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File metadata and controls

1014 lines (806 loc) · 36.9 KB

CISO Assistant Data Model

Entity-relationship diagram



    USER_GROUP      ||--o{ USER      : contains
    ROLE            }o--|{ PERMISSION: contains
    ROLE_ASSIGNMENT }o--o| USER_GROUP: contains
    ROLE_ASSIGNMENT }o--o| USER      : contains
    ROLE_ASSIGNMENT }o--|| FOLDER    : contains
    ROLE_ASSIGNMENT }o--|| ROLE      : contains

    USER {
        string email

        string name


Folder organization


    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ DOMAIN                      : contains
    DOMAIN                ||--o{ PROJECT                     : contains
    DOMAIN                ||--o{ RISK_ASSESSMENT_REVIEW      : contains
    DOMAIN                ||--o{ COMPLIANCE_ASSESSMENT_REVIEW: contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ FRAMEWORK                   : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ REFERENCE_CONTROL           : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ STORED_LIBRARY              : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ LOADED_LIBRARY              : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ USER                        : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ USER_GROUP                  : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ ROLE                        : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER           ||--o{ ROLE_ASSIGNMENT             : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER_OR_DOMAIN ||--o{ EVIDENCE                    : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER_OR_DOMAIN ||--o{ APPLIED_CONTROL             : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER_OR_DOMAIN ||--o{ RISK_ACCEPTANCE             : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER_OR_DOMAIN ||--o{ ASSET                       : contains
    ROOT_FOLDER_OR_DOMAIN ||--o{ THREAT                      : contains

    DOMAIN {
        string name
        string description


Library model


    LOADED_LIBRARY  |o--o{ THREAT           : contains
    LOADED_LIBRARY  ||--o{ FRAMEWORK        : contains
    LOADED_LIBRARY  ||--o{ RISK_MATRIX      : contains
    LOADED_LIBRARY  ||--o{ MAPPING          : contains
    LOADED_LIBRARY2 }o--o{ LOADED_LIBRARY   : depends_on

General data model


    REQUIREMENT_NODE             }o--o{ REFERENCE_CONTROL     : leverages
    COMPLIANCE_ASSESSMENT        }o--|| FRAMEWORK             : is_based_on
    PROJECT                      ||--o{ COMPLIANCE_ASSESSMENT : contains
    REQUIREMENT_ASSESSMENT       }o--|| REQUIREMENT_NODE      : implements
    REQUIREMENT_ASSESSMENT       }o--o{ APPLIED_CONTROL       : is_answered_by
    REQUIREMENT_ASSESSMENT       }o--o{ EVIDENCE              : is_proved_by
    APPLIED_CONTROL              }o--o| REFERENCE_CONTROL     : implements
    REQUIREMENT_NODE             }o--o{ THREAT                : addresses
    FRAMEWORK                    ||--o{ REQUIREMENT_NODE      : contains
    APPLIED_CONTROL              }o--o{ EVIDENCE              : is_proved_by
    RISK_ASSESSMENT              }o--|| RISK_MATRIX           : applies
    PROJECT                      ||--o{ RISK_ASSESSMENT       : contains
    RISK_ASSESSMENT              ||--o{ RISK_SCENARIO         : contains
    RISK_SCENARIO                }o--o{ APPLIED_CONTROL       : is_mitigated_by
    RISK_SCENARIO                }o--o{ THREAT                : derives_from
    RISK_SCENARIO                }o--o{ ASSET                 : threatens
    RISK_ACCEPTANCE              }o--o{ RISK_SCENARIO         : covers
    RISK_ASSESSMENT_REVIEW       }o--|| RISK_ASSESSMENT       : reviews

        string name
        string description
        string internal_reference
        string status

        string  urn
        string  locale
        boolean default_locale
        string  ref_id
        string  name
        string  description
        string  annotation
        string  provider
        json    implementation_groups_definition
        int     min_score
        int     max_score
        json    scores_definition

        string      name
        string      description

        string      version
        float       score
        date        eta
        date        due_date
        string      status
        principal[] author
        principal[] reviewer
        string[]    tags
        string[]    selected_implementation_groups
        int     min_score
        int     max_score
        json    scores_definition

        string      name
        string      description

        string      version
        date        eta
        date        due_date
        string      status
        principal[] author
        principal[] reviewer
        string[]    tags

