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API Reference

Rainer Simon edited this page May 18, 2020 · 14 revisions

Initializing RecogitoJS

Initialize a RecogitoJS instance on a page element with

var r = Recogito.init(config);

The configuration must be an object with the following properties:

Property Value Default
content REQUIRED the DOM element to make annotate-able or, alternatively, the ID of the element -
readOnly Set to true to display annotations read-only false
formatter For adding custom CSS classes to anntotations (see Formatters) -
locale Set the two-character language code for UI localization. Alternatively, use auto to select the language based on the browser setting. See here for a list of currently supported languages. -
mode Set this to pre if the content is preformatted text (<pre> tag or white-space: pre CSS style). In pre mode, TextPositionSelectors stored in the annotations will precisely match the text formatting in the markup, whereas positions in html mode will correspond more closely to the character offsets rendered in the browser. html

Instance Methods


Adds an annotation programmatically. The annotation format is that of the W3C WebAnnotation model. RecogitoJS requires a TextPositionSelector in the annotation, and will display each TextualBody as a field the popup.

Argument Value
annotation the annotation object in WebAnnotation format


Removes an annotation programmatically.

Argument Value
annotation the annotation object in WebAnnotation format


Loads annotations from a JSON-LD source. The method returns a promise, in case you want to do something after the annotations have loaded.

r.loadAnnotations(url).then(function(annotations) {
  // Do something
Argument Value
url the URL to HTTP GET the annotations from


Returns all annotations, according to the current rendered state.



Clears the user auth information

on(event, callback)

Subscribe to an event. (See Events for the list.)

Argument Value
event the name of the event
callback the function to call when the event is emitted

off(event[, callback])

Unsubscribe from an event. If no callback is provided, all event handlers for this event will be unsubscribed.

Argument Value
event the name of the event
callback the function used when binding to the event


createAnnotation(annotation, overrideId)

Fired when a new annotation is created from a user selection. When an annotation is created, RecogitoJS automatically assigns it a globally unique ID. It is possible to override this ID with your own (e.g. server-generated) ID via the overrideId callback function.

r.on('createAnnotation', async (annotation, overrideId) => {
  // POST to the server and receive a new ID
  const newId = await server.createAnnotation(annotation);

  // Inject that ID into RecogitoJS

Warning: keep in mind that users may have continued annotating if the async operation takes a long time. This creates a potential concurrency situation when the user:

  • creates a new annotation
  • and then draws a relationship just before the ID is updated

RecogitoJS takes care of keeping the IDs in sync internally between annotation and relation, after overrideId was called. But you may need to take extra precautions to avoid IDs getting out of sync on the server. Be sure you understand the possible consequences of opting out of auto-generated IDs when using relationship annotation.

Argument Value
annotation the annotation in W3C WebAnnotation format
overrideId a callback function for assigning a custom annotation ID

updateAnnotation(annotation, previous)

Fired when an existing annotation was updated.

Argument Value
annotation the updated annotation
previous the annotation state before the update


Per default, RecogitoJS renders annotation highlights as SPAN elements with an annotation CSS class.

Tell me of <span class="annotation">that ingenious hero</span> who travelled...

By adding a formatter, you can customize the CSS classes that will be attached to the annotation highlights, and use these classes to create your own style rules. The formatter is simply a function which gets the annotation as an argument, and must return a string.

// E.g. to give a different background color to annotations with multiple bodies
var formatter = function(annotation) {
  return (annotation.bodies.length > 1) ? "has-multiple-bodies" : "";
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