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tracking plot changes
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raphaelchang committed Nov 8, 2019
1 parent 8de98e9 commit d7454bd
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Showing 4 changed files with 113 additions and 36 deletions.
96 changes: 69 additions & 27 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
if not os.path.isdir(args.results_path) and args.results_path.endswith('.hdf5'):
with h5py.File(args.results_path, 'r') as f:
failures = f['failures'][:]
successes = f['successes'][:]
radial_errors = f['radial_errors'][:]
length_errors = f['length_errors'][:]
track_counts = f['track_counts'][:]
Expand All @@ -29,21 +30,25 @@
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 4)
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 5)

binned_errors = [[0] for i in range(10)]
for r, e in radial_errors:
if e < 50:
binned_errors[int(min(r, 0.499999) / 0.05)].append(e)
ax1.set_title('Pixel error distribution for various radial distances')
ax1.set_ylabel('Pixel error')
ax1.set_xlabel('Radial distance')
ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1, 11))
ax1.set_xticklabels(['{}-{}'.format(i * 0.05, (i + 1) * 0.05) for i in range(10)])
ax1.set_ylim([0, 20])
ax1.plot([i for i in range(1, 11)], [np.array(binned_errors[i]).mean() for i in range(10)], '-o', markersize=4, c='black')
df = pandas.DataFrame()
re_filt = radial_errors[np.where((radial_errors[:, 1] < 50) & (radial_errors[:, 2] > 0))]
df = df.append(pandas.DataFrame({'Radial distance': np.round(re_filt[:, 0] / 0.005) * 0.005, 'Relative endpoint error': re_filt[:, 2]}))
# binned_errors = [[0] for i in range(30)]
# for r, aee, ree, ae, rbe in radial_errors:
# if aee < 50:
# binned_errors[int(r / 0.025)].append(aee)
# ax1.set_title('Pixel error distribution for various radial distances')
# ax1.set_ylabel('Pixel error')
# ax1.set_xlabel('Radial distance')
# ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1, 22))
# ax1.set_xticklabels(['{}-{}'.format(i * 0.025, (i + 1) * 0.025) for i in range(21)])
# ax1.set_ylim([0, 10])
# ax1.violinplot(binned_errors[:21])
# ax1.plot([i for i in range(1, 22)], [np.array(binned_errors[i]).mean() for i in range(21)], '-o', markersize=4, c='black')
sns.relplot(x="Radial distance", y="Relative endpoint error", kind="line", data=df, ci="sd", ax=ax1)

ax2.set_title('Pixel errors over track lifetime')
ax2.set_ylim([0, 30])
ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.1])
ax2.set_ylabel('Pixel error')
err = dict()
Expand All @@ -54,7 +59,7 @@
err[row[1]] = []
if row[1] not in rs:
rs[row[1]] = []
err[row[1]].append((row[0], row[3]))
err[row[1]].append((row[0], row[4]))
if row[1] > num_tracks:
num_tracks = int(row[1])
Expand All @@ -71,11 +76,11 @@
for j in range(0, len(e) - 1):
ax2.plot([e[j][0], e[j+1][0]], [e[j][1], e[j+1][1]], color=np.squeeze(colors[j]))
i += int(num_tracks / 2000)
tl_err = [(tl, e) for tl, _, _, e in length_errors]
tl_err = [(tl, be) for tl, _, _, e, be in length_errors]
lim = int(max(tl_err, key=lambda item:item[0])[0])
binned_errors = [[] for i in range(lim + 1)]
for tl, _, _, e in length_errors:
for tl, _, _, e, be in length_errors:
ax2.plot([i for i in range(0, lim)], [np.array(binned_errors[i]).mean() for i in range(0, lim)], '-o', markersize=4, c='black')

ax3.set_title('Number of tracks over frames')
Expand All @@ -93,17 +98,34 @@
ax4.axvline(track_lengths.mean(), color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1)
ax4.axvline(np.median(track_lengths), color='k', linestyle='dotted', linewidth=1)

