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Robert Yang edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 7 revisions

help and documentation for Bobbin


  1. download and import a unitypackage from Releases
  2. in the Unity menu bar, click Bobbin > Add URLs and Settings
  3. in the BobbinSettings in the Unity inspector, click the "Refresh" button in the top-left (see image below) to force-refresh the example files
  4. in your Unity project, check in Assets/Example Files/ to see the sample Google Doc .TXT and Google Sheets .CSV that Bobbin downloaded for you
  5. for your convenience, maybe enable "Auto-refresh", so that Bobbin will automatically download files every __ seconds
    • if you want to disable refreshing certain files (because, for example, maybe you made some local changes to the document that you want to preserve) then just uncheck the checkbox, and Bobbin will stop refreshing that file

how to use Bobbin to download a Google Doc as a .txt

For a version with images, see this document.

  1. Create a Google Doc
  2. Click the “Share” button in the upper-right corner of the Google Docs screen
  3. Click “Get shareable link” in the upper-right of the share dialog
  4. Copy the share link, or click “Copy link”. (NOTE: if link sharing is already on, then you could also copy the URL from your browser’s address bar too.)
  5. In the Unity menu bar, click Bobbin > Add URLs and Settings
  6. In the Unity inspector, click “Add New File”
  7. Paste the link from Step 4 into the URL textbox
  8. Click “Save As...” button and pick somewhere to save it in your Project folder
  9. (Bobbin will now refresh and download your file)

for the programmers / under the hood

  • no runtime support (yet)
  • no Google Sheets JSON or XML support (yet)
  • Bobbin has no OAuth login handling, nor write access to documents... it just grabs the contents of the HTTP GET call, and puts the data into a file, and that's it
  • URLs and file bindings are saved in Assets/Bobbin/Editor/BobbinSettings.asset
  • edit Assets/Bobbin/Editor/Scripts/BobbinSettings.cs to add more file types to the FileType enum
    • (the UnityEditor SavePanel dialog requires a file extension, so this was the best UX I could think of, sorry)

ok but seriously why is this called Bobbin

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