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Releases: r-lib/usethis

usethis v1.2.0

19 Jan 19:21
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New functions

  • use_course() downloads a folder's worth of materials from a ZIP file, with deliberate choices around the default folder name and location. Developed for use at the start of a workshop. Helps participants obtain materials from, e.g., a DropBox folder or GitHub repo (#196).

  • use_blank_slate() provides a way to opt in to an RStudio workflow where the user's workspace is neither saved nor reloaded between R sessions. Automated for scope = "project". Provides UI instructions for scope = "user", for now (#139).

  • use_tidy_style() styles an entire project according to (#72, #197 @lorenzwalthert).

  • GitHub conventions common to tidyverse packages are enacted by use_tidy_contributing(), use_tidy_issue_template(), and use_tidy_support() (@batpigandme, #143, #166).

  • proj_path() forms paths relative to the current usethis project. Note: mostly useful internally. User code should probably use here or rprojroot directly (#149).

Other changes

  • New projects that don't exhibit other obvious criteria for being a "project" will include a sentinel, empty file named .here, so they can be recognized as a project.

  • Project launching and switching works on RStudio server (#115, #129).

  • use_template() is newly exported, so that other packages can provide
    templating functions using this framework (@ijlyttle #120).

  • use_readme_rmd() and use_readme_md() work, in a similar fashion, for projects that are and are not a package (#131, #135).

  • use_readme_rmd() once again creates a pre-commit git hook, to help keep README.Rmd and in sync (@PeteHaitch #41).

  • Substantial increase in unit test coverage.

usethis 1.1.0

21 Nov 22:09
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New helpers

  • browse_github(), browse_github_issues(), browse_github_pulls(),
    browse_cran() and browse_travis() open useful websites related to
    the current project or a named package. (#96, #103).

  • create_from_github() creates a project from an existing GitHub
    repository, forking if needed (#109).

  • use_cc0_license() applies a CC0 license, particularly appropriate for data
    packages (#94)

  • use_lifecycle_badge() creates a badge describing current stage in
    project lifecycle (#48).

  • use_pkgdown() creates the basics needed for a
    pkgdown website (#88).

  • use_r("foo") creates and edit R/foo.R file. If you have a test file open,
    use_r() will open the corresponding .R file (#105).

  • use_tidy_versions() sets minimum version requirement for all dependencies.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • use_dev_version() now correctly updates the Version field in a package
    description file. (@tjmahr, #104)

  • use_revdep() now also git-ignores the SQLite database (#107).

  • use_tidy_eval() has been tweaked to reflect current guidance (#106)

usethis 1.0.0

23 Oct 12:48
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This is a new package that extracts out many functions that previously lived in devtools, as well as providing more building blocks so you can create your own helpers. As well as the many new helpers listed below, there are three main improvements to the package:

  • More support for general R projects, other than packages.
  • A notion of an "active" project that all commands operate on.
  • Refined output.

usethis is gradually evolving towards supporting more general R "projects", not just packages. This is still a work in progress, so please let me know if you use a function that you think should work with projects but doesn't. You can also try out the new create_project() which creates a basic RStudio project.

The concept of the working directory and the "base path" have been refined. Rather than using an argument to specify the active project, all use_ functions now use a global active project setting, as returned by proj_get(). This is cached throughout a session, although it will be updated by create_package() and create_project(). You'll now get an clear error if you attempt to use_something() outside of a project, and create_something() will warn if you're trying to create inside an existing project.

The output from all usethis commands has been reviewed to be informative but not overwhelming. usethis takes advantage of colour (using crayon and RStudio 1.1) to help chunk the output and clearly differentiate what you need to do vs. what has been done for you.

New functions

  • use_apl2_license() if you want to use the Apache 2.0 license.

  • use_depsy_badge() allows including a Depsy badge (@gvegayon, #68).

  • use_dev_package() works like use_package() but also adds the
    repo to the Remotes field (#32).

  • use_github_labels() will automatically set up a standard set of labels,
    optionally removing the default labels (#1).

  • use_pipe() creates a template to use magrittr's %>% in your package (#15).

  • use_tidy_ci() which sets up travis and codecov using the tidyverse
    conventions (#14)

  • use_tidy_description() puts description fields in a standard order
    and alphabetises dependencies.

  • use_tidy_eval() imports and re-exports the recommend set of tidy eval
    helpers if your package uses tidy eval (#46).

  • use_usethis() opens your .Rprofile and gives you the code to copy
    and paste in.

New edit functions

A new class of functions make it easy to edit common config files:

  • edit_r_profile_user() opens .Rprofile
  • edit_r_environ_user() opens .Renviron
  • edit_r_makevars_user() opens .R/Makevars
  • edit_git_config_user() opens .gitconfig
  • edit_git_ignore_user() opens .gitignore
  • edit_rstudio_snippets(type) opens ~/R/snippets/{type}.snippets


  • use_coverage("codecov") now sets a default threshold of 1% to try and
    reduce false positives (#8).

  • use_description() now sets ByteCompile: true so you can benefit from
    the byte compiler (#29)

  • The license functions (use_mit_license(), use_apl2_license(), and
    use_gpl3_license()) save a copy of the standard license text in, which is then added to .Rbuildignore. This allows you
    to follow standard licensing best practices while adhering to CRANs
    requirements (#10).

  • use_package_doc() uses more modern roxygen2 template requires that
    less duplication.

  • use_test() will use the name of the currently open file in RStudio
    if you don't supply an explicit name (#89).

  • use_readme_rmd() now puts images in man/figures/ and no longer
    adds to .Rbuildgnore. This ensures that the rendered will
    also work on CRAN (#16, #19). The first chunk now uses include = FALSE
    and is named setup (#19).

  • use_revdep() creates structure for use with revdepcheck package, the
    preferred way to run revdepchecks. (#33)

Building blocks

  • New use_badge() for adding any badge to a README. Now only prints a
    todo message if the badge does not already exist.

  • use_directory() is now exported (#27).

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Functions which require code to be copied now automatically put the code on
    the clipboard if it is available (#52).

  • create_package() no longer creates a dependency on the current version of

  • use_build_ignore() now strips trailing /

  • use_git() will restart RStudio if needed (and possible) (#42).

  • use_github() now has an organisation parameter so you can create repos
    in organisations (#4).

  • use_template() and use_test() now convert title to a slug that only
    contains lowercase letters, numbers, and -.

  • use_vignette() now adds *.html and *.R to your .gitgnore so you
    don't accidentally add in compiled vignette products (#35).