        string      risk_assessment_method

    THREAT {
        string  urn
        string  locale
        boolean default_locale
        string  ref_id
        string  name
        string  description
        string  annotation
        string  provider

        string  urn
        string  locale
        boolean default_locale
        string  ref_id
        string  name
        string  description
        string  annotation

        urn     parent_urn
        int     order_id
        json    implementation_groups
        boolean assessable

        string  urn
        string  locale
        boolean default_locale
        string  ref_id
        string  name
        string  description
        string  annotation
        string  provider

        string  category

        string   name
        string   description

        string   category
        string   status
        date     eta
        date     expiration
        url      link
        string   effort
        string[] tags

        string status
        string observation
        date   eta
        date   due_date
        int    score
        string result
        string mapping_inference
        bool   selected

        string    name
        string    description

        FileField attachment
        url       link

        string  urn
        string  locale
        boolean default_locale
        string  ref_id
        string  name
        string  description
        string  annotation
        string  provider

        json    definition

    ASSET {
        string name
        string description

        string business_value
        string category
        asset  parent_asset

        string name
        string description

        string treatment
        string existing_controls
        int    current_probability
        int    current_impact
        json   current_risk_vector
        int    target_probability
        int    target_impact
        json   target_risk_vector
        string strength_of_knowledge
        string justification

        string name
        string description

        string state
        string justification
        string approver
        date   expiration

        string name
        string description

        string state
        string reviewer

        string name
        string description

        string state
        string reviewer



    REFERENCE_REQUIREMENT ||--o{ MAPPING          : referenced_by
    MAPPING               }o--|| FOCAL_REQUIREMENT: maps_to

        string  urn
        string  locale
        boolean default_locale
        string  ref_id
        string  name
        string  description
        string  annotation
        string  provider

        string  reference_urn
        string  focal_urn
        string  rationale
        string  relationship
        boolean fulfilled_by
        int     strength


Class diagram for IAM objects

direction RL

AbstractBaseModel    <|-- NameDescriptionMixin
NameDescriptionMixin <|-- Folder
NameDescriptionMixin <|-- UserGroup
FolderMixin          <|-- UserGroup
FolderMixin          <|-- User
AbstractBaseModel    <|-- User
AbstractBaseUser     <|-- User
NameDescriptionMixin <|-- Role
FolderMixin          <|-- Role
NameDescriptionMixin <|-- RoleAssignment
FolderMixin          <|-- RoleAssignment

class AbstractBaseModel{
    +UUIDField id
    +DateTimeField created_at
    +DateTimeField updated_at
    +BooleanField is_published
    +scoped_id() UUID
    +display_path() str
    +display_name() str
    +edit_url() str
    +get_scope() Folder

class NameDescriptionMixin{
    +CharField name
    +CharField description

class Folder {
    +CharField content_type
    +Folder parent_folder
    +booleanField builtin
    +subfolders() Folder[]
    +get_parent_folders() Folder[]
    +get_folder() Folder$

class FolderMixin {
    +Folder folder

class UserGroup {
    +booleanField builtin
    +get_name_display() str

class User {
    +CharField last_name
    +CharField first_name
    +CharField email
    +BooleanField first_login
    +BooleanField is_active
    +DateTimeField date_joined
    +BooleanField is_superuser
    +UserGroup[] user_groups
    +get_full_name() str
    +get_short_name() str
    +has_backup_permission() bool
    +edit_url() str
    +username() str

class Role {
    +Permission[] permissions
    +booleanField builtin

class RoleAssignment {
    +Folder[] perimeter_folders
    +User user
    +UserGroup user_group
    +Role role
    +BooleanField is_recursive
    +BooleanField builtin

    +is_access_allowed(user, perm, folder) bool$
    +get_accessible_folders(folder, user, content_tupe, codename) Folder[]$
    +get_accessible_object_ids(folder, user, object_type) UUID[]$
    +is_user_assigned(user) bool
    +get_role_assignments(user) RoleAssignment[]$
    +get_permissions(user) Permission[]$
    +has_role(user, role) bool$


