A neural terminal interface merging traditional command-line aesthetics with modern AI capabilities. The Cogitation Terminal provides a retro-futuristic interface for AI-powered document exploration and interaction.
🟢 Boot Sequence: Complete
- ASCII art rendering
- Boot message generation
- Haiku generation
- State transitions
- CRT effects
🟢 Error Handling [Basic]: Complete
- Error boundary implementation
- Visual error states
- Recovery system
- Error logging
- Fallback content
🟡 Main Loop: In Progress
- Chat controller ✓
- Command processing ✓
- Document retrieval ✓
- Vector search integration
⚠️ - Response generation
🔴 Testing: Not Started
- No testing infrastructure currently implemented
: Main component orchestrating the terminal experienceTerminalFrame
: Responsive container with CRT effects- Controller-based architecture for state management
- Event queue system for operation sequencing
Boot Controller
- Handles startup sequence
- ASCII art rendering
- System initialization
- State transitions
Chat Controller
- Command processing
- History management
- Document retrieval
- Search functionality
- Special commands
interface TerminalState {
mode: 'NORMAL' | 'ERROR' | 'RECOVERY';
designatedController: 'boot' | 'chat' | null;
isLocked: boolean;
isLoading: boolean;
isFocused: boolean;
error: Error | null;
- Authentic CRT screen simulation
- Scanline effects
- Screen noise
- Text glow
- Flicker effects
- Command history
- Tab completion (planned)
- Rich text formatting
- ASCII art support
- Loading indicators
- Error visualization
- Claude API integration
- Vector search capabilities
- Dynamic response generation
- Context-aware interactions
- Professional document analysis
- Next.js 12
- TypeScript
- React 17
- CSS Modules
- Claude API
- Vector Search
POST /api/chat/message - Process chat messages
GET /api/boot/sequence - Generate boot sequence
GET /api/chat/documents - Retrieve documents
GET /api/chat/experience - Get experience data
# System Commands
/clear - Clear terminal
/status - Show system status
/history [count] - Show command history
# Document Commands
/docs <type> - Get documents by type
/project list - List all projects
/exp list - List experience
/search <query> - Vector search
- Modular CSS with CSS Modules
- Dynamic theme configuration
- Responsive design
- Mobile orientation handling
- CRT effect layering
- Centralized error management
- Visual error states
- Recovery system
- Fallback content
- Error logging
Node.js >= 16
npm >= 7
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run development server
npm run dev
# Build for production
npm run build
PORT=3000 # Optional
├── components/ # React components
│ └── Terminal/ # Terminal components
├── pages/ # Next.js pages
├── lib/ # Utilities
├── styles/ # Global styles
└── types/ # TypeScript types
- Enhanced error visualization
- Resume printing
- Session persistence
- History search
- More terminal effects
- Custom themes (or themes at all??)
- Enhanced vector search
- Custom animations
- Extended AI capabilities
- Performance optimizations
- Strict TypeScript
- ESLint configuration
- Prettier formatting
Original concept and ASCII art effects by PokeClaude. Terminal aesthetic inspired by classic CRT displays.