diff --git a/doc/list_action_software.md b/doc/list_action_software.md
index b0ad91e8..71662076 100644
--- a/doc/list_action_software.md
+++ b/doc/list_action_software.md
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| [**geometa-create-iso-19110**](#geometa-create-iso-19110)
| Metadata production | Produce an ISO 19110/19139 metadata object | entity | metadata | FALSE | geometa |
| [**ows4R-publish-iso-19139**](#ows4R-publish-iso-19139)
| Metadata publication | Publish/Update an ISO/OGC 19139 metadata object using OGC CSW Protocol | NA | NA | FALSE | ows4R |
| [**geonapi-publish-iso-19139**](#geonapi-publish-iso-19139)
| Metadata publication | Publish/Update an ISO/OGC 19139 metadata object with GeoNetwork API | NA | NA | FALSE | geonapi |
-| [**geosapi-publish-ogc-services**](#geosapi-publish-ogc-services)
| Data upload,Data publication,Metadata publication | Publish vector data to GeoServer OGC web-services (WMS/WFS/WCS) | NA | NA | FALSE | geosapi |
+| [**geosapi-publish-ogc-services**](#geosapi-publish-ogc-services)
| Data upload,Data publication,Metadata publication | Publish data to GeoServer OGC web-services (WMS/WFS/WCS) | NA | NA | FALSE | geosapi |
+| [**geonode4R-publish-ogc-services**](#geonode4R-publish-ogc-services)
| Data upload,Data publication,Metadata publication | Publish data to GeoNode OGC web-services (WMS/WFS/WCS) | NA | NA | FALSE | geonode4R |
| [**zen4R-deposit-record**](#zen4R-deposit-record)
| Data upload,Data publication,Metadata publication,DOI assignment | Deposits/Publish data and/or metadata in the Zenodo infrastructure | job | zenodo | TRUE | zen4R |
| [**atom4R-dataverse-deposit-record**](#atom4R-dataverse-deposit-record)
| Data upload,Data publication,Metadata publication,DOI assignment | Deposits/Publish data and/or metetadata on a Dataverse using the Sword API | job | dataverse | TRUE | atom4R |
| [**dataone-upload-datapackage**](#dataone-upload-datapackage)
| Data upload,Data publication,Metadata publication,DOI assignment | Uploads a data package to a DataOne metacat node | job | dataone | TRUE | mime,datapack,dataone |
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| [**sf-write-shp**](#sf-write-shp)
| Data writing | Import features data and zip files | entity | data | FALSE | sf |
| [**eml-create-eml**](#eml-create-eml)
| Metadata production | Produce an EML metadata object | entity | metadata | FALSE | EML,emld |
| [**d4storagehub4R-upload-data**](#d4storagehub4R-upload-data)
| Data upload | Upload data/metadata to a D4Science Workspace | NA | NA | FALSE | d4storagehub4R |
+| [**ocs4R-upload-data**](#ocs4R-upload-data)
| Data upload | Upload data to an OCS Cloud (NextCloud/Owncloud) Workspace | NA | NA | FALSE | ocs4R |
| [**create-metadata-rmd**](#create-metadata-rmd)
| Metadata production | Generate a Markdown out of a entity | entity | markdown | FALSE | rmarkdown |
### 1.1.1 List of geometa-create-iso-19115 options
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| addfeatures | Add entity data features - if defined - as metadata bounding polygon(s) | FALSE |
| featureid | ID of entity data features used to identify bounding polygon(s) with option ‘addfeatures’ | NA |
| subject_geography | Identifier of the subject handling a Geographic coverage. | geography |
+| include_service_identification | Include service identification info metadata block | FALSE |
| include_coverage_data_dimension_values | Include data dimensions’s range values to coverage description | FALSE |
| include_coverage_service_dimension_values | Include ogc dimensions’s range values to coverage description | FALSE |
@@ -58,13 +61,13 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
### 1.1.4 List of geonapi-publish-iso-19139 options
-| name | definition | default |
-| geometa_inspire | Validates ISO 19139 metadata with INSPIRE reference validator before publication | FALSE |