Class diagram for general objects

direction RL

NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- RiskScenario
AbstractBaseModel      <|-- NameDescriptionMixin
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- ReferentialObjectMixin
FolderMixin            <|-- ReferentialObjectMixin
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- Threat
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- ReferenceControl
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- RiskMatrix
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- Framework
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- RequirementNode
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- Mapping
ReferentialObjectMixin <|-- LibraryMixin
LibraryMixin           <|-- StoredLibrary
LibraryMixin           <|-- LoadedLibrary
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- Assessment
FolderMixin            <|-- Project
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- Project
FolderMixin            <|-- Asset
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- Asset
FolderMixin            <|-- Evidence
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- Evidence
FolderMixin            <|-- AppliedControl
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- AppliedControl
FolderMixin            <|-- RiskAcceptance
NameDescriptionMixin   <|-- RiskAcceptance
AppliedControl         <|-- Policy
Assessment             <|-- RiskAssessment
Assessment             <|-- ComplianceAssessment
AbstractBaseModel      <|-- RequirementAssessment
FolderMixin            <|-- RequirementAssessment

namespace ReferentialObjects {
    class ReferentialObjectMixin {
        +CharField urn
        +CharField ref_id
        +CharField locale
        +booleanField default_locale
        +CharField provider
        +CharField annotation
        +display_short() str
        +display_long() str

    class LibraryMixin {
        +CharField copyright
        +IntegerField version
        +CharField provider
        +CharField packager
        +JsonField dependencies
        +BooleanField builtin
        +JSONField objects_meta

    class StoredLibrary {
        +BooleanField is_loaded
        +CharField hash_checksum
        +TextField content

    class LoadedLibrary {
        +LoadedLibrary[] dependencies
        +reference_count() int

    class Threat {
        +LoadedLibrary library
        +is_deletable() bool
        +frameworks() Framework[]

    class ReferenceControl {
        +LoadedLibrary library
        +CharField category
        +JSONField typical_evidence
        +is_deletable() bool
        +frameworks() Framework[]

    class RiskMatrix {
        +LoadedLibrary library
        +JSONField json_definition
        +BooleanField is_enabled
        +CharField provider
        +is_used() bool
        +risk_assessments() RiskAssessment[]
        +projects() Project[]

    class Framework {
        +LoadedLibrary library
        +int get_next_order_id(obj_type, _parent_urn)
        +is_deletable() bool

    class RequirementNode {
        +Threat[] threats
        +ReferenceControl[] REFERENCE_CONTROLs
        +Framework framework
        +CharField parent_urn
        +IntegerField order_id
        +json implementation_groups
        +BooleanField assessable

    class Mapping {
        +CharField    reference_urn
        +CharField    focal_urn
        +CharField    rationale
        +CharField    relationship
        +BooleanField fulfilled_by
        +IntegerField strength

namespace DomainObjects {

    class Project {
        +CharField internal_reference
        +CharField lc_status

    class Asset {
        +CharField business_value
        +CharField type
        +Asset[] parent_assets
        +is_primary() bool
        +is_support() bool
        +ancestors_plus_self() Asset[]

    class Evidence {
        +FileField attachment
        +URLField link
        +get_folder() Folder
        +filename() str

    class AppliedControl {
        +ReferenceControl REFERENCE_CONTROL
        +Evidence[] evidences
        +CharField category
        +CharField status
        +DateField eta
        +DateField expiry_date
        +CharField link
        +CharField effort

        +RiskScenario[] risk_scenarios()
        +RiskAssessments[] risk_assessments()
        +Project[] projects()
        +Project parent_project()
        +get_ranking_score() int
        +get_html_url() str
        +get_linked_requirements_count() int

    class RiskAcceptance {
        +RiskScenario[] risk_scenarios
        +User approver
        +CharField state
        +DateField expiry_date
        +DateTimeField accepted_at
        +DateTimeField rejected_at
        +DateTimeField revoked_at
        +CharField justification
        +get_html_url() str

class Assessment {
    +TextChoices Status
    +Project project
    +CharField version
    +CharField status
    +CharField authors
    +CharField reviewers
    +DateField eta
    +DateField due_date

class RiskAssessment {
    +RiskMatrix risk_matrix
    +path_display() str
    +get_scenario_count() int
    +risk_scoring(probability, impact, risk_matrix) int

class ComplianceAssessment {
    +Framework framework
    +CharField result
    +get_requirements_status_count() int
    +get_measures_status_count() int

