allows the publisher to send messages to the server to be sent to all subscribers.
Two devices are required to run this example. One as a publisher, and the other as a subscriber.
Connect the first device (publisher) with the Publish - Remote Call example. On the second device (subscriber) use the Subscribe - Remote Call example.
Touch the preview on the publisher screen to display a label on the subscriber screen where the publisher touched.
Once the stream has connected you are able to dispatch messages to any connected subscribers. Sending the message is a simple call:
publishStream?.send("whateverFunctionName", withParam: sendString)
PublishRemoteCallTest.swift #60
The publisher send has a specific parameter format that must be observed. A single string variable is able to be sent, and contains a map of all key-value pairs sepereated by a semi-colon.
Not using this format can result in parsing failure on the server and messages will not be dispatched.
In order to handle R5Stream.send
calls from the publisher, the R5Stream.client
delegate must be set. This delegate will receive all R5Stream.send
messages via appropriately named methods.
self.subscribeStream?.client = self;
SubscribeRemoteCallTest.swift #27
Because the publisher will be sending whateverFunctionName, the subscriber client delegate will need a matching method signature. As the name implies, the function can be named anything as long as it is publicly accessible. All methods receive a single string argument containing the variable map provided by the publisher. This map can easily be parsed.
func whateverFunctionName(message: String){
NSLog("Got this message: " + message)
let splitMessage = message.characters.split(";").map(String.init)
var message : String = ""
var point : CGPoint = CGPoint()
for item in splitMessage {
let itemSplit = item.characters.split("=").map(String.init)
let size = self.view.frame.size
switch itemSplit[0] {
case "message":
message = itemSplit[1]
case "touchX":
point.x = CGFloat((itemSplit[1] as NSString).doubleValue) * size.width
case "touchY":
point.y = CGFloat((itemSplit[1] as NSString).doubleValue) * size.height