From 8478e2349cff22314f04736f20afe44c5ca7df5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dominik Jelinek Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:40:49 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] build: Convert project to monorepo using Lerna Signed-off-by: Dominik Jelinek change deps Signed-off-by: Dominik Jelinek --- .github/dependabot.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/publish-wiki.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/template-main.yaml | 16 +- .gitignore | 11 +- .vscode/settings.json | 5 - | 29 +- | 12 +- {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 2 +- {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 {wiki => docs}/ | 0 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tests}/test-project/.eslintignore (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/.eslintrc.js (100%) create mode 100644 tests/test-project/.gitignore rename {test => tests}/test-project/.mocharc-debug.js (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/.mocharc.js (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/.vscode/launch.json (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/.vscode/settings.json (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/.vscode/tasks.json (100%) create mode 100644 tests/test-project/.vscodeignore create mode 100644 tests/test-project/LICENSE create mode 100644 tests/test-project/ rename {test => tests}/test-project/icons/logo.png (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/catScratch.css (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/catScratch.js (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/paw-color.svg (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/paw-outline.svg (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/pawDraw.css (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/pawDraw.js (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/reset.css (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/sand-dark.jpg (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/sand.jpg (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/media/vscode.css (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/package.json (80%) rename {test => tests/test-project/resources}/debug-project/.vscode/launch.json (100%) rename {test => tests/test-project/resources}/debug-project/test.js (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/resources/example.cscratch (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/resources/test-file-a.txt (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/resources/test-file-b.txt (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/resources/test-file.ts (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/resources/test-folder/foo (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/resources/test-folder/foolder/bar (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/src/catScratchEditor.ts (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/src/codelensProvider.ts (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/src/extension.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/01_general/resource-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/01_general/resource.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/actionsControl-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/actionsControl.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/activityBar-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/activityBar.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/viewControl-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/viewControl.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/bottomBarPanel-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/bottomBarPanel.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView.test.ts (96%) rename test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views-test.ts => 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test/test-project/src/test/editor/settingsEditor-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/editor/settingsEditor.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor.test.ts (99%) rename test/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu.test.ts (94%) rename test/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar.test.ts (94%) rename test/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar.test.ts (96%) rename test/test-project/src/test/statusBar/statusBar-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/statusBar/statusBar.test.ts (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/src/test/system/clipboard.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/webview/webView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/webview/webView.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/webview/webviewView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/webview/webviewView.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/workbench/input-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/input.test.ts (98%) rename test/test-project/src/test/workbench/notifications-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/notifications.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/workbench/open-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/open.test.ts (90%) rename test/test-project/src/test/workbench/workbench-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/workbench.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/customView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/customView.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/scmView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/scmView.test.ts (100%) rename test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView.test.ts (98%) rename test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView-test.ts => tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView.test.ts (97%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/src/treeView.ts (100%) rename {test => tests}/test-project/tsconfig.json (59%) diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml index cdebb66d8..90e013e4a 100644 --- a/.github/dependabot.yml +++ b/.github/dependabot.yml @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ updates: reviewers: - redhat-developer/extester-maintainers - package-ecosystem: 'npm' - directory: '/test/test-project' + directory: '/tests/test-project' schedule: interval: 'daily' versioning-strategy: increase diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-wiki.