If you haven't already, install yo, bower and genlys :)
$ npm install -g yo bower generator-genlys
Now you can scaffold your own web app:
$ mkdir my-app
$ cd my-app
$ yo genlys
After generating your project will have the following structure:
├─── public/
│ ├─── fonts/
│ └─── images/
├─── scripts/
│ ├── configs/
│ │ ├─── http.coffee
│ │ ├─── routes.coffee
│ │ └─── run.coffee
│ ├─── controllers/
│ │ ├─── global.coffee
│ │ └─── home.coffee
│ ├─── directives/
│ ├─── factories/
│ │ └─── page.coffee
│ ├─── services/
│ ├─── app.coffee
├─── styles/
│ └─── main.styl
├─── views/
│ └─── home.jade
├─── configs/
│ └─── home.jade
└─── index.jade
All files in app/public
directory are copied to the root of the build.