-| privileges | Geonetwork privileges to set for the metadata to be published | view,dynamic,featured |
-| group | Geonetwork user group to which the metadata should be associated | 2 |
-| category | Category of metadata resources to which the metadata record should be associated | datasets |
-| publish_thumbnails | Uploads local thumbnails as attachments and publish them as thumbnails / graphic overviews | TRUE |
+| name | definition | default |
+| geometa_inspire | Validates ISO 19139 metadata with INSPIRE reference validator before publication | FALSE |
+| privileges | Geonetwork privileges to set for the metadata to be published | view,dynamic,download,featured |
+| group | Geonetwork user group to which the metadata should be associated | 2 |
+| category | Category of metadata resources to which the metadata record should be associated | datasets |
+| publish_thumbnails | Uploads local thumbnails as attachments and publish them as thumbnails / graphic overviews | TRUE |
### 1.1.5 List of geosapi-publish-ogc-services options
@@ -81,7 +84,11 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| enrich_with_relation_wcs | When enabled, enrichs entity with a base WCS link relation (applies to ‘grid’ only) | TRUE |
| enrich_with_relation_wcs_download_links | When enabled, enrichs entity with WCS format-specific links for download purpose (applies to ‘grid’ only). Only GeoTIFF at now. | TRUE |
-### 1.1.6 List of zen4R-deposit-record options
+### 1.1.6 List of geonode4R-publish-ogc-services options
+*No options available for this action*
+### 1.1.7 List of zen4R-deposit-record options
| name | definition | default |
@@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| update_files | For an existing deposit, indicates if files should be updated | TRUE |
| communities | One or more communities to which the deposit should be associated | NA |
-### 1.1.7 List of atom4R-dataverse-deposit-record options
+### 1.1.8 List of atom4R-dataverse-deposit-record options
| name | definition | default |
@@ -106,11 +113,11 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| update_metadata | For an existing deposit, indicates if metadata elements should be updated | TRUE |
| update_files | For an existing deposit, indicates if files should be updated | TRUE |
-### 1.1.8 List of dataone-upload-datapackage options
+### 1.1.9 List of dataone-upload-datapackage options
*No options available for this action*
-### 1.1.9 List of sf-write-generic options
+### 1.1.10 List of sf-write-generic options
| name | definition | default |
@@ -120,7 +127,7 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| append | Append policy | FALSE |
| chunk.size | Size of DB upload data chunk. Default is 0L, meaning no chunking is operated. | 0 |
-### 1.1.10 List of sf-write-dbi options
+### 1.1.11 List of sf-write-dbi options
| name | definition | default |
@@ -129,24 +136,28 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| append | Append policy | FALSE |
| chunk.size | Size of DB upload data chunk. Default is 0L, meaning no chunking is operated. | 0 |
-### 1.1.11 List of sf-write-shp options
+### 1.1.12 List of sf-write-shp options
*No options available for this action*
-### 1.1.12 List of eml-create-eml options
+### 1.1.13 List of eml-create-eml options
| name | definition | default |
| subject_taxonomy | Identifier of the subject handling the Taxonomic coverage. | taxonomy |
-### 1.1.13 List of d4storagehub4R-upload-data options
+### 1.1.14 List of d4storagehub4R-upload-data options
| name | definition | default |
| depositWithFiles | Indicates if the action is uploading files | FALSE |
| otherUploadFolders | List of Folders (other than ‘data’ and ‘metadata’) to upload and which may contain files which should enrich others actions | |
-### 1.1.14 List of create-metadata-rmd options
+### 1.1.15 List of ocs4R-upload-data options
+*No options available for this action*
