finite-automata-partition-refinement is a tool implementing the partition refinement algorithm, and offers three main functionalities: 1) Sorting (Pseudo)-Wheeler automata, 2) Pruning an (input-consistent) automaton in to two automata recognizing infima and suprema strings, 3) Compute the co-lexicographic intervals of an (input-consistent) automaton states.
- A modern C++17 compiler such as
version 8.4 or higher. - The cmake build system, version \geq 3.10.
- A Linux or MacOS 64-bit operating system.
- The Graphviz software.
To clone the repository, run:
git clone
cd finite-automata-partition-refinement
You can compile using cmake and make:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This tool can take in input an input-consistent automaton in .dot format; the source state must have the smallest id (see below for an example),
strict digraph {
S1 -> S2 [ label = 84 ];
S2 -> S3 [ label = 65 ];
S3 -> S4 [ label = 84 ];
S4 -> S5 [ label = 65 ];
S5 -> S2 [ label = 84 ];
S5 -> S6 [ label = 67 ];
S6 -> S6 [ label = 67 ];
S6 -> S7 [ label = 65 ];
S7 -> S8 [ label = 67 ];
S8 -> S9 [ label = 84 ];
S9 -> S7 [ label = 65 ];
S9 -> S4 [ label = 84 ];
The tool can also accept an intermediate format: it consists of one edge per line (origin edge-label destination) plus the first line containing numbers of states, number of edges, source state, and number of accepting states (see below for an example).
9 12 0 1
0 T 1
1 A 2
2 T 3
3 A 4
4 T 1
4 C 5
5 C 5
5 A 6
6 C 7
7 T 8
8 A 6
8 T 3
usage: [-h] [-outpath OUTPATH] [--sort] [--prune] [--intervals] [--compact] [--intermediate] [--keep] [--verbose] input
Tool to sort and prune finite automata using the partition refinement algorithm.
positional arguments:
input automaton file path
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-outpath OUTPATH output file basename (def. filename.part)
--sort sort a (Pseudo-)Wheeler automaton using the partition refinement algorithm (def. False)
--prune compute pruned (infsup-automaton) automaton recognizing infima and suprema strings (def. False)
--intervals compute the colex. intervals of the input automaton (def. False)
--compact write the output automata in compact format (def. False)
--intermediate take in input an intermediate file instead of a .dot file (def. False)
--keep keep intermediate files (def. False)
--verbose verbose mode on (def. False)
Note that all input automata are supposed to be input consistent, i.e., it must hold that each automaton state is reached by edges labeled with the same character.
// Take in input a (Pseudo)-Wheeler automata and run algorithm (1)
python3 --sort data/
// Take in input a finite automata (input consistent) and run algorithm (2) and (3)
python3 --prune --compact --intermediate data/randWG.inter
python3 --intervals --intermediate data/randWG.inter
[1] Ruben Becker, Manuel Cáceres, Davide Cenzato, Sung-Hwan Kim, Bojana Kodric, Francisco Olivares, Nicola Prezza: Sorting Finite Automata via Partition Refinement. ESA 2023: 15:1-15:15 (go to the paper)
[2] Ruben Becker, Manuel Cáceres, Davide Cenzato, Sung-Hwan Kim, Bojana Kodric, Francisco Olivares, Nicola Prezza: Sorting Finite Automata via Partition Refinement. CoRR abs/2305.05129 (2023) (go to the paper)
Please, if you use this tool in an academic setting, cite the following paper:
author = {Ruben Becker and
Manuel C{\'{a}}ceres and
Davide Cenzato and
Sung{-}Hwan Kim and
Bojana Kodric and
Francisco Olivares and
Nicola Prezza},
title = {Sorting Finite Automata via Partition Refinement},
booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 31st Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, {ESA} 2023},
series = {LIPIcs},
volume = {274},
pages = {15:1--15:15},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.4230/LIPICS.ESA.2023.15}
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, project REGINDEX, grant agreement No 101039208