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rhaen edited this page Feb 23, 2013 · 6 revisions

Here are some guideline for new people coming to the project about the toolchain, development methods and ideas.

Development toolchain

Testing your stuff when you code puppet is incredible useful. Once you commit something to the repo and push against this upstream repository a travis build will be fired. However, you can install everything locally to run it on your local machine. Everything will be installed in your home directory. All you need is a recent ruby version (starting from 1.8.2) and the rubygems gem installed.

export GEM_HOME=~/.gem
export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH

gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc puppet
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc puppet-lint
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc puppetlabs_spec_helper
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc autotest

Voila, now you have the full toolchain.

(If you are on RHEL/Fedora and the installation of autotest fails - check the RHEL section in this page)

Development branches

The hardcore development should be done in branches. Before you send a pull request from one of your development branches makes sure to speak to a committer for this repository in order to avoid confusion. We do encourage contributions!

Continous integration

We are using the Travis-CI environment. If you are working on some functionality you can enable Travis-CI in your repository. The notices about build failures or success will be sent the IRC channel puppet on

You can also use the gem autotest to run a testrunner locally. It will track file changes and rerun the required test.


We are using TDD using Puppets rspec helpers. This should keep the code clean and sane and avoid unnecessary problems when we are moving functions and classes.

If you want to test your code - just change in your local checkout and run the following commands:

cd <module root>
rake spec_prep
rake spec

Problems with installing the toolchain

An update of your rubygems might be required. Please run the following command to update your local rubygems.

sudo gem update --system

Problems on RedHat/Fedora

custom_require.rb:36:in require: cannot load such file -- rdoc/rdoc

RedHat and Fedora split their ruby packages in interesting sub packages. Make sure to have the following packages installed:

  • ruby
  • rubygems
  • rubygem-rdoc-doc
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