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-wiki.yml index ce24f8e30..3ab549d30 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/publish-wiki.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/publish-wiki.yml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ on: push: branches: [ main ] paths: - - wiki/** + - docs/** - .github/workflows/publish-wiki.yml concurrency: diff --git a/.github/workflows/template-main.yaml b/.github/workflows/template-main.yaml index 06198b774..bc77a70c5 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/template-main.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/template-main.yaml @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ jobs: TEST_RESOURCES: test-resources steps: - - name: 🔧 Checkout Repository + - name: 👷🏻 Checkout Repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - name: 🔧 Setup NodeJS + - name: ⚙️ Setup NodeJS uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: ${{ inputs.nodejs }} @@ -42,15 +42,19 @@ jobs: - name: 🔧 Install run: npm ci + - name: 🔧 Build + run: npm run build + + - name: 🔧 Install - Test Project + run: npm install --workspace=extester-test + - name: 🔍 Run Tests (macOS, windows) if: matrix.os != 'ubuntu-latest' - run: | - npm test + run: npm test - name: 🔍 Run Tests (linux) if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' - run: | - xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 0 1920x1080x24' npm test + run: xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 0 1920x1080x24' npm test - name: 💾 Upload Screenshots uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 0bb05d1b8..1ee798d1d 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,8 +1,3 @@ -out -node_modules -./.vscode -docs -resources/api-handler.vsix -.npmrc -*.tgz -test/test-project/package-lock.json +out/ +node_modules/ +.npmrc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 649c6b94a..000000000 --- a/.vscode/settings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{ - "eslint.workingDirectories": [ - "./test/test-project" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 4aaa1f2bc..80eb3c82e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -34,25 +34,17 @@ Now that you have the code, you will need to build the project. First, we need t npm install ``` -Now you can compile the typescript project. We recommend using the predefined script for that: - -```nodejs -npm run build -``` - -After these steps, you should be able to run the project and make your changes. Just make sure to rebuild the project after changing the source files so you can test it. - ### Test It -**When you make a change, make sure the tests are passing**. In the ```test/test-project``` directory there is a dummy VS Code extension we use to test the framework itself. +**When you make a change, make sure the tests are passing**. In the ```tests/test-project``` directory there is a dummy VS Code extension we use to test the framework itself. For that, you can use the following script and launch the tests: ```nodejs -npm test +npm run test:build ``` -If you are adding a new feature, be sure to **write new tests** for it. If you navigate to the ```test/test-project/src/test``` folder, you will find a test file structure that mirrors the source files. Put your new test into the appropriate existing file, or create a new one that follows the same structure. +If you are adding a new feature, be sure to **write new tests** for it. If you navigate to the ```tests/test-project/src/test``` folder, you will find a test file structure that mirrors the source files. Put your new test into the appropriate existing file, or create a new one that follows the same structure. ### Pull Requests @@ -73,21 +65,20 @@ Lastly, a pull request check on [Github Actions](../../actions) is going to kick - [ ] Check all related PR's were merged and the `Main CI` is green -1. _(optional)_ Publish `monaco-page-objects` package +1. _(optional)_ Publish `@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects` package - `cd page-objects` - [ ] `npm version (major|minor|patch)` - [ ] `npm publish` -2. _(optional)_ Publish `vscode-extension-tester-locators` package +2. _(optional)_ Publish `@vscode-extension-tester/locators` package - `cd locators` - [ ] `npm version (major|minor|patch)` - - [ ] bump `monaco-page-objects` peerDependency to recently published in step 1) - [ ] `npm publish` 3. Publish `vscode-extension-tester` package - [ ] `npm version (major|minor|patch) --no-git-tag-version` - - [ ] bump `page-objects` dependency - - `npm install monaco-page-objects@latest` - - [ ] bump `locators` dependency - - `npm install vscode-extension-tester-locators@latest` + - [ ] bump `@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects` dependency + - `npm install @vscode-extension-tester/page-objects@latest` + - [ ] bump `@vscode-extension-tester/locators` dependency + - `npm install @vscode-extension-tester/locators@latest` - [ ] commit changes and open new PR - [ ] wait for PR is approved and merged - [ ] after merge, wait until `Main CI` is green @@ -98,7 +89,7 @@ Lastly, a pull request check on [Github Actions](../../actions) is going to kick ### Post publish tasks - [ ] Close published version [milestone]( and update ExTester [project board]( -- Update `sample-projects/helloworld-sample` project +- Update `examples/helloworld-extester` project - [ ] Bump `vscode-extension-tester` version to recently released one - [ ] Run tests and check everything is working properly - _(optional)_ Spread a message about new release using IM tools, mailing lists and social media diff --git a/ b/ index 8429abda9..149ee2780 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@

ExTester - ExTester Locators - ExTester Page Objects + ExTester Locators + ExTester Page Objects License
