From 0f2e22bbae24d0d7dce350c985720e108acac884 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillaume Dalle <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 18:54:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Set up Literate with Documenter

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+          ref: gh-pages
+      - name: Delete preview and history + push changes
+        run: |
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\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/ b/
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--- a/
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@@ -17,100 +17,10 @@ specifically:
 - Tests: `@implements` declarations should be tested in package tests.
 - Docs: interface documentation can be inserted into trait documentation.
-__Note: the syntax here is likely to change over 2022 as we work out the best ways to define interfaces__
-## Example
-See the `IterationInterface` in BaseInterfaces.jl (a subpackage of this package)
+See the `IterationInterface` in BaseInterfaces.jl (a subpackage of this package) or the documentation
 for examples of `@interface` and `@implements`.
-But heres an examples using Animals, and the implementation of a Duck.
-First we define the interface methods, and a list of mandatory and
-optional properties of the interface, with conditions, using the `@interface`
-The `@interface` macro takes two argumens
-1. The name of the interface, which should usully end with "Interface"
-2. The `mandatory` and `optional` components of the interface written as a `NamedTuple`,
-  with functions or tuple of functions that test them.
-module Animals
-using Interfaces
-# Define the methods the interface uses
-function age end
-function walk end
-function talk end
-function dig end
-# Define the interface conditions
-@interface AnimalInterface (
-    mandatory = (;
-        age = (
-            x -> age(x) isa Real,
-            x -> age(x) >= 0,
-        )
-    ),
-    optional = (;
-        walk = x -> walk(x) isa String,
-        talk = x -> talk(x) isa Symbol,
-        dig = x -> dig(x) isa String,
-    ),
-Now we can implement the AnimalInterface, for a Duck.
-The `@implements` macro takes two arguments.
-1. The interface type, with a tuple of optional components in
-  its first type parameter. 
-2. The type for which the interface is implemented.
-using Interfaces
-# Define our Duck object
-struct Duck
-    age::Int
-# And extend Animals methods for it
-Animals.age(duck::Duck) = duck.age
-Animals.walk(::Duck) = "waddle" = :quack
-# And define the interface
-@implements Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk, :talk)} Duck
-Now we have some methods we can use as traits, and test the interface with:
-julia> Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface{:walk}, Duck)
-julia> Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface{:dig}, Duck)
-# We can test the interface
-julia> Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck, [Duck(1), Duck(2)])
-# Or components of it:
-julia> Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Duck, [Duck(1), Duck(2)])
-# Test another type
-struct Chicken end
-julia> Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface, Chicken) 
+__Note: the syntax here is likely to change as we work out the best ways to define interfaces__
 If you think it should behave differently or there is better syntax,
 please make an issue.
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--- a/docs/Project.toml
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
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+Literate = "98b081ad-f1c9-55d3-8b20-4c87d4299306"
diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index 3a86881..ff699df 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
-using Interfaces
 using Documenter
+using Interfaces
+using Literate
 DocMeta.setdocmeta!(Interfaces, :DocTestSetup, :(using Interfaces); recursive=true)
+# Copy README
+    joinpath(dirname(@__DIR__), ""),
+    joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", ""),
+    force=true,
+# Copy test files
+    joinpath(dirname(@__DIR__), "test", "animals.jl"),
+    joinpath(@__DIR__, "src")
     authors="Rafael Schouten <>",
-    repo="{commit}{path}#{line}",
+        repolink="",
         prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true",
@@ -16,10 +30,15 @@ makedocs(;
         "Home" => "",
+        "API reference" => "",
+        "Examples" => [
+            "Single argument" => "",
+        ]
+    push_preview=true,
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2d9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+EditURL = "../../test/animals.jl"
+# Single-argument interface
+Here's an examples using animals, and the implementation of a duck.
+## Definition
+First we define the interface methods, and a list of mandatory and
+optional properties of the interface, with conditions, using the `@interface`
+The `@interface` macro takes three arguments:
+1. The name of the interface, which should usully end with "Interface"
+2. The `mandatory` and `optional` components of the interface written as a `NamedTuple`, with functions or tuple of functions that test them.
+3. The interface docstring (the interface is represented as a type)
+````@example animals
+module Animals
+using Interfaces
+function age end
+function walk end
+function talk end
+function dig end
+@interface AnimalInterface (
+    mandatory = (
+        age = (
+             "all animals have a `Real` age" => x -> age(x) isa Real,
+             "all animals have an age larger than zero" => x -> age(x) >= 0,
+        ),
+    ),
+    optional = (
+        walk = "this animal can walk" => x -> walk(x) isa String,
+        talk = "this animal can talk" => x -> talk(x) isa Symbol,
+        dig = "this animal can dig" => x -> dig(x) isa String,
+    )
+) """
+Defines a generic interface for animals to do the things they do best.
+nothing #hide
+## Implementation
+````@example animals
+using Interfaces
+Now we implement the `AnimalInterface`, for a `Duck`.
+````@example animals
+struct Duck
+    age::Int
+Animals.age(duck::Duck) = duck.age
+Animals.walk(::Duck) = "waddle" = :quack
+We then test that the interface is correctly implemented
+````@example animals
+ducks = [Duck(1), Duck(2)]
+Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck, ducks)
+Finally we declare it, so that the information can be used in static dispatch.
+The `@implements` macro takes two arguments.
+1. The interface type, with a tuple of optional components in its first type parameter.
