- Clone
- ./bootstrap.sh
- bin/buildout -N
Then you can run test - bin/nosetests
The State Audit Service of Ukraine (SAS / ДАСУ) Державна аудиторська служба України (Держаудитслужба) є центральним органом виконавчої влади, дiяльнiсть якого спрямовується i координується Кабiнетом Мiнiстрiв України та який забезпечує формування i реалiзує державну полiтику у сферi державного фiнансового контролю.
The module provides ability to start and publish monitoring processes of open procurement tenders in order to prevent any violations of the law.
There are two types of users use the module: - SAS staff (they can manage monitoring objects) - brokers (deliver tender owners' responses and clarifications regarding open monitoring objects)
auth.ini should contain [sas] group so that SAS staff users are able to pass the authorization
Use following commands to build documentation from docs/source into docs/html:
bin/buildout -N -c docs.cfg bin/docs
For translation into <lang> (2 letter ISO language code), you have to follow the scenario:
Pull all translatable strings out of documentation:
(cd docs/build; make gettext)Update translation with new/changed strings:
bin/sphinx-intl update -c docs/source/conf.py -p docs/build/locale -l ukUpdate updated/missing strings in docs/source/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/*.po with your-favorite-editor/poedit/transifex/pootle/etc. to have all translations complete/updated.
Compile the translation:
bin/sphinx-intl build -c docs/source/conf.pyBuild translated documentations:
(cd docs/build; make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='uk'" html)