- Account balance after rounded purchase
- Add to array form of integer
- Adding spaces to a string
- Alternating digit sum
- Ant on the boundary
- Apply operations to an array
- Arithmetic subarrays
- Arranging coins
- Average salary excluding the minimum and maximum salary
- Average value of even numbers that are divisible by three
- Beautiful towers i
- Best poker hand
- Bulls and cows
- Calculate amount paid in taxes
- Calculate delayed arrival time
- Can place flowers
- Categorize box according to criteria
- Check distances between same letters
- Check if a string contains all binary codes of size k
- Check if a string is an acronym of words
- Check if all the integers in a range are covered
- Check if grid satisfies conditions
- Check if matrix is x matrix
- Check if number is a sum of powers of three
- Check if strings can be made equal with operations i
- Check if the sentence is pangram
- Check if two chessboard squares have the same color
- Check if two string arrays are equivalent
- Check if word equals summation of two words
- Check knight tour configuration
- Convert 1d array into 2d array
- Convert date to binary
- Convert the temperature
- Count and say
- Count asterisks
- Count number of distinct integers after reverse operations
- Count odd numbers in an interval range
- Count pairs whose sum is less than target
- Count subarrays of length three with a condition
- Count substrings that satisfy k constraint i
- Count symmetric integers
- Count the digits that divide a number
- Count the number of consistent strings
- Count the number of special characters i
- Count the number of vowel strings in range
- Delete characters to make fancy string
- Delete columns to make sorted
- Determine color of a chessboard square
- Determine if string halves are alike
- Determine the winner of a bowling game
- Difference between element sum and digit sum of an array
- Difference between ones and zeros in row and column
- Distribute candies
- Distribute candies to people
- Distribute elements into two arrays i
- Divisible and non divisible sums difference
- Duplicate zeros
- Excel sheet column number
- Existence of a substring in a string and its reverse
- Faulty keyboard
- Find common elements between two arrays
- Find first palindromic string in the array
- Find if digit game can be won
- Find indices of stable mountains
- Find nearest point that has the same x or y coordinate
- Find numbers with even number of digits
- Find occurrences of an element in an array
- Find subarrays with equal sum
- Find the array concatenation value
- Find the distance value between two arrays
- Find the encrypted string
- Find the k th character in string game i
- Find the key of the numbers
- Find the losers of the circular game
- Find the maximum divisibility score
- Find the original typed string i
- Find the peaks
- Find the pivot integer
- Find the sum of encrypted integers
- Find the town judge
- Find the width of columns of a grid
- Find the winner of an array game
- Find the winner of the circular game
- Find winner on a tic tac toe game
- Find words containing character
- Fizz buzz
- Flipping an image
- Game of life
- Get biggest three rhombus sums in a grid
- Get maximum in generated array
- Greatest english letter in upper and lower case
- Harshad number
- Hash divided string
- Height checker
- How many numbers are smaller than the current number
- Image overlap
- Image smoother
- Incremental memory leak
- Integer replacement
- Island perimeter
- K items with the maximum sum
- Kids with the greatest number of candies
- Largest 3 same digit number in string
- Largest local values in a matrix
- Largest magic square
- Largest positive integer that exists with its negative
- Largest time for given digits
- Last visited integers
- Latest time you can obtain after replacing characters
- Lexicographically smallest string after a swap
- Longest strictly increasing or strictly decreasing subarray
- Lucky numbers in a matrix
- Magic squares in grid
- Make a square with the same color
- Make three strings equal
- Match substring after replacement
- Matrix diagonal sum
- Matrix similarity after cyclic shifts
- Maximum 69 number
- Maximum count of positive integer and negative integer
- Maximum difference by remapping a digit
- Maximum height of a triangle
- Maximum number of balloons
- Maximum number of operations with the same score i
- Maximum number of pairs in array
- Maximum score after splitting a string
- Maximum star sum of a graph
- Maximum sum of an hourglass
- Maximum value of a string in an array
- Merge strings alternately
- Merge triplets to form target triplet
- Min max game
- Minimum amount of time to fill cups
- Minimum average of smallest and largest elements
- Minimum changes to make alternating binary string
- Minimum distance to the target element
- Minimum domino rotations for equal row
- Minimum element after replacement with digit sum
- Minimum hours of training to win a competition
- Minimum number game
- Minimum number of swaps to make the binary string alternating
- Minimum operations to exceed threshold value i
- Minimum time visiting all points
- Modify the matrix
- Most frequent even element
- Next greater element i
- Non decreasing array
- Number of arithmetic triplets
- Number of beautiful pairs
- Number of changing keys
- Number of employees who met the target
- Number of senior citizens
- Number of steps to reduce a number to zero
- Number of unequal triplets in array
- Odd string difference
- Palindrome number
- Pancake sorting
- Partitioning into minimum number of deci binary numbers
- Pass the pillow
- Perform string shifts
- Points that intersect with cars
- Power of three
- Powerful integers
- Push dominoes
- Queries on number of points inside a circle
- Range addition ii
- Remove all occurrences of a substring
- Remove one element to make the array strictly increasing
- Remove palindromic subsequences
- Remove trailing zeros from a string
- Reverse prefix of word
- Row with maximum ones
- Score of a string
- Separate the digits in an array
- Shortest and lexicographically smallest beautiful string
- Shortest distance to target string in a circular array
- Shuffle the array
- Smallest divisible digit product i
- Smallest even multiple
- Snake in matrix
- Sort vowels in a string
- Special array i
- Special positions in a binary matrix
- Stone removal game
- Substring matching pattern
- Sum of digits of string after convert
- Sum of number and its reverse
- Sum of squares of special elements
- The employee that worked on the longest task
- Three consecutive odds
- Time needed to buy tickets
- Toeplitz matrix
- Total distance traveled
- Ugly number
- Valid word
- Water bottles ii
- Zigzag conversion