pip install --upgrade git+git://
Or from pypi:
pip install --upgrade wandb-ng
wandb/sdk - User accessed functions [wandb.init()] and objects [WandbRun, WandbConfig, WandbSummary, WandbSettings]
wandb/sdk_py27 - Generated files [currently by]
wandb/backend - Support to launch internal process
wandb/interface - Interface to backend execution
wandb/proto - Protocol buffers for inter-process communication and persist file store
wandb/internal - Backend threads/processes
wandb/apis - Public api (still has internal api but this should be moved to wandb/internal)
wandb/cli - Handlers for command line functionality
wandb/stuff - Stuff copied from wandb-og, needs to be refactored or find a place
wandb/agent - agent/super agent stuff
wandb/framework/keras - keras integration
wandb/framework/pytorch - pytorch integration
- Reformat:
tox -e reformat
- Type check:
tox -e mypy
- Misc:
- Improve hybrid (poor connectivity mode) - jhr
- Add metadata sync - jhr
- Add system metrics - jhr
- Add summary metrics mirror - jhr
- Add file sync
- Add media logging
- Add keras framework
- Fix grouping / job_type / run naming
- Fix file descriptor close (message + hang on pix2pix)
- Fix colab console redir error
- Fix issue in pix2pix with logging
- Add code saving
- Add pytorch framework
- Add other frameworks
- Basic CLI functionality
- Support modes
- Decide on persistant storage
- Offline sync - jhr
- wandb.init() basic
- wandb.log() basic
- wandb.join() basic
- basic
- wandb.config basic
- wandb.restore()
- wandb.init() full
- wandb.log() full
- wandb.join() full
- full
- wandb.config full
- wandb.sweep()
- wandb.agent()
- wandb.controller()
- wandb login
- wandb sync
- system metrics
- console log
- offline
- Unit tests
- code coverage
- standardize all CLI->backend updates
- reorganize code to avoid different contexts (run_manager)
- jupyter simplification using request queues or RPC
- utilize more standard methods for background process
- better isolation for extended features (system monitoring, git logging)
- offline support improvements: enforce constraints at sync time (code logging, etc)
- internal api becomes fully internal, only used by "internal" process
- telemetry of all operations
- multi-language synchronizer
- schema'ed binary? cloud? log for offline run data
- less (no) dependance on local filesytem
- type annotations
- cleaned up logger