Main CI @@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ npm install --save-dev vscode-extension-tester@latest Make sure to check out the 🔗 [Documentation](#documentation) for detailed instructions. -- 📄 [How to set up the tests](../../wiki/Test-Setup) -- 📄 [Configuring Mocha](../../wiki/Mocha-Configuration) -- 📄 [An example simple test case](../../wiki/Writing-Simple-Tests) -- 📄 [Page objects API quick guide](../../wiki/Page-Object-APIs) +- 📄 [How to set up the tests](./docs/Test-Setup) +- 📄 [Configuring Mocha](./docs/Mocha-Configuration) +- 📄 [An example simple test case](./docs/Writing-Simple-Tests) +- 📄 [Page objects API quick guide](./docs/Page-Object-APIs) ### Documentation diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 93% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ index 7a3ff6242..2c8cdd0cb 100644 --- a/wiki/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ We recommend using separate mocha configuration files for running, and debugging To learn more about mocha configuration, check [[Mocha-Configuration]]. -An example debugging setup can be found in [helloworld-sample](../tree/master/sample-projects/helloworld-sample). \ No newline at end of file +An example debugging setup can be found in [helloworld-extester](../tree/main/examples/helloworld-extester). diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/Taking b/docs/Taking similarity index 100% rename from wiki/Taking rename to docs/Taking diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/ b/docs/ similarity index 100% rename from wiki/ rename to docs/ diff --git a/wiki/images/webview-view-example.png b/docs/images/webview-view-example.png similarity index 100% rename from wiki/images/webview-view-example.png rename to docs/images/webview-view-example.png diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.eslintrc.json b/examples/helloworld-extester/.eslintrc.json similarity index 92% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.eslintrc.json rename to examples/helloworld-extester/.eslintrc.json index 7ec534ddd..c4f4ccb9c 100644 --- a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.eslintrc.json +++ b/examples/helloworld-extester/.eslintrc.json @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ { - "env": { - "browser": true, - "es6": true, - "node": true - }, "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", "plugins": [ "@typescript-eslint" diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.gitignore b/examples/helloworld-extester/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.gitignore rename to examples/helloworld-extester/.gitignore diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.mocharc.js b/examples/helloworld-extester/.mocharc.js similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.mocharc.js rename to examples/helloworld-extester/.mocharc.js diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.vscode/launch.json b/examples/helloworld-extester/.vscode/launch.json similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.vscode/launch.json rename to examples/helloworld-extester/.vscode/launch.json diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.vscode/tasks.json b/examples/helloworld-extester/.vscode/tasks.json similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.vscode/tasks.json rename to examples/helloworld-extester/.vscode/tasks.json diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.vscodeignore b/examples/helloworld-extester/.vscodeignore similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/.vscodeignore rename to examples/helloworld-extester/.vscodeignore diff --git a/examples/helloworld-extester/LICENSE b/examples/helloworld-extester/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68daa6eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/helloworld-extester/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright 2019 Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/ b/examples/helloworld-extester/ similarity index 69% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/ rename to examples/helloworld-extester/ index 596aa308e..469b8f6c0 100644 --- a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/ +++ b/examples/helloworld-extester/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# Hello World Sample +# Hello World ExTester -This is a Hello World sample extension that shows you how to set up and run simple UI tests for VS Code extensions using the ExTester. +This is a Hello World example extension that shows you how to set up and run simple UI tests for VS Code extensions using the ExTester. ## Motivation -Our sample extension gives us the ability to call the `Hello World` command, one that shows a notification saying `Hello World!. We would like to write automated regression tests for this feature. +Our example extension gives us the ability to call the `Hello World` command, one that shows a notification saying `Hello World!`. We would like to write automated regression tests for this feature. ![demo](./demo.gif) @@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ In order to run the ExTester, the extension needs 2 packages as (dev)Dependencie - `vscode-extension-tester` - the extension testing framework itself - `mocha` - Mocha test framework is required, as the ExTester uses it for writing and running its tests -This sample also uses `chai` as the assertion framework of choice, but feel free to use any assertion package you like. +This example also uses `chai` as the assertion framework of choice, but feel free to use any assertion package you like. Also note that the folder `test-resources` (which stores all the required binaries for testing) is excluded from typescript compiler and ESLint. This is necessary for both to work when building your project. We also recommend adding the folder into your `.gitignore` file. - ## Running the Tests - Run `npm install` in terminal to install dependencies diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/demo.gif b/examples/helloworld-extester/demo.gif similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/demo.gif rename to examples/helloworld-extester/demo.gif diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/icons/logo.png b/examples/helloworld-extester/icons/logo.png similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/icons/logo.png rename to examples/helloworld-extester/icons/logo.png diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/package-lock.json b/examples/helloworld-extester/package-lock.json similarity index 91% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/package-lock.json rename to examples/helloworld-extester/package-lock.json index eae88384b..fe47b1f37 100644 --- a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/package-lock.json +++ 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package.json file // Now provide the implementation of the command with registerCommand diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/src/ui-test/.mocharc-debug.js b/examples/helloworld-extester/src/ui-test/.mocharc-debug.js similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/src/ui-test/.mocharc-debug.js rename to examples/helloworld-extester/src/ui-test/.mocharc-debug.js diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/src/ui-test/activityBar-test.ts b/examples/helloworld-extester/src/ui-test/activityBar.