ax5.set_title('Number of failures at various radial distances')
ax5.set_title('Ratio of inliers over radial distances')
ax5.set_xlabel('Radial distance')
ax5.hist([r for r in failures], bins=[0.0125 * a for a in range(0, 41)], color='palegreen')
ax5.set_ylabel('Ratio of inliers')
lim = int(successes.max(axis=0)[1])
binned_inliers = [[0 for j in range(50)] for i in range(lim)]
binned_outliers = [[0 for j in range(50)] for i in range(lim)]
for r, f in successes:
binned_inliers[int(f) - 1][int(r / 0.0125)] += 1
for r, f in failures:
binned_outliers[int(f) - 1][int(r / 0.0125)] += 1
binned_ratio = [0. for i in range(lim)]
for r in range(50):
for f in range(lim):
total = binned_outliers[f][r] + binned_inliers[f][r]
if total > 0:
binned_ratio[r] += binned_inliers[f][r] / float(total)
binned_ratio[r] /= lim
# ax5.hist([r for r, _ in failures], bins=[0.0125 * a for a in range(0, 43)], color='palegreen')[0.0125 * a for a in range(0, 43)], [binned_ratio[a] for a in range(43)], 0.0125)

elif os.path.isdir(args.results_path):
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
fig2 = plt.figure(2)
# fig3 = plt.figure(3)
fig1.suptitle('KLT Tracking Accuracy for Various FOVs and Motions')
fig2.suptitle('KLT Tracking Lifetime Distributions for Various FOVs and Motions')
# fig3.suptitle('KLT Tracking Error Distribution Over Radial Distance for Various FOVs and Motions')
motion_count = 0
fov_dict = dict()
last_fov_num = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,21 +163,24 @@
num_rows = motion_count
num_cols = last_fov_num
motion_inx = 0
df_ee = pandas.DataFrame()
df_ae = pandas.DataFrame()
df_be = pandas.DataFrame()
for motion in os.listdir(args.results_path):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(args.results_path, motion)):
df = pandas.DataFrame()
df_lifetime = pandas.DataFrame()
bag_dir = os.path.join(args.results_path, motion)
motion_exists = False
for fovstr in fovs:
failures = np.empty(shape=(1,0))
radial_errors = np.empty(shape=(0,2))
failures = np.empty(shape=(0,2))
radial_errors = np.empty(shape=(0,5))
track_lengths = np.empty(shape=(1,0))
file_exists = False
for filename in os.listdir(bag_dir):
if filename.endswith(fovstr + '.tracking.hdf5'):
results_file = os.path.join(bag_dir, filename)
with h5py.File(results_file, 'r') as f:
failures = np.hstack((failures, f['failures'][:]))
failures = np.vstack((failures, f['failures'][:]))
radial_errors = np.vstack((radial_errors, f['radial_errors'][:]))
tl = f['track_lengths'][:]
track_lengths = np.hstack((track_lengths, tl[:, tl[0, :] > 0]))
Expand All @@ -166,7 +191,7 @@
fov = int(fovstr)
if file_exists:
ax = fig1.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, motion_inx * num_cols + fov_dict[fov] + 1)
ax.hist([[r for r, e in radial_errors if e <= 5], [r for r, e in radial_errors if 5 < e <= 20], [r for r, e in radial_errors if 20 < e <= 50], [r for r in failures]], bins=[i * 0.05 for i in range(11)], alpha=0.5, label=['<5', '5-20', '20-50', 'Failures'], stacked=False)
ax.hist([[r for r, aee, ree, ae, rbe in radial_errors if aee <= 5], [r for r, aee, ree, ae, rbe in radial_errors if 5 < aee <= 20], [r for r, aee, ree, ae, rbe in radial_errors if 20 < aee <= 50], [r for r, _ in failures]], bins=[i * 0.05 for i in range(11)], alpha=0.5, label=['<5', '5-20', '20-50', 'Failures'], stacked=False)
ax.legend(loc='best', title='Pixel error', fontsize='x-small')

if motion_inx == 0:
Expand All @@ -179,14 +204,31 @@
ax.set_ylabel('Number of tracks')

