvocationStatusKilled.into(),
+    )
+    .await;
+    let invocation_id = InvocationId::mock_random();
+    // Start invocation, pin the deployment, add one completable entry, suspend
+    let _ = test_env
+        .apply_multiple([
+            Command::Invoke(ServiceInvocation {
+                invocation_id,
+                ..ServiceInvocation::mock()
+            }),
+            Command::InvokerEffect(InvokerEffect {
+                invocation_id,
+                kind: InvokerEffectKind::PinnedDeployment(PinnedDeployment {
+                    deployment_id: Default::default(),
+                    service_protocol_version: Default::default(),
+                }),
+            }),
+            Command::InvokerEffect(InvokerEffect {
+                invocation_id,
+                kind: InvokerEffectKind::JournalEntry {
+                    entry_index: 1,
+                    entry: ProtobufRawEntryCodec::serialize_enriched(Entry::Awakeable(
+                        AwakeableEntry { result: None },
+                    )),
+                },
+            }),
+            Command::InvokerEffect(InvokerEffect {
+                invocation_id,
+                kind: InvokerEffectKind::Suspended {
+                    waiting_for_completed_entries: [1].into(),
+                },
+            }),
+        ])
+        .await;
+    assert_that!(
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await?,
+        suspended()
+    );
+    // This should immediately restart
+    let actions = test_env
+        .apply(Command::TerminateInvocation(InvocationTermination {
+            invocation_id,
+            flavor: TerminationFlavor::KillAndRestart,
+        }))
+        .await;
+    // Should have restarted the invocation
+    assert_that!(
+        actions,
+        contains(matchers::actions::invoke_for_id(invocation_id))
+    );
+    // We should be back to invoked state with a reset journal and reset deployment id
+    assert_that!(
+        test_env
+            .storage()
+            .get_invocation_status(&invocation_id)
+            .await?,
+        pat!(InvocationStatus::Invoked(pat!(
+            InFlightInvocationMetadata {
+                journal_metadata: pat!(JournalMetadata { length: eq(1) }),
+                pinned_deployment: none(),
+                restart_when_completed: eq(false)
+            }
+        )))
+    );
+    test_env.shutdown().await;
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/matchers.rs b/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/matchers.rs
index eee3267af1..9d84d3eef4 100644
--- a/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/matchers.rs
+++ b/crates/worker/src/partition/state_machine/tests/matchers.rs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 use bytes::Bytes;
 use bytestring::ByteString;
 use googletest::prelude::*;
+use restate_storage_api::invocation_status_table::InvocationStatus;
 use restate_storage_api::timer_table::{TimerKey, TimerKeyKind};
 use restate_types::errors::codes;
 use restate_types::identifiers::EntryIndex;
@@ -152,6 +153,18 @@ pub mod outbox {
+pub fn invoked() -> impl Matcher<ActualT = InvocationStatus> {
+    pat!(InvocationStatus::Invoked { .. })
+pub fn suspended() -> impl Matcher<ActualT = InvocationStatus> {
+    pat!(InvocationStatus::Suspended { .. })
+pub fn killed() -> impl Matcher<ActualT = InvocationStatus> {
+    pat!(InvocationStatus::Killed { .. })
 pub fn completion(
     entry_index: EntryIndex,
     completion_result: CompletionResult,