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/src/ui-test/activityBar-test.ts rename to examples/helloworld-extester/src/ui-test/activityBar.test.ts diff --git a/sample-projects/helloworld-sample/src/ui-test/bottomBar-test.ts b/examples/helloworld-extester/src/ui-test/bottomBar.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from sample-projects/helloworld-sample/src/ui-test/bottomBar-test.ts rename to 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similarity index 78% rename from locators/lib/1.46.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.46.0.ts index 0db797e40..25fb2bc8e 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.46.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.46.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; import { By } from "selenium-webdriver"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.47.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.47.0.ts similarity index 89% rename from locators/lib/1.47.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.47.0.ts index 2b988d359..c7de27217 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.47.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.47.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; import { By } from "selenium-webdriver"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.49.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.49.0.ts similarity index 74% rename from 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index 4fdc941a0..a6d7844c0 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.56.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.56.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; import { By } from "selenium-webdriver"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.57.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.57.0.ts similarity index 80% rename from locators/lib/1.57.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.57.0.ts index 6b5b29866..30d7cee41 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.57.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.57.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; import { By } from "selenium-webdriver"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.59.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.59.0.ts similarity index 69% rename from locators/lib/1.59.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.59.0.ts index cc4cdf8a7..a0a132820 100644 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"@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { locators: { ProblemsView: { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.74.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.74.0.ts similarity index 74% rename from locators/lib/1.74.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.74.0.ts index 9c23847e8..86411064d 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.74.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.74.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { By, LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { By, LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { locators: { WebView: { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.83.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.83.0.ts similarity index 76% rename from locators/lib/1.83.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.83.0.ts index 21405bc4a..b672aca55 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.83.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.83.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { By, LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { By, LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; export 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Workbench: { diff --git a/locators/lib/1.87.0.ts b/packages/locators/lib/1.87.0.ts similarity index 93% rename from locators/lib/1.87.0.ts rename to packages/locators/lib/1.87.0.ts index c0728ac1e..bedb8e2cb 100644 --- a/locators/lib/1.87.0.ts +++ b/packages/locators/lib/1.87.0.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { By, fromText, LocatorDiff } from "monaco-page-objects"; +import { By, fromText, LocatorDiff } from "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects"; export const diff: LocatorDiff = { locators: { BottomBarPanel: { diff --git a/packages/locators/package.json b/packages/locators/package.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45038cf79 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/locators/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +{ + "name": "@vscode-extension-tester/locators", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Pluggable Page Objects locators for an ExTester", + "main": "out/index.js", + "types": "out/index.d.ts", + "files": [ + "out/**/*.js", + "out/**/*.d.ts" + ], + "author": "Red Hat", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "publishConfig": { + "access": "public", + "registry": "" + }, + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "directory": "packages/locators" + }, + "keywords": [ + "webdriver", + "selenium-webdriver", + "selenium", + "test", + "vscode", + "extension", + "extester", + "ui-test" + ], + "scripts": { + "prepack": "npm run build", + "build": "npm run clean && tsc", + "clean": "rimraf out" + }, + "peerDependencies": { + "@vscode-extension-tester/page-objects": ">=1.0.0", + "selenium-webdriver": ">=4.6.1" + } +} diff --git a/locators/tsconfig.json b/packages/locators/tsconfig.json similarity index 76% rename from locators/tsconfig.json rename to packages/locators/tsconfig.json index e66404675..10268697f 100644 --- a/locators/tsconfig.json +++ b/packages/locators/tsconfig.