class RequirementAssessment {
    +CharField status
    +Evidence[] evidences
    +TextField observation
    +ComplianceAssessment compliance_assessment
    +RequirementNode requirement
    +AppliedControl[] APPLIED_CONTROLs

class RiskScenario {
    +RiskAssessment risk_assessment
    +Asset[] assets
    +AppliedControl[] APPLIED_CONTROLs
    +Threat[] threats
    +TextField existing_controls
    +SmallIntegerField current_proba
    +SmallIntegerField current_impact
    +SmallIntegerField current_level
    +SmallIntegerField residual_proba
    +SmallIntegerField residual_impact
    +SmallIntegerField residual_level
    +CharField treatment
    +CharField strength_of_knowledge
    +CharField justification

    +Project parent_project()
    +RiskMatrix get_matrix()
    +get_current_risk(s) int
    +get_current_impact() int
    +get_current_proba() int
    +get_residual_risk() int
    +get_residual_impact() int
    +get_residual_proba() int


Global fields

All models have the following fields:

  • created_at: the date when the object has been created.
  • modified_at: the date when the object has been lastly modified.

Projects and domains

Projects are fundamental context objects defined by the entity using CISO Assistant. They are grouped in domains.

The domain is the fundamental perimeter for access control. All objects, in particular domains, within a domain, have consistent access rights. If this granularity is not sufficient, the entity shall define new domains.

Note: the IAM model is based on folders. A domain is a type of folder (the other one being the root folder).

Projects have the following fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Internal reference
  • Status: --/Design/Development/Production/End of life/Dropped


Assets are context objects defined by the entity using CISO Assistant. They are optional, assessments can be done without using them.

Assets are of category primary or support. A primary asset has no parent, a support asset can have parent assets (primary or support), but not itself.


The fundamental object of CISO Assistant for compliance is the framework. It corresponds to a given standard, e.g. ISO27001:2013. It mainly contains requirements nodes. A requirement node can be assessable or not (e.g. title or informational elements are not assessable). Assessable requirement nodes can be simply called "requirements". The structure (tree) of requirements is defined by the requirement node objects. The parent_urn of a requirement node can either be the URN of another requirement node or null for top-level objects. This allows to simply define the structure of a framework. An assessable requirement node can be the child of another assessable requirement node, which is very convenient for frameworks that have lists of conditions attached to a requirement.

The implementation_groups field contains a comma-separated list of implementation groups where the requirement node is found, when this is relevant (e.g. for CMMC or CIS). Implementation groups are identified by their ref_id string. Implementation groups are independent, a requirement can be member of any implementation group. Implementation groups are defined in the implementation_groups_definition json field (None by default), that contains a list of objects containing the following fields (example for CMMC):

  "ref_id": "1",
  "name": "Foundational",
  "description": "Practices that correspond to the basic safeguarding requirements specified in 48 CFR 52.204-21 commonly referred to as the FAR Clause"

A requirement node can be covered by typical reference controls. A requirement node can cover typical threats. This information is provided in the form of optional links between requirement nodes and reference controls/threats. This is only informative, but is an important added value of CISO Assistant.

The order_id variable allows to sort the requirements nodes, it starts at 0 and is incremented automatically in a given group at import.

A framework always has a numerical score scale from min_score to max_score. If not explicit, the default values are 0 and 100 (percentage). It is also possible to have a scores_definition json, that contains a list of score levels objects. Each score level is an object containing the following fields (example from TISAX):

  "score": 1,
  "name": "Performed",
  "description": "Principle:\\nA process is followed which is not or insufficiently documented (“informal process”) and there is some evidence that it achieves its objective.\\nDefinition:\\n- The implemented process achieves its (process) purpose.\\n- The intended base practices are verifiably performed."

When present, the scores_definition allows to customize the score display as a drop-down list.

Note: the score scale for a framework can be overridden when creating a compliance assessment.


Threats are referential objects used to clarify the aim of a requirement node or a applied control. They are informative, assessments can be realised without using them.

Reference controls

Reference controls are templates for Applied controls. They facilitate the creation of a applied control, and help to have consistent Applied controls. They are not mandatory to create a applied control, but recommended.

Reference controls have a category within the following possibilities: --/Policy/Process/Technical/Physical.

