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Service used for processing emails. It uses a cron job to periodically look for emails that need to be send. Emails are send using Nodemailer or Microsoft Graph API.



To use the service add the following to your docker-compose.yml file

    image: redpencil/deliver-email-service:latest
      MAILBOX_URI: ''









Attachments are linked through nmo:hasAttachment property on the email. The model of the attachment itself is based on NEPOMUK and the conventions used for the mu-semtech/file-service.

Note that when using the Graph API to send attachments there's a hard limit of 150 MB per file. The service won't attach larger files to emails. Other size restrictions apply to the total size of the email, these based on the mail provider's settings. In general, 35 MB is the max total size (i.e. the sum size of all the attachments and the email itself) for emails sent via the Graph API

Example Structure

This service expects a certain structure in the database to exist. By default it searches for an "outbox" folder to find the emails that need to be send, when mails fail to send the service will move them to the "failbox" folder... You can modify this structure in the code as needed but in case you want to use the default, then you can migrate the following file to the database: Migration file

If you havent yet worked with the migration service then you can find a detailed explanation on how to migrate a file to your database HERE.

The migration file is included by default when using the example/test app: app-deliver-email When the file has succesfully migrated to your database, then the mailbox & folder structure in the backend should look like this:


Emails & header boxes are displayed only for illustration purposes. They dont come included in the migration file. There is a usefull query at the bottom of this readme to create (test) emails.

Ontology & Prefixes

This deliver-email-service is build around the Nepomuk Message Ontology

Prefix URI

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be added to your docker-compose file. You can find the list below sorted by which subject they are closest related to.

ENV Description default required
MAILBOX_URI Specify the uri of the mailbox that you want to manipulate null X
ENV Description default required
EMAIL_CRON_PATTERN Pattern describing when a new cron job should trigger. Default: every second of every minute of every first hour of the day. Useful: cron-pattern-generator & used cron library. Note that this library uses 6 fields as opposed to 5, i.e. it has granularity up to 1 second. * * 1 * * *
SECURE_CONNECTION if true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false (the default) then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false false
EMAIL_PROTOCOL Choose which protocol you want te use to send the e-mails. Available options are "smtp" "MS_Graph_API" "smtp"
HOURS_DELIVERING_TIMEOUT Timeout after which the service will stop retrying to send the e-mail after it has failed 1
HOURS_SENDING_TIMEOUT Timeout after which emails in the sending box will be either retried or moved to the failbox .5
MAX_BATCH_SIZE Max amount of emails allowed to be send in parallel. Emails in a batch are sent sequentially, there's a wait time between batches 10
MAX_BATCH_WAIT_TIME Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between batches 1000
MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS Max amount of times an email will be tried to resend after it fails 5
WELL_KNOWN_SERVICE Specify the email service you will be using to send the emails. Options: list or "test" " " x
FROM_NAME Name that will be displayed to receiver of the e-mail " "
EMAIL_ADDRESS E-mail address from sender null unless "test"
EMAIL_PASSWORD Password from sender (api-key if service is SendGrid) null unless "test"
ERROR_LOGS_GRAPH Graph where your error logs will be stored ""
LOG_ERRORS If true, will log the error message in the database when an email was send but returned an error false
HOST Is the hostname or IP address to connect to. null unless "test"
PORT is the port to connect to (defaults to 587 if "SECURE_CONNECTION" is false or 465 if true) null
MS_GRAPH_API_CLIENT_ID Client (or Application) ID of the Microsoft App that will be used to connect with the Graph API null if EMAIL_PROTOCOL="MS_Graph_API"
MS_GRAPH_API_TENANT_ID Tenant (or Directory) ID of the tenant/Active Directory that hosts the email accounts we will use for sending null if EMAIL_PROTOCOL="MS_Graph_API"
MS_GRAPH_API_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret value of the Microsoft App null if EMAIL_PROTOCOL="MS_Graph_API"
MS_GRAPH_API_RETRIEVE_WAIT_TIME the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait when retrying the fetching of an email 10000
ENV Description default required
NODE_ENV Choose your node environment. options: "production" or "development" "production"
LOG_MS_GRAPH_API_REQUESTS whether to log all the requests sent to the Microsoft Graph API false


This will show you how to setup a development environment so you can take advantage of features and tools like live reload & chrome debugger tool;

Optional: You might want to go through the testing section first if you want to test your mails using a temporary mailbox


If you already have a backend you want to use for development then you can ignore this, otherwise we have a development backend available that is already configured and has the example structure migrations file to get you up and running quickly. Follow the readme file of the following repo:



As the image has been build using the mu-javascript-template, you will be able to setup a development environment with chrome debugging. To get started quickly, change the deliver-email-service in your docker-compose file to this:

    image: redpencil/deliver-email-service:0.1.3
      - 8888:80
      - 9229:9229
      MAILBOX_URI: ''
      NODE_ENV: "development"
      WELL_KNOWN_SERVICE: "myservice"
      EMAIL_ADDRESS: "[email protected]"
      EMAIL_PASSWORD: "myemailpassword"
      FROM_NAME: "myname"
      - "logging=true"
    restart: always
      - ./data/files:/share
      - /path/to/local/cloned/deliver-email-service/folder/:/app/ (for debugging purposes)
    logging: *default-logging

Don't forget to change WELL_KNOW_SERVICE, EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_PASSWORD & FROM_NAME to your own + volume paths.