+2. The type for which the interface is implemented.
+````@example animals
+@implements Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)} Duck
+Now let's see what happens when the interface is not correctly implemented.
+````@example animals
+struct Chicken end
+As expected, the tests fail
+````@example animals
+chickens = [Chicken()]
+    Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Chicken, chickens)
+catch e
+    print(e)
+*This page was generated using [Literate.jl](*
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b617e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# API reference
+## Docstrings
+Modules = [Interfaces]
+## Index
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index f85e27f..0000000
--- a/docs/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-CurrentModule = Interfaces
-# Interfaces
-Documentation for [Interfaces](
-Modules = [Interfaces]
diff --git a/src/Interfaces.jl b/src/Interfaces.jl
index e1ef015..00fedd8 100644
--- a/src/Interfaces.jl
+++ b/src/Interfaces.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 module Interfaces
+@doc read(joinpath(dirname(@__DIR__), ""), String) Interfaces
 export @implements, @interface
diff --git a/test/animals.jl b/test/animals.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868f8c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/animals.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# # Single-argument interface
+# Here's an examples using animals, and the implementation of a duck.
+# ## Definition
+First we define the interface methods, and a list of mandatory and
+optional properties of the interface, with conditions, using the `@interface`
+The `@interface` macro takes three arguments:
+1. The name of the interface, which should usully end with "Interface"
+2. The `mandatory` and `optional` components of the interface written as a `NamedTuple`, with functions or tuple of functions that test them.
+3. The interface docstring (the interface is represented as a type)
+module Animals
+using Interfaces
+function age end
+function walk end
+function talk end
+function dig end
+@interface AnimalInterface (
+    mandatory = (
+        age = (
+             "all animals have a `Real` age" => x -> age(x) isa Real,
+             "all animals have an age larger than zero" => x -> age(x) >= 0,
+        ),
+    ),
+    optional = (
+        walk = "this animal can walk" => x -> walk(x) isa String,
+        talk = "this animal can talk" => x -> talk(x) isa Symbol,
+        dig = "this animal can dig" => x -> dig(x) isa String,
+    )
+) """
+Defines a generic interface for animals to do the things they do best.
+# ## Implementation
+using Interfaces
+# Now we implement the `AnimalInterface`, for a `Duck`.
+struct Duck
+    age::Int
+Animals.age(duck::Duck) = duck.age
+Animals.walk(::Duck) = "waddle" = :quack
+# We then test that the interface is correctly implemented
+ducks = [Duck(1), Duck(2)]
+Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck, ducks)
+Finally we declare it, so that the information can be used in static dispatch.
+The `@implements` macro takes two arguments.
+1. The interface type, with a tuple of optional components in its first type parameter. 
+2. The type for which the interface is implemented.
+@implements Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)} Duck
+# Now let's see what happens when the interface is not correctly implemented.
+struct Chicken end
+# As expected, the tests fail
+chickens = [Chicken()]
+    Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Chicken, chickens)
+catch e
+    print(e)
+# The following tests are not included in the docs  #src
+using Test  #src
+@testset "Duck" begin  #src
+    @test Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck) == true  #src
+    @test Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface{:dig}, Duck) == false  #src
+    @test Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck, ducks) == true  #src
+    @test Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Duck, ducks) == true  #src
+    # TODO wrap errors somehow, or just let Invariants.jl handle that.  #src
+    @test_throws MethodError Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{:dig}, Duck, ducks)  #src
+end  #src
+@testset "Chicken" begin  #src
+    @test Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Chicken()) == false  #src
+    @test_throws MethodError Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Chicken())  #src
+end  #src
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 8c3c9da..943b02d 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -1,56 +1,14 @@
+using Aqua
+using Documenter
 using Interfaces
 using Test
-module Animals
-using Interfaces
-function age end
-function walk end
-function talk end
-function dig end
-@interface AnimalInterface (
-    mandatory = (
-        age = (
-             "all animals have a `Real` age" => x -> age(x) isa Real,
-             "all animals have an age larger than zero" => x -> age(x) >= 0,
-        ),
-    ),
-    optional = (
-        walk = "this animal can walk" => x -> walk(x) isa String,
-        talk = "this animal can talk" => x -> talk(x) isa Symbol,
-        dig = "this animal can dig" => x -> dig(x) isa String,
-    )
-) """
-Defines a generic interface for animals to do the things they do best.
-struct Duck
-    age::Int
-Animals.age(duck::Duck) = duck.age
-Animals.walk(::Duck) = "waddle" = :quack
-@implements dev Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)} Duck
-@testset "duck" begin
-    ducks = [Duck(1), Duck(2)]
-    @test Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck) == true
-    @test Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface{:dig}, Duck) == false
-    @test Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface, Duck, ducks) == true
-    @test Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Duck, ducks) == true
-    # TODO wrap errors somehow, or just let Invariants.jl handle that.
-    @test_throws MethodError Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{:dig}, Duck, ducks)
-struct Chicken end
-@testset "chicken" begin
-    @test Interfaces.implements(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Chicken()) == false
-    @test_throws MethodError Interfaces.test(Animals.AnimalInterface{(:walk,:talk)}, Chicken())
+@testset verbose = true "Interfaces.jl" begin
+    doctest(Interfaces)
+    @testset "Aqua" begin
+        Aqua.test_all(Interfaces)
+    end
+    @testset "Animals" begin
+        include("animals.jl")
+    end