Repository for collecting recipes for standard physics objects and for analysis of simulated events with the CMS phase 2 detector
This is to be used for egamma and jets parameterization for delphes in 11_3_X.
The recipes for accessing PhaseII objects are summarized here: UPG PhaseII recipes
This is used for egamma, muons and jets/met parameterization in 11_3_X.
cmsrel CMSSW_11_3_0_pre4
cd CMSSW_11_3_0_pre4/src/
git cms-merge-topic SohamBhattacharya:PhaseII_forRTB_11_3_0_pre4
scram b -j10
setenv CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE /cvmfs/
git cms-init
mkdir new; cd new
If you do not attempt to contribute to this repository, simply clone it:
git clone .
If you aim at contributing to the repository, you need to fork this repository (via the fork button) and then clone the forked repository:
git clone [email protected]:YOURGITUSERNAME/RecoNtuplizer.git .
Continue :
cd ../; mv new/* .
cp -r new/.git .
rm -rf new
scram b -j10
cd TreeMaker/Ntuplzr/
git remote add upstream [email protected]:recotoolsbenchmarks/RecoNtuplizer.git
You can then regularly update your fork via:
git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/master
If you want to submit a new feature to recotoolsbenchmarks/RecoNtuplizer
you have to do it via pull-request (PR):
So, first commit and push your changes to YOURGITUSERNAME/RecoNtuplizer
and then make a PR via the github interface.
Currently in 11.3, we have re-reco setup + Basic phase-2 full-sim setup.
To submit the re-reco condor setup, please first generate your proxy and copy it in directory:
Then in CMSSW_11_3_0_pre4/src :
To get the files corresponding to a given dataset:
mkdir sourceFiles
Add the corresponding dataset accrordingly in in the list l_samplename and run using :
python --getFiles
Then in temp.txt: add the processName, path to input files, path to putput files etc.. as the given examples:
To submit the ntuplizer condor setup, again please first generate your proxy and copy it in directory:
Then in CMSSW_11_3_0_pre4/src/TreeMaker/Ntuplzr/test:
To get the files corresponding to a given dataset:
mkdir sourceFiles
Add the path to corresponding re-reco files in and run using :
python --getFiles
Then in temp.txt: add the processName, path to input files, path to putput files etc.. as before and run :