Sparklyr.sedona is a sparklyr-based R interface for Apache Sedona.
It presents what Apache Sedona has to offer through idiomatic frameworks and constructs in R
(e.g., one can build spatial Spark SQL queries using Sedona UDFs in conjunction with a wide range of dplyr
hence making Apache Sedona highly friendly for R users.
To ensure Sedona serialization routines, UDTs, and UDFs are properly registered when creating a Spark session, one simply needs to attach sparklyr.sedona
instantiating a Spark conneciton. Sparklyr.sedona will take care of the rest. For example,
spark_home <- "/usr/lib/spark" # NOTE: replace this with your $SPARK_HOME directory
sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn", spark_home = spark_home)
will create a Sedona-capable Spark connection in YARN client mode, and
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
will create a Sedona-capable Spark connection to an Apache Spark instance running locally.
In sparklyr
, one can easily inspect the Spark connection object to sanity-check it has been properly initialized with all Sedona-related dependencies, e.g.,
## [1] "org.apache.sedona:sedona-core-3.0_2.12:1.0.0-incubating"
## [2] "org.apache.sedona:sedona-sql-3.0_2.12:1.0.0-incubating"
## [3] "org.apache.sedona:sedona-viz-3.0_2.12:1.0.0-incubating"
## [4] "org.datasyslab:geotools-wrapper:geotools-24.0"
## [5] "org.datasyslab:sernetcdf:0.1.0"
## [6] "org.locationtech.jts:jts-core:1.18.0"
## [7] "org.wololo:jts2geojson:0.14.3"
spark_session(sc) %>%
invoke("%>%", list("conf"), list("get", "spark.kryo.registrator")) %>%
## [1] "org.apache.sedona.viz.core.Serde.SedonaVizKryoRegistrator"
For more information about connecting to Spark with sparklyr
, see and ?sparklyr::spark_connect
Also see for minimum and recommended dependencies for Apache Sedona.
SpatialRDDs are basic building blocks of
distributed spatial data in Apache Sedona. A SpatialRDD
can be spatially partitioned and indexed to facilitate range queries, KNN queries,
and other low-level operations. One can also export records from SpatailRDD
s into regular Spark dataframes, making them accessible through
Spark SQL and through the dplyr
interface of sparklyr
(more on that later).
NOTE: this section is largely based on, except for examples have been
written in R instead of Scala to reflect usages of sparklyr.sedona
Currently SpatialRDD
s can be created in sparklyr.sedona
by reading a file in a supported geospatial format, or by extracting data from a
Spark SQL query.
For example, the following code will import data from arealm-small.csv into a SpatialRDD
pt_rdd <- sedona_read_dsv_to_typed_rdd(
location = "arealm-small.csv",
delimiter = ",",
type = "point",
first_spatial_col_index = 1,
has_non_spatial_attrs = TRUE
Records from the example arealm-small.csv file look like the following:
As one can see from the above, each record is comma-separated and consists of a 2-dimensional coordinate starting at the 2nd column and ending at the 3rd column.
All other columns contain non-spatial attributes. Because column indexes are 0-based, we need to specify first_spatial_col_index = 1
in the example above to
ensure each record is parsed correctly.
In addition to formats such as CSV and TSV, currently sparklyr.sedona
also supports reading files in WKT (Well-Known Text), WKB (Well-Known Binary), and GeoJSON formats.
See ?sparklyr.sedona::sedona_read_wkt
, ?sparklyr.sedona::sedona_read_wkb
, and ?sparklyr.sedona::sedona_read_geojson
for details.
One can also run to_spatial_rdd()
to extract a SpatailRDD from a Spark SQL query, e.g.,
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
sdf <- tbl(
sql("SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-71.064544 42.28787)') AS `geom`, \"point\" AS `type`")
spatial_rdd <- sdf %>% to_spatial_rdd(spatial_col = "geom")
## $.jobj
## <jobj[70]>
## org.apache.sedona.core.spatialRDD.SpatialRDD
## org.apache.sedona.core.spatialRDD.SpatialRDD@422afc5a
## ...
will extract a spatial column named "geom"
from the Sedona spatial SQL query above and store it in a SpatialRDD
As mentioned previously, data from SpatialRDD
can be exported into a Spark dataframe and be queried and modified through
the dplyr
interface of sparklyr
. The example below shows how sdf_register()
, a S3 generic that converts a lower-level
object into a Spark dataframe object in sparklyr
, can be applied to a SpatialRDD
object created by sparklyr.sedona
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
polygon_rdd <- sedona_read_geojson(sc, location = "/tmp/polygon.json")
polygon_sdf <- polygon_rdd %>% sdf_register()
polygon_sdf %>% print(n = 3)
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 1]
## geometry
## <list>
## 1 <POLYGON ((-87.621765 34.873444, -87.617535 34.873369, -87.6123 34.873337, -8…
## 2 <POLYGON ((-85.719017 31.297901, -85.715626 31.305203, -85.714271 31.307096, …
## 3 <POLYGON ((-86.000685 34.00537, -85.998837 34.009768, -85.998012 34.010398, -…
## # … with more rows
The Spark dataframe object can then be modified using dplyr
verbs familiar to many R users. In addition, spatial UDFs
supported by Sedona can inter-operate seamlessly with other functions supported in sparklyr
's dbplyr SQL translation
env. For example, the code below finds the average area of all polygons in polygon_sdf
mean_area_sdf <- polygon_sdf %>%
dplyr::summarize(dplyr::summarize(mean_area = mean(ST_Area(geometry))))
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 1]
## mean_area
## <dbl>
## 1 0.00217
Once spatial objects are imported into Spark dataframes, they can also be easily integrated with other non-spatial attributes, e.g.,
modified_polygon_sdf <- polygon_sdf %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "polygon")
Notice all of the above can open up many interesting possiblities. For example, one can extract ML features from geospatial
data in Spark dataframes, build a ML pipeline using ml_*
family of functions in sparklyr
to work with such features, and if
the output of a ML model happens to be a geospatial object as well, one can even apply visualization routines in
to visualize the difference between any predicted geometry and the corresponding ground truth
(more on visualization later).
It is worth mentioning an important part of sparklyr.sedona
is its collection of R interfaces to Sedona visualization routines.
For example, the following
is essentially the R equivalent of this example in Scala.
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
resolution_x <- 1000
resolution_y <- 600
boundary <- c(-126.790180, -64.630926, 24.863836, 50.000)
pt_rdd <- sedona_read_dsv_to_typed_rdd(
location = "arealm.csv",
type = "point"
polygon_rdd <- sedona_read_dsv_to_typed_rdd(
location = "primaryroads-polygon.csv",
type = "polygon"
pair_rdd <- sedona_spatial_join_count_by_key(
join_type = "intersect"
overlay <- sedona_render_scatter_plot(
output_location = tempfile("scatter-plot-"),
boundary = boundary,
base_color = c(255, 0, 0),
browse = FALSE
output_location = "/tmp/choropleth-map",
boundary = boundary,
overlay = overlay,
# vary the green color channel according to relative magnitudes of data points so
# that the resulting map will show light blue, light purple, and light gray pixels
color_of_variation = "green",
base_color = c(225, 225, 255)
It will create a scatter plot, and then overlay it on top of a choropleth map, as shown below:
See ?sparklyr.sedona::sedona_render_scatter_plot
, ?sparklyr.sedona::sedona_render_heatmap
and ?sparklyr.sedona::sedona_render_choropleth_map
for more details on R interfaces of
Sedona visualization routines currently implemented by sparklyr.sedona