Mitra largely follows the ActivityPub server-to-server specification but it makes uses of some non-standard extensions, some of which are required for interacting with it.
The following activities are supported:
- Accept(Follow)
- Reject(Follow)
- Undo(Follow)
- Create(Note)
- Delete(Note)
- Like(Note)
- Undo(Like)
- Announce(Note)
- Undo(Announce)
- Update(Note)
- Follow(Person)
- Update(Person)
- Move(Person)
- Delete(Person)
- Add(Person)
- Remove(Person)
And these additional standards:
Activities are implemented in way that is compatible with Pleroma, Mastodon and other popular ActivityPub servers.
Supported FEPs:
All outgoing activities are signed with actor's key in accordance with FEP-8b32 document.
"@context": [
"actor": "",
"cc": [],
"id": "",
"object": "",
"proof": {
"created": "2023-01-28T01:22:40.183273595Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"proofValue": "z5djAdMSrV...",
"type": "MitraJcsRsaSignature2022",
"verificationMethod": ""
"to": [
Canonicalization algorithm: JCS
Hashing algorithm: SHA-256
Signature algorithm: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
Canonicalization algorithm: JCS
Hashing algorithm: KECCAK-256 (EIP-191)
Signature algorithm: ECDSA (EIP-191)
Canonicalization algorithm: JCS
Hashing algorithm: BLAKE2b-512
Signature algorithm: EdDSA
Custom emojis are implemented as described in Mastodon documentation:
Cryptocurrency addresses are represented as PropertyValue
attachments where name
attribute is a currency symbol prefixed with $
"name": "$XMR",
"type": "PropertyValue",
"value": "8Ahza5RM4JQgtdqvpcF1U628NN5Q87eryXQad3Fy581YWTZU8o3EMbtScuioQZSkyNNEEE1Lkj2cSbG4VnVYCW5L1N4os5p"
Identity proofs are represented as attachments of IdentityProof
"name": "<did>",
"type": "IdentityProof",
"signatureAlgorithm": "<proof-type>",
"signatureValue": "<proof>"
Supported proof types:
- EIP-191 (Ethereum personal signatures)
- Minisign
FEP-c390 identity proofs are not supported yet.
After registering an account its owner can upload the list of followers and start the migration process. The server then sends Move
activity to each follower:
"@context": [
"actor": "",
"id": "",
"object": "",
"target": "",
"to": [
"type": "Move"
Where object
is an ID of old account and target
is an ID of new account. Actors identified by object
and target
properties must have at least one identity key in common to be considered aliases. Upon receipt of such activity, actors that follow object
should un-follow it and follow target
Local actor profiles have subscribers
property which points to the collection of actor's paid subscribers.
The Add
activity is used to notify the subscriber about successful subscription payment. Upon receipt of this activity, the receiving server should add specified object
to actors's subscribers
collection (specified in target
"@context": [
"actor": "",
"id": "",
"object": "",
"target": "",
"to": [
"type": "Add"
The Remove
activity is used to notify the subscriber about expired subscription. Upon receipt of this activity, the receiving server should remove specified object
from actors's subscribers
collection (specified in target
"@context": [
"actor": "",
"id": "",
"object": "",
"target": "",
"to": [
"type": "Remove"