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "extends": "../tsconfig.json", + "extends": "../../tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "out", "rootDir": "." diff --git a/packages/page-objects/ 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/test-project/.eslintignore b/tests/test-project/.eslintignore similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.eslintignore rename to tests/test-project/.eslintignore diff --git a/test/test-project/.eslintrc.js b/tests/test-project/.eslintrc.js similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.eslintrc.js rename to tests/test-project/.eslintrc.js diff --git a/tests/test-project/.gitignore b/tests/test-project/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa8639a01 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test-project/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +out/ +node_modules/ +*.vsix +test-resources/ +test-extensions/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/test-project/.mocharc-debug.js b/tests/test-project/.mocharc-debug.js similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.mocharc-debug.js rename to tests/test-project/.mocharc-debug.js diff --git a/test/test-project/.mocharc.js b/tests/test-project/.mocharc.js similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.mocharc.js rename to tests/test-project/.mocharc.js diff --git a/test/test-project/.vscode/launch.json b/tests/test-project/.vscode/launch.json similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.vscode/launch.json rename to tests/test-project/.vscode/launch.json diff --git a/test/test-project/.vscode/settings.json b/tests/test-project/.vscode/settings.json similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.vscode/settings.json rename to tests/test-project/.vscode/settings.json diff --git a/test/test-project/.vscode/tasks.json b/tests/test-project/.vscode/tasks.json similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/.vscode/tasks.json rename to tests/test-project/.vscode/tasks.json diff --git a/tests/test-project/.vscodeignore b/tests/test-project/.vscodeignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..053ec31be --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test-project/.vscodeignore @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +src/** +test-resources/** +test-extensions/** +**/*.ts +**/*.d.ts +**/tsconfig.json +resources/** +../../** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test-project/LICENSE b/tests/test-project/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68daa6eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test-project/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright 2019 Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/tests/test-project/ b/tests/test-project/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..523130b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test-project/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# ExTester - Test Project + +This is a simple extension for a VS Code dedicated to 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./test-extensions" + "ui-test": "npm run cb-init && extest setup-and-run './out/test/cli/order-3.test.js' './out/test/cli/order-2.test.js' './out/test/cli/order-1.test.js' './out/test/**/*.test.js' './out/test/system/clipboard.test.js' -u -i -r . -e ./test-extensions" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/chai": "^4.3.14", - "@types/node": "^20.11.30", - "@types/vscode": "^1.82.0", - "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.4.0", - "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.4.0", + "@types/vscode": "^1.85.0", "chai": "^4.4.1", "clipboard-cli": "^4.0.0", "clipboardy": "^4.0.0", "eslint": "^8.57.0", "mocha": "^10.4.0", - "rimraf": "^5.0.5", - "typescript": "^5.4.3", - "vscode-extension-tester": "file:../.." + "vscode-extension-tester": "*" } } diff --git a/test/debug-project/.vscode/launch.json b/tests/test-project/resources/debug-project/.vscode/launch.json similarity index 100% rename from test/debug-project/.vscode/launch.json rename to tests/test-project/resources/debug-project/.vscode/launch.json diff --git a/test/debug-project/test.js b/tests/test-project/resources/debug-project/test.js similarity index 100% rename from test/debug-project/test.js rename to tests/test-project/resources/debug-project/test.js diff --git a/test/test-project/resources/example.cscratch b/tests/test-project/resources/example.cscratch similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/resources/example.cscratch rename to tests/test-project/resources/example.cscratch diff --git a/test/test-project/resources/test-file-a.txt b/tests/test-project/resources/test-file-a.txt similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/resources/test-file-a.txt rename to tests/test-project/resources/test-file-a.txt diff --git a/test/test-project/resources/test-file-b.txt b/tests/test-project/resources/test-file-b.txt similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/resources/test-file-b.txt rename to tests/test-project/resources/test-file-b.txt diff --git a/test/test-project/resources/test-file.ts b/tests/test-project/resources/test-file.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/resources/test-file.ts rename to tests/test-project/resources/test-file.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/resources/test-folder/foo b/tests/test-project/resources/test-folder/foo similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/resources/test-folder/foo rename to tests/test-project/resources/test-folder/foo diff --git a/test/test-project/resources/test-folder/foolder/bar b/tests/test-project/resources/test-folder/foolder/bar similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/resources/test-folder/foolder/bar rename to tests/test-project/resources/test-folder/foolder/bar diff --git a/test/test-project/src/catScratchEditor.ts b/tests/test-project/src/catScratchEditor.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/catScratchEditor.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/catScratchEditor.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/codelensProvider.ts b/tests/test-project/src/codelensProvider.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/codelensProvider.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/codelensProvider.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/extension.ts b/tests/test-project/src/extension.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/extension.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/extension.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/01_general/resource-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/01_general/resource.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/01_general/resource-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/01_general/resource.