Applied controls

Applied controls are fundamental objects for compliance and remediation. They can derive from a reference control, which provides better consistency, or be independent.

A applied control has the following specific fields:

  • a category (same as reference controls)
  • a status (--/planned/active/inactive)
  • an Estimated Time of Arrival date
  • a validity date (expiration field)
  • an effort (--/S/M/L/XL)
  • a url link
  • a list of user-defined tags

When a applied control derives from a reference control, the same category is proposed, but this can be changed.

Compliance and risk assessments

Both types of assessments have common points:

  • a name
  • a description
  • a version (defined by the analyst)
  • an Estimated Time of Arrival date
  • a due date
  • a status: (--/planned/in progress/in review/done/deprecated) that facilitates reporting.
  • a list of authors
  • a list of reviewers
  • a list of user-defined tags

An assessment review can be asked. When at least one principal is defined, the done status can only be set if a representant of each principal has reviewed and validated the assessment.

When the assessment status goes from in progress to in review, each defined reviewer is notified of the review request. A review is deprecated if the assessment is changed. A warning shall be displayed to avoid doing that by error.

The state of a review can be: created/submitted/validated/changes requested/deprecated

Compliance assessments

When a compliance assessment is created, each requirement of the corresponding framework is linked to a requirement assessment object. To cover a requirement, the assessor shall link it to Applied controls.

Here are the specific fields for requirement assessments:

  • status: --/to do/in progress/done.
  • result: --/compliant/non-compliant minor/non-compliant major/not applicable
  • score: --/.
  • ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) date
  • due date. This is for example useful to organize an audit plan.

The compliance assessment score is a read-only field which is calculated when at least one requirement assessment is scored. We calculate the average of scored requriement assessments (ignoring requirement assessments with an undefined score or with status not-applicable).

Requirement assessments can have attached evidences. An evidence contains a name, a description, an attached file, a url link.

The auditor is free to use the result field (qualitative assessment), the score field (quantitative assessment), or both of them.

Compliance assessments have a selected_implementation_groups field that contains the selected implementation groups. The None default value consists in selecting all groups, which makes sense also for the case no implementation groups are defined. For the sake of performance, when a change is done on the selected implementation groups, the "selected" field of corresponding requirement assessments is updated. When changing the selection, no data shall be lost, so auditors can easily test the effect of various selections.

Note: the selection is persistent, and used in particular for reporting and analytics. The UX could provide dynamic capacity to show or hide implementation groups independently of the selection (e.g. a button "show unselected requirements").

Compliance assessments have a score scale (min_score, max_score, score definition) that is inherited from the corresponding framework. But it is possible during the creation of the assessment to specify another score scale. The following hardcoded score scales are proposed as an alternative:

  • percentage (0-100%, no score definition)
  • CMMI (1-5, Initial/Managed/Defined/Quantitatively Managed/Optimizing)
  • 0-5 (0-5, no score definition)
  • 0-10 (0-10, no score definition)


Mappings are referential objects that describe relations between requirements from a reference framework to a focal framework. The definition of mappings is based on NIST OLIR program (see

A mapping is defined by the following specific attributes:

  • a reference requirement URN
  • a focal requirement URN
  • a rationale giving the explanation for why a Reference Document Element and a Focal Document Element are related. This will be syntactic, semantic, or functional.
  • a relationship that provides the type of logical relationship that the OLIR Developer asserts the Reference Document Element has compared to the Focal Document Element. The Developer conducting the assertion should focus on the perceived intent of each of the Elements. This will be one of the following: subset of, intersects with, equal to, superset of, or not related to.
  • a strength of relationship, optionally providing the extent to which a Reference Document Element and a Focal Document Element are similar. It is typically between 0 (no relation) to 10 (equal).

Mappings are used to automatically generate a draft compliance assessment for a focal framework, given existing reference assessments.

The following inference rules are used:

  • there is an order relation in results: compliant > non-compliant minor > non-compliant major
  • N/A or -- in reference makes the mapping not usable.
  • when several mappings exist for a focal requirement, the strongest inference result is used to determine the compliance result.
  • all mappings are described in the mapping_inference field.
  • a superset or equal mapping pushes the reference result to the focal result.
  • an subset mapping pushes a most a partial compliance result to the focal result

Risk assessments and risk matrices

A risk assessment is based on scenarios, covered by Applied controls. Gathering the risk scenarios constitutes the "risk identification" phase.