df = df.append(pandas.DataFrame({'FOV': [fov for i in range(len(track_lengths[0]))], 'Track lifetime (frames)': track_lengths[0, :]}))
df_lifetime = df_lifetime.append(pandas.DataFrame({'FOV': [fov for i in range(len(track_lengths[0]))], 'Track lifetime (frames)': track_lengths[0, :]}))
re_filt_ee = radial_errors[np.where((radial_errors[:, 1] < 50) & (radial_errors[:, 2] > 0))]
re_filt_ae = radial_errors[np.where(radial_errors[:, 1] < 50)]
re_filt_be = radial_errors[np.where((radial_errors[:, 1] < 50) & (radial_errors[:, 4] > 0))]
df_ee = df_ee.append(pandas.DataFrame({'Radial distance': np.round(re_filt_ee[:, 0] / 0.005) * 0.005, 'FOV': [fovstr for i in range(len(re_filt_ee))], 'Motion': [motion for i in range(len(re_filt_ee))], 'Relative endpoint error': re_filt_ee[:, 2]}))
df_ae = df_ae.append(pandas.DataFrame({'Radial distance': np.round(re_filt_ae[:, 0] / 0.005) * 0.005, 'FOV': [fovstr for i in range(len(re_filt_ae))], 'Motion': [motion for i in range(len(re_filt_ae))], 'Angular error': re_filt_ae[:, 3]}))
df_be = df_be.append(pandas.DataFrame({'Radial distance': np.round(re_filt_be[:, 0] / 0.005) * 0.005, 'FOV': [fovstr for i in range(len(re_filt_be))], 'Motion': [motion for i in range(len(re_filt_be))], 'Relative bearing error': re_filt_be[:, 4]}))
print '[WARNING] No results files found in directory {} for FOV {}'.format(os.path.join(bag_dir), fovstr)
if motion_exists:
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(num_rows, 1, motion_inx + 1)
sns.violinplot(x='FOV', y='Track lifetime (frames)', data=df, ax=ax2, palette="muted", inner='quart')
sns.violinplot(x='FOV', y='Track lifetime (frames)', data=df_lifetime, ax=ax2, palette="muted", inner='quart')
ax2.set_title('Motion {}'.format(motion))
motion_inx += 1

# ax_ee = fig3.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
sns.relplot(x="Radial distance", y="Relative endpoint error", kind="line", data=df_ee, ci="sd", row='Motion', hue='FOV', legend="full", hue_order=fovs, palette=sns.color_palette("muted", n_colors=len(fovs)))
# ax_ee.set_title('Relative endpoint error')
# ax_ae = fig3.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
sns.relplot(x="Radial distance", y="Angular error", kind="line", data=df_ae, ci="sd", row='Motion', hue='FOV', legend="full", hue_order=fovs, palette=sns.color_palette("muted", n_colors=len(fovs)))
# ax_ae.set_title('Angular error')
# ax_be = fig3.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
sns.relplot(x="Radial distance", y="Relative bearing error", kind="line", data=df_be, ci="sd", row='Motion', hue='FOV', legend="full", hue_order=fovs, palette=sns.color_palette("muted", n_colors=len(fovs)))
# ax_be.set_title('Relative bearing error')

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47 changes: 40 additions & 7 deletions src/module/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ void TrackingModule::Update(std::unique_ptr<data::Frame> &frame)
regionCount_[{rinx, tinx}]++;
regionLandmarks_[{rinx, tinx}].push_back(&landmark);

const data::Feature *obsPrev = landmark.GetObservationByFrameID((*next(frames_.rbegin()))->GetID());
const data::Feature *obsPrevFrame = landmark.GetObservationByFrameID((*next(frames_.rbegin()))->GetID());
const data::Feature *obsPrev = landmark.GetObservationByFrameID(lastKeyframe_->GetID());
if (obsPrev != nullptr)
Vector2d pixelGnd;
Expand All @@ -106,26 +107,58 @@ void TrackingModule::Update(std::unique_ptr<data::Frame> &frame)
pixel << obs->GetKeypoint().pt.x, obs->GetKeypoint().pt.y;
double error = (pixel - pixelGnd).norm();

visualization_.AddTrack(cv::Point2f(pixelGnd(0), pixelGnd(1)), obsPrev->GetKeypoint().pt, obs->GetKeypoint().pt, error, i);
if (obsPrevFrame != nullptr)
visualization_.AddTrack(cv::Point2f(pixelGnd(0), pixelGnd(1)), obsPrevFrame->GetKeypoint().pt, obs->GetKeypoint().pt, error, i);

double xg = pixelGnd(0) - frames_.back()->GetImage().cols / 2. + 0.5;
double yg = pixelGnd(1) - frames_.back()->GetImage().rows / 2. + 0.5;
double rg = sqrt(xg * xg + yg * yg) / imsize;
stats_.radialErrors.emplace_back(vector<double>{rg, error});
stats_.frameErrors.emplace_back(vector<double>{(double)landmark.GetNumObservations() - 1, (double)i, rg, error});