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/actionsControl-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/actionsControl.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/actionsControl-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/actionsControl.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/activityBar-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/activityBar.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/activityBar-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/activityBar.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/viewControl-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/viewControl.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/activityBar/viewControl-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/activityBar/viewControl.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/bottomBarPanel-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/bottomBarPanel.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/bottomBarPanel-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/bottomBarPanel.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView.test.ts similarity index 96% rename from test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView.test.ts index ffb22f2e9..8275d36f4 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/problemsView.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import * as path from 'path'; -import { TextEditor, EditorView, ProblemsView, BottomBarPanel, MarkerType, VSBrowser } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { TextEditor, EditorView, ProblemsView, BottomBarPanel, MarkerType, VSBrowser } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; import { expect } from 'chai'; describe('ProblemsView', function () { @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { expect } from 'chai'; before(async function () { this.timeout(25000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file.ts')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file.ts')); bar = new BottomBarPanel(); await bar.toggle(true); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views.test.ts similarity index 98% rename from test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views.test.ts index 3c299683b..148465b8f 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/bottomBar/views.test.ts @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe('Output View/Text Views', function () { before(async function () { this.timeout(25000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources')); await VSBrowser.instance.waitForWorkbench(); }); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-1-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-1.test.ts similarity index 85% rename from test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-1-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-1.test.ts index be7f60d6d..5796fcc20 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-1-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-1.test.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { expect } from "chai"; describe('CLI blob order test - 1', function() { it('Executed as last test', function() { - expect(process.env['CLI_ORDER'], 'this test should executed after order-2-test.ts').equal('2'); + expect(process.env['CLI_ORDER'], 'this test should executed after order-2.test.ts').equal('2'); process.env['CLI_ORDER'] = '1'; }); }); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-2-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-2.test.ts similarity index 85% rename from test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-2-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-2.test.ts index c3789b84e..e85b81bd6 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-2-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-2.test.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { expect } from "chai"; describe('CLI blob order test - 2', function() { it('Executed as middle test', function() { - expect(process.env['CLI_ORDER'], 'this test should executed after order-3-test.ts').equal('3'); + expect(process.env['CLI_ORDER'], 'this test should executed after order-3.test.ts').equal('3'); process.env['CLI_ORDER'] = '2'; }); }); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-3-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-3.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/cli/order-3-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/cli/order-3.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/debug/debug-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/debug/debug.test.ts similarity index 98% rename from test/test-project/src/test/debug/debug-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/debug/debug.test.ts index f5620be51..e334f58bd 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/debug/debug-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/debug/debug.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { ActivityBar, BottomBarPanel, Breakpoint, BreakpointSectionItem, DebugConsoleView, DebugToolbar, DebugView, EditorView, error, Key, TextEditor, TitleBar, until, VSBrowser, WebDriver, Workbench } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { ActivityBar, BottomBarPanel, Breakpoint, BreakpointSectionItem, DebugConsoleView, DebugToolbar, DebugView, EditorView, error, Key, TextEditor, TitleBar, until, VSBrowser, WebDriver, Workbench } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; import * as path from 'path'; import { expect } from "chai"; @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const line = 7; describe('Debugging', function () { process.env.NODE = process.execPath; - const folder = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'debug-project'); + const folder = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'debug-project'); let view: DebugView; before(async function () { diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/dialog/dialog-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/dialog/dialog.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/dialog/dialog-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/dialog/dialog.