A risk assessment has an risk_assessment_method field that can take the following values: 0 (risk matrix)/1 (Open FAIR). This cannot be changed once the risk assessment is created. Similarly, the risk matrix cannot be changed once the risk assessment is created.

To analyse the risk, each scenario contains Existing Controls, current probability and impact, proposed controls, residual probability and impact. To facilitate using an assistant to estimate probability and impact, or for advanced methods like openfair, the json fields current_risk_vector and residual_risk_vector are aimed at keeping the data used to calculate to the estimation.

A risk scenario contains a treatment option with the values --/open/mitigate/accept/avoid/transfer

A risk scenario also contains a "strength of knowledge", within the values --/0 (Low)/1 (Medium)/2 (High). This can be used to represent a third dimension of risk, as recommended by the Society for Risk Analysis. The field "justification" can be used to expose the knowledge.

The risk evaluation is automatically done based on the selected risk matrix.

Risk matrices

Risk matrices are referential objects that are imported from a library.

The definition JSON field has the following format:

  "type": "risk_matrix",
  "fields": {
        "probability" : [
            {"abbreviation": "L", "name": "Low", "description": "Unfrequent event"},
            {"abbreviation": "M", "name": "Medium", "description": "Occasional event"},
            {"abbreviation": "H", "name": "High", "description": "Frequent event"}
        "impact": [
            {"abbreviation": "L", "name": "Low", "description": "<100k$"},
            {"abbreviation": "M", "name": "Medium", "description": "between 100 to 1000k$"},
            {"abbreviation": "H", "name": "High", "description": ">1000k$"}
        "risk": [
            {"abbreviation": "L", "name": "Low", "description": "acceptable risk", "hexcolor": "#00FF00"},
            {"abbreviation": "M", "name": "Medium", "description": "risk requiring mitigation within 2 years", "hexcolor": "#FFFF00"},
            {"abbreviation": "H", "name": "High", "description": "unacceptable risk", "hexcolor": "#FF0000"}
        "grid": [
            [1, 2, 2],
            [0, 1, 2],
            [0, 0, 1]]

Risk acceptance

A risk acceptance can be asked on a list of scenarios that are part of validated risk assessments (assessment in the done state with at least one reviewer). It is directed to an approver that should be the risk owner.

The state of a risk acceptance can be: created/submitted/accepted/rejected/revoked

The justification field can be edited only by the approver.

Once a risk acceptance is active, the correponding risk assessments are frozen. They shall be cloned to make evolutions.


Libraries can contain:

  • frameworks (including requirement nodes)
  • threats
  • reference controls
  • risk matrices

It is recommended that libraries be modular, with only one type of object, but this is not mandatory.

Libraries have a copyright that contains relevant copyright information.

Libraries have a URN to uniquely identify them.

Libraries have a locale that describes the locale for the whole content of the library.

Libraries have an integer version that completes the URN. The highest version for a given URN shall always be privileged. So:

  • a library loading is performed if and only if there is no greater or equal version already loaded, for the same urn and locale.
  • if a breaking change is necessary, the URN should be changed.

Libraries have a provider (which entity produced the original content), and a packager (which entity did the library). Objects in the library inherit their provider from the library's.

Libraries can depend on other libraries, thanks to the "dependencies" section, that contains a list of URNs. When loading a library, CISO Assistant first loads the dependent libraries. If a dependency is missing, the loading is cancelled.

When a library is loaded, this loading is stored in the database, and the corresponding objects keep a link to the library. This allows removing all objects from a library in a single action.

Deleting a library is possible only if none of its objects is currently used. Removing individual elements of a library is not possible. Dependencies are not concerned by the deletion, they should be deleted individually.

Referential objects

Frameworks (including requirement nodes), mappings, threats, reference controls and risk matrices are called "referential objects", as they constitute the basis of an assessment.

Referential objects can be downloaded from a library. They are called "global referential objects" or "library objects" in that case, and they have the following characteristics:

  • they have a non-null URN identifier urn of the form: urn:intuitem:<domain>:<object_type>:[<framework>:]<short_id>. Client-defined URNs are also possible. The framework part is present for items that are part of a framework.
  • they are read-only in the database once imported. They can be removed only by removing the corresponding library.
  • they are attached to the root folder.
  • Everyone has the right to read them, they are "published" to all domains.
  • The couple (URN, locale) is unique.
  • They have a link to their library.