Vector2d pixelPrev;
pixelPrev << obsPrev->GetKeypoint().pt.x, obsPrev->GetKeypoint().pt.y;
Vector3d flow;
flow = (pixel - pixelPrev).homogeneous().normalized();
Vector3d ray;
frames_.back()->GetCameraModel().UnprojectToBearing(pixel, ray);
Vector3d rayGnd;
frames_.back()->GetCameraModel().UnprojectToBearing(pixelGnd, rayGnd);
Vector3d rayPrev;
lastKeyframe_->GetCameraModel().UnprojectToBearing(pixelPrev, rayPrev);
Vector3d rayGndPrev = rayPrev;
double prevError = 0;
Vector3d flowGnd;
flowGnd << 0, 0, 1;
Vector2d pixelGndPrev;
if (lastKeyframe_->GetCameraModel().ProjectToImage(util::TFUtil::WorldFrameToCameraFrame(util::TFUtil::TransformPoint(lastKeyframe_->GetInversePose(), landmark.GetGroundTruth())), pixelGndPrev))
prevError = (pixelPrev - pixelGndPrev).norm();
flowGnd = (pixelGnd - pixelGndPrev).homogeneous().normalized();
lastKeyframe_->GetCameraModel().UnprojectToBearing(pixelGndPrev, rayGndPrev);
double angularError = acos(;
double bearingError = acos(ray.normalized().dot(rayGnd.normalized()));
double bearingErrorPrev = acos(rayPrev.normalized().dot(rayGndPrev.normalized()));
stats_.radialErrors.emplace_back(vector<double>{rg, error, error - prevError, angularError, bearingError - bearingErrorPrev});
stats_.frameErrors.emplace_back(vector<double>{(double)landmark.GetNumObservations() - 1, (double)i, rg, error, bearingError});
stats_.successRadDists.emplace_back(vector<double>{rg, (double)frameNum_});
visualization_.AddTrack(obsPrev->GetKeypoint().pt, obs->GetKeypoint().pt, i);
if (obsPrevFrame != nullptr)
visualization_.AddTrack(obsPrevFrame->GetKeypoint().pt, obs->GetKeypoint().pt, i);
const data::Feature *obs = landmark.GetObservationByFrameID((*next(frames_.rbegin()))->GetID());
const data::Feature *obs = landmark.GetObservationByFrameID(lastKeyframe_->GetID());
if (obs != nullptr) // Failed in current frame

Expand All @@ -135,7 +168,7 @@ void TrackingModule::Update(std::unique_ptr<data::Frame> &frame)
double x = pixelGnd(0) - frames_.back()->GetImage().cols / 2. + 0.5;
double y = pixelGnd(1) - frames_.back()->GetImage().rows / 2. + 0.5;
double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y) / imsize;
stats_.failureRadDists.emplace_back(vector<double>{r, (double)frameNum_});
stats_.trackLengths.push_back(landmark.GetNumObservations() - 1);
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/module/tracking_module.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ class TrackingModule
std::vector<std::vector<double>> frameErrors;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> frameTrackCounts;
std::vector<int> trackLengths;
std::vector<double> failureRadDists;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> failureRadDists;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> successRadDists;

TrackingModule(std::unique_ptr<feature::Detector> &detector, std::unique_ptr<feature::Tracker> &tracker, std::unique_ptr<odometry::FivePoint> &checker, int minFeaturesRegion = 5, int maxFeaturesRegion = 5000);
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ros/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ template <bool Stereo>
void TrackingEval<Stereo>::GetResultsData(std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> &data)
module::TrackingModule::Stats &stats = trackingModule_->GetStats();
data["failures"] = {stats.failureRadDists};
data["failures"] = stats.failureRadDists;
data["successes"] = stats.successRadDists;
data["radial_errors"] = stats.radialErrors;
data["length_errors"] = stats.frameErrors;
data["track_counts"] = vector<vector<double>>();
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