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/customEditor-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/customEditor.test.ts similarity index 97% rename from test/test-project/src/test/editor/customEditor-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/editor/customEditor.test.ts index 935e62a42..feb636159 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/customEditor-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/customEditor.test.ts @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe('CustomEditor', () => { const CUSTOM_TITLE: string = 'example.cscratch'; before(async () => { - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', CUSTOM_TITLE)); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', CUSTOM_TITLE)); editor = new CustomEditor(); }); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/diffEditor-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/diffEditor.test.ts similarity index 86% rename from test/test-project/src/test/editor/diffEditor-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/editor/diffEditor.test.ts index 8f5f72b06..1deff768e 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/diffEditor-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/diffEditor.test.ts @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ import * as path from 'path'; import { expect } from 'chai'; -import { EditorView, Workbench, DiffEditor, QuickOpenBox, InputBox, VSBrowser } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { EditorView, Workbench, DiffEditor, QuickOpenBox, InputBox, VSBrowser } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; describe('DiffEditor', async () => { let editor: DiffEditor; before(async function() { this.timeout(250000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file-a.txt'), - path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file-b.txt')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file-a.txt'), + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file-b.txt')); await new EditorView().openEditor('test-file-b.txt'); await new Workbench().executeCommand('File: Compare Active File With...'); let quickOpen: QuickOpenBox | InputBox; diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/editorView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/editorView.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/editor/editorView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/editor/editorView.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/settingsEditor-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/settingsEditor.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/editor/settingsEditor-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/editor/settingsEditor.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor.test.ts similarity index 99% rename from test/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor.test.ts index 07f08adc8..501eba171 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/editor/textEditor.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import * as path from 'path'; import { expect } from 'chai'; -import { TextEditor, EditorView, StatusBar, InputBox, ContentAssist, Workbench, FindWidget, VSBrowser, Notification, after, before } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { TextEditor, EditorView, StatusBar, InputBox, ContentAssist, Workbench, FindWidget, VSBrowser, Notification, after, before } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; describe('ContentAssist', async function () { let assist: ContentAssist; @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe('ContentAssist', async function () { before(async function () { this.timeout(30000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file.ts')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-file.ts')); await VSBrowser.instance.waitForWorkbench(); await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 2000)); const ew = new EditorView(); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu.test.ts similarity index 94% rename from test/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu.test.ts index 5e14cf220..e0f09ef88 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/menu/contextMenu.test.ts @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import * as path from 'path'; before(async function () { this.timeout(30000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder')); await VSBrowser.instance.driver.sleep(5000); }); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar.test.ts similarity index 94% rename from test/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar.test.ts index 44ce4915b..12264343d 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/menu/macTitleBar.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { EditorView, MacTitleBar, OutputView } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { EditorView, MacTitleBar, OutputView } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; import { AssertionError, expect } from 'chai'; describe.skip('MacTitleBar', () => { diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar.test.ts similarity index 96% rename from test/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar.test.ts index 035e4b2ec..2ad0275aa 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/menu/titleBar.test.ts @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import { ActivityBar, TitleBar, ContextMenu, TitleBarItem, EditorView, VSBrowser before(async function () { this.timeout(30000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder')); await VSBrowser.instance.driver.sleep(5000); bar = new TitleBar(); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder', 'foo')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder', 'foo')); // workspace cleanup before tests await new EditorView().closeAllEditors(); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/statusBar/statusBar-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/statusBar/statusBar.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/statusBar/statusBar-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/statusBar/statusBar.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/system/clipboard.test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/system/clipboard.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/system/clipboard.test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/system/clipboard.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/webview/webView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/webview/webView.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/webview/webView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/webview/webView.