Conversely, a referential object with a null URN is called a "local referential object" has the following characteristics:

  • it is created by a user in a given domain (not in the root folder)
  • it can be edited with proper permission.
  • The URN cannot be edited and is hidden.
  • default_locale=True (non-localized object)

Referential objects have the following optional fields:

  • ref_id: reference used in the standard for this object (e.g. A.5.5).
  • provider: describes where the object comes from, e.g. ISO, NIST, CIS, MITRE ATT&CK...
  • annotation: provided by the library packager or the user to clarify the meaning of the object. They can be used for search, and are displayed when available.

Framework and risk matrix objects can only come from a library.

The URN allows in particular having a threat or reference control used in several frameworks.

It is possible to mix global and local referential objects. For example, a client can use threats coming from the MITRE referential and also define custom threats directly in CISO Assistant.

Note: links to URN occur only in libraries, links in the database shall always use the UUID of the object.

The library_manager role will be defined to manage library objects.

Access control model

All objects in CISO Assistant follow a simple and consistent RBAC IAM model, including IAM objects themselves.


There are two dimensions: rights and perimeter.

There granularity of rights is mapped on Django convention:

  • Add
  • View
  • Change
  • Delete

There is one such right for each type of object. This is the standard Django model for views.

Practically, the Add, Change or Delete permissions require the View permission. This is an assumption for the UI.

The perimeter for access control is based on the folder concept, with all its content, including subfolders. Boolean parameters allow a finer-grain definition of the perimeter, as will be seen later.

Practically, the perimeter is either:

  • global, corresponding to the root folder
  • a domain, corresponding to a folder of level 1.

Folder organization

For Access Control purpose, CISO Assistant data is organized in a tree of folders, starting from a root folder. The organization of the tree is not hardcoded, it is entirely determined by configuration. Any object in CISO Assistant is attached to a folder (including folders), either directly or indirectly through a parent object that is attached to a folder. The root folder is attached to None.

A folder contains the following attributes:

  • name: the short name given to the folder
  • description: a longer description of the folder
  • contentType: an enum representing the type of content. Currently GLOBAL and DOMAIN. This parameter is aimed at adjusting the UI depending of the type of content.
  • folder: the parent folder. None for root folder.

Currently, the folder organization is as follows:

  • The root folder has contentType=GLOBAL.
  • The root folder can only contain referential objects.
  • There is only one level of subfolders, each subfolder with contentType=DOMAIN.
  • Folders are not displayed as such, they are visible only to the programmer.

Roles and role assignments

To simplify access control, we use a RBAC model.

Role Permissions
Administrator full access (except approval), and specifically management of domains, users and users rights
referential_manager capacity to manage referentials in the root folder
Domain manager full access to selected domains (except approval), in particular managing rights for these domains. Read access to global objects
Analyst readwrite acces to selected projects/domains. Read access to global and domain objects
Reader read access to selected projects/domains
Risk approver like reader, but with additional capability to approve risk acceptances
Reviewer like reader, but with additional capability to review assessments.

Note: a DJANGO superuser is given administrator rights automatically on startup.

Principals are either:

  • users
  • group of users

Role assignements are described as a table containing the following attributes:

  • user: the user that receives the role assignment (can be None)
  • user_group: the group that receives the role assignment (can be None)
  • role: the role assigned to the principal
  • folders: list of folders that form the perimeter of the assignment.
  • is_recursive: a boolean indicating if the perimeter includes the subfolders

This table is the golden source of all access management in CISO Assistant, no additional information is necessary to know who has access to what.

Published global objects

All objects have a boolean attribute is_published, that specifies if the object is visible in read-only mode in the folder and subfolders from anyone having read access to such local objects. For example, if a reference control F1 is published in the root folder, and a user has read access to reference controls in a domain, this user can use see and use F1 (but not modify it, even if given update access in the domain).

Built-in objects

Built-in objects are predefined in CISO Assistant. They can be viewed following the general IAM model, but they cannot be deleted nor changed. A built-in object is characterized by the "builtin=True" attribute. Types that can be built-in are: folders, roles, role assignments and groups.

Names of built-in objects can be internationalized.