Testing environment will create a temporary ethereal mailbox where you can inspect the email.
important to know: This will not ACTUALLY send the emails. This will only act as if the email has been send and received. The specified receiver will not receive the emails nor will the sender actually send the email from their own email address. In reality you can enter any (random) sender email address and (random) receiver address and it will still work.


If you already have a backend you want to use for development then you can ignore this, otherwise we have a development backend available that is already configured and has the example structure migrations file to get you up and running quickly. Follow the readme file of the following repo:



You can easily inspect the mails by changing the WELL_KNOWN_SERVICE in your docker-compose file to "test"

    image: redpencil/deliver-email-service:0.1.3
      MAILBOX_URI: ''
      WELL_KNOWN_SERVICE: "test"
      FROM_NAME: "RedPencil"

When creating an email in the database (see useful queries) the email will go through the same process as it would when sending an email in the non-testing environment. The main difference being that the service will create a temporary generated ethereal mailbox for you where you can view your send emails. At the end of each send email, the logs will display a preview url:

> EMAIL 3: Preview url

When clicking on the link you will be redirected to the temporary generated mailbox where you can inspect the contents of the mail. You do not have to worry about it spamming your own or any other mailbox when the test protocol is set.


POST /email-delivery Initiate a new email-delivery cycle asynchronously.

Returns 202 Accepted if the email-delivery process started successfully.

Returns 204 No Content if the email-delivery got triggered but no emails where found that need to be send.

Returns 500 Bad Request if something unexpected went wrong while initiating the email-delivery process.


Manually triggering the service

Add the following snippet to your dispatcher file.

 post "/email-delivery/*path" do
   Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://deliver-email-service/email-delivery/"

You can now use postman to send a post request to the '/email-delivery' endpoint or you can run the following command in your terminal.

wget --post-data='' http://localhost/email-delivery/

Do not forget to remove this before deploying to production

Useful Queries

Creating an email
PREFIX nmo: <>
PREFIX nie: <>
PREFIX nfo: <>

  GRAPH <> {

    <> a nmo:Email;
        nmo:messageFrom "[email protected]";
        nmo:emailTo "[email protected]";
        nmo:emailCc "[email protected]";
        nmo:emailBcc "[email protected]";
        nmo:messageSubject "Email deliver service";
        nmo:plainTextMessageContent "I really like this service! But when encountering bugs, its important           to create an issue in the repo so it can get resolved";
        nmo:sentDate "";
        nmo:isPartOf <>.

You will want to modify after each inserted mail otherwise you will create duplicates. e.g., etc..

Tracking mails

PREFIX nmo: <>
PREFIX nie: <>
PREFIX task: <>

  SELECT  ?email

   WHERE {
     GRAPH <> {
       <> nie:hasPart ?mailfolder.
       ?mailfolder nie:title ?folder.
       ?email nmo:isPartOf ?mailfolder.
       ?email nmo:messageSubject ?messageSubject.
       ?email nmo:messageFrom ?messageFrom.
       ?email nmo:emailTo ?emailTo.

       BIND(0 as ?defaultRetries).
       OPTIONAL {?email task:numberOfRetries ?optionalRetries}.
       BIND(coalesce(?optionalRetries, ?defaultRetries) as ?numberOfRetries).

       BIND('' as ?defaultEmailCc).
       OPTIONAL {?email nmo:emailCc ?optionalEmailCc}.
       BIND(coalesce(?optionalEmailCc, ?defaultEmailCc) as ?emailCc).

       BIND('' as ?defaultmessageId).
       OPTIONAL {?email nmo:messageId ?optionalMessageId}.
       BIND(coalesce(?optionalMessageId, ?defaultmessageId) as ?messageId).

       BIND('' as ?defaultPlainTextMessageContent).
       OPTIONAL {?email nmo:plainTextMessageContent ?optionalPlainTextMessageContent}.
       BIND(coalesce(?optionalPlainTextMessageContent, ?defaultPlainTextMessageContent) as ?plainTextMessageContent).

       BIND('' as ?defaultHtmlMessageContent).
       OPTIONAL {?email nmo:htmlMessageContent ?optionalHtmlMessageContent}.
       BIND(coalesce(?optionalHtmlMessageContent, ?defaultHtmlMessageContent) as ?htmlMessageContent).

       BIND('' as ?defaultSentDate).
       OPTIONAL {?email nmo:sentDate ?optionalSentDate}.
       BIND(coalesce(?optionalSentDate, ?defaultSentDate) as ?sentDate).

GROUP BY ?email ?messageSubject ?messageFrom ?messageId ?plainTextMessageContent ?htmlMessageContent ?sentDate ?numberOfRetries