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/webview/webviewView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/webview/webviewView.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/webview/webviewView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/webview/webviewView.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/workbench/input-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/input.test.ts similarity index 98% rename from test/test-project/src/test/workbench/input-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/input.test.ts index 84e4f8e52..7f5565a03 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/workbench/input-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/input.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { expect } from 'chai'; -import { QuickOpenBox, Workbench, QuickPickItem, InputBox, StatusBar, EditorView, VSBrowser, By } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { QuickOpenBox, Workbench, QuickPickItem, InputBox, StatusBar, EditorView, VSBrowser, By } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; describe('QuickOpenBox', () => { let input: QuickOpenBox; diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/workbench/notifications-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/notifications.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/workbench/notifications-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/notifications.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/workbench/open-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/open.test.ts similarity index 90% rename from test/test-project/src/test/workbench/open-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/open.test.ts index 9fff9d8fe..c5d1903a8 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/workbench/open-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/open.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { EditorView, Workbench } from 'monaco-page-objects'; +import { EditorView, Workbench } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; import * as path from 'path'; describe('Simple open file dialog', function () { diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/workbench/workbench-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/workbench.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/workbench/workbench-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/workbench/workbench.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/customView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/customView.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/customView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/customView.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/scmView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/scmView.test.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/scmView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/scmView.test.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView.test.ts similarity index 98% rename from test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView.test.ts index 2d00cc663..9d3125b5f 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/sideBarView.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import * as path from 'path'; import { expect } from 'chai'; -import { SideBarView, ActivityBar, ViewTitlePart, Workbench, ViewItem, ViewContent, DefaultTreeSection, DefaultTreeItem, TextEditor, EditorView, VSBrowser } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { SideBarView, ActivityBar, ViewTitlePart, Workbench, ViewItem, ViewContent, DefaultTreeSection, DefaultTreeItem, TextEditor, EditorView, VSBrowser } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; describe('SideBarView', () => { let view: SideBarView; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe('SideBarView', () => { before(async function() { this.timeout(15000); - await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder')); + await VSBrowser.instance.openResources(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'test-folder')); view = await (await new ActivityBar().getViewControl('Explorer')).openView(); await new Promise((res) => { setTimeout(res, 1000); }); content = view.getContent(); diff --git a/test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView-test.ts b/tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView.test.ts similarity index 97% rename from test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView-test.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView.test.ts index 8e1cce4d9..d3ac9ddde 100644 --- a/test/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView-test.ts +++ b/tests/test-project/src/test/xsideBar/xtensionsView.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { ActivityBar, ExtensionsViewSection, EditorView, ExtensionsViewItem, VSBrowser, beforeEach } from "vscode-extension-tester"; +import { ActivityBar, ExtensionsViewSection, EditorView, ExtensionsViewItem, VSBrowser, beforeEach } from 'vscode-extension-tester'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import pjson from '../../../package.json'; diff --git a/test/test-project/src/treeView.ts b/tests/test-project/src/treeView.ts similarity index 100% rename from test/test-project/src/treeView.ts rename to tests/test-project/src/treeView.ts diff --git a/test/test-project/tsconfig.json b/tests/test-project/tsconfig.json similarity index 59% rename from test/test-project/tsconfig.json rename to tests/test-project/tsconfig.json index 7ddaf18a0..cc0430b9e 100644 --- a/test/test-project/tsconfig.json +++ b/tests/test-project/tsconfig.json @@ -2,18 +2,11 @@ "extends": "../../tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "out", - "rootDir": ".", + "rootDir": "src", "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "strict": false }, "include": [ "src" - ], - "exclude": [ - "resources", - "out", - "node_modules", - "test-extensions", - "test-resources" ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 2695d4615..86b5fd931 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -2,20 +2,17 @@ "compilerOptions": { "module": "Node16", "target": "ES2022", - "outDir": "out", "lib": [ "ES2022" ], "sourceMap": true, - "rootDir": "src", "strict": true, "noUnusedLocals": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, - "declaration": true, - "skipLibCheck": true + "declaration": true }, - "include": [ - "src" + "exclude": [ + "node_modules" ] } \ No newline at end of file