MenYappu is a web site that is designed for Tamil enthusiasts and students who are interested to understand the foundations of Tamil Prosody and write their own poems adhering to the prosody grammer. When I was researching online about Tamil Prosody, I found the excellent website name developed by Mr. Vinodh Rajan. Not only did he provide that great service in his awesome web site but he also made the PHP source code available in github.
Since C# and .NET are my platform of choice, I started porting the PHP source code of Avalokitam (, a popular Tamil Prosody Analyzer created by Vinodh Rajan into C# and .NET. Currently, it is hosted in Azure at
MenYappu is developed using ASP.NET MVC 5, C# 6.0 and JavaScript. The UI is developed using Telerik Kendo UI and jQuery libraries.
In Phase 1, I'm planning to focus mainly writing some simple games to explain the parts of Prosody and write a simple tool to input poems in veNpA meter. The books I used to learn Tamil Prosody are:
- கவி பாடலாம் – கி.வா.ஜகந்நாதன்
- கவிதை இயற்றிக் கலக்கு – பேராசிரியர் பசுபதி
The websites I frequently use as references to understand the nuances of Prosody are: