WARNING: This is a prototype which is still under development.
TODO: See source
- LightOSM.jl
- LightXML.jl
- Graphs.jl
- Cairo.jl
- MetaGraphs.jl
- HTTP.jl
- Plots.jl
- GraphPlot.jl
- GraphRecipes.jl
- Fontconfiq.jl
- Compose.jl
- YAML.jl
If there is an urgent usecase, here is a very short instruction:
Start the OSMTrainPath or DataGraph-class.
1.) Use the "addRelation(id)"/"addWay(id)"-function to download data from overpass.
2.) After you completed all downloads call the "createGraph()"-function.
3.) To see the data call "plotGraph()" and search for the "Buffer.pdf"-file in which the plot will be saved.
4.) Use "filterOnedirectional(startpoint-id, destinationpoint-id)"-function to get one specific directed graph.
5.) Plot again to see the filtered path.
6.) If there are maxspeeds "UNKNOWN" you must correct them with the "changeWaySpeed(way-id, newspeed)"-function.
7.) If there are more possible ways than one for your whished export, you must remove one way so there is no other possible way.
Therefore use the "removeWay(way-id)"-function.
8.) After you completed all maxspeeds and only one possibly way, you can export data to a YAML-file.
Therefore use the exportPathToYAML(description, filename, startpoint-id, destinationpoint-id).
Note that you have to name the filename like *name*.yaml.
Copyright 2022 Falk Centner