+### 1.1.16 List of create-metadata-rmd options
| name | definition | default |
@@ -169,12 +180,14 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| [**geoserver**](#218-geoserver)
| GeoServer REST API Client, powered by ‘geosapi’ package | geosapi |
| [**zenodo**](#219-zenodo)
| Zenodo client powered by ‘zen4R’ package | zen4R |
| [**sword_for_dataverse**](#2110-sword_for_dataverse)
| Dataverse SWORD API Client powered by ‘atom4R’ package | atom4R |
-| [**dataone**](#2111-dataone)
| DataONe API Client powered by ‘dataone’ package | dataone |
-| [**d4storagehub**](#2112-d4storagehub)
| D4science storage hub API Client powered by ‘d4storagehub4R’ package | d4storagehub4R |
-| [**gbif**](#2113-gbif)
| Gbif API Client powered by ‘rgbif’ package | rgbif |
-| [**thredds**](#2114-thredds)
| Thredds data server API Client powered by ‘thredds’ package | thredds |
-| [**openapi**](#2115-openapi)
| OpenAPI client powered by ‘rapiclient’ package | rapiclient |
-| [**ocs**](#2116-ocs)
| Open Collaboration Services (OCS) client powered by ‘ocs4R’ package | ocs4R |
+| [**dataverse**](#2111-dataverse)
| Dataverse Native API Client powered by ‘dataverse’ package | dataverse |
+| [**dataone**](#2112-dataone)
| DataONe API Client powered by ‘dataone’ package | dataone |
+| [**d4storagehub**](#2113-d4storagehub)
| D4science storage hub API Client powered by ‘d4storagehub4R’ package | d4storagehub4R |
+| [**gbif**](#2114-gbif)
| Gbif API Client powered by ‘rgbif’ package | rgbif |
+| [**thredds**](#2115-thredds)
| Thredds data server API Client powered by ‘thredds’ package | thredds |
+| [**openapi**](#2116-openapi)
| OpenAPI client powered by ‘rapiclient’ package | rapiclient |
+| [**ocs**](#2117-ocs)
| Open Collaboration Services (OCS) client powered by ‘ocs4R’ package | ocs4R |
+| [**geonode**](#2118-geonode)
| GeoNode client powered by ‘geonode4R’ package | geonode4R |
### 2.1.1 dbi
@@ -202,11 +215,11 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
#### List of googledrive parameters
-| name | label | definition |
-| email | Email | User email to authenticate in Google Drive |
-| path | Path | An optional path within the Google drive repository. Default will be the root |
-| token | User token | The user authentication token. To get your token in R: gargle::token_fetch()![credentials](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.image?%5Cdpi%7B110%7D&space;%5Cbg_white&space;credentials "credentials")access_token |
+| name | label | definition |
+| email | Email | User email to authenticate in Google Drive |
+| path | Path | An optional path within the Google drive repository. Default will be the root |
+| token | User token | The user authentication token. To get your token in R: gargle::token_fetch()$credentials$access_token |
#### List of googledrive properties
@@ -339,9 +352,23 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| dataverse | Dataverse ID | Dataverse id where to deposit/publish records |
-### 2.1.11 dataone
+### 2.1.11 dataverse
+#### List of dataverse parameters
+| name | label | definition |
+| server | URL | Dataverse server URL |
-#### List of dataone parameters
+#### List of dataverse properties
+| name | label | definition |
+| dataverse | Dataverse ID | Dataverse id where to deposit/publish records |
+### 2.1.12 dataone
+#### List of dataone parameters
| name | label | definition |
@@ -349,28 +376,28 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| y | Member Node URL | Member Node URL |
| token | User token | User Authorization token |
-#### List of dataone properties
+#### List of dataone properties
*No properties available for this software*
-### 2.1.12 d4storagehub
+### 2.1.13 d4storagehub
-#### List of d4storagehub parameters
+#### List of d4storagehub parameters
| name | label | definition |
| token | User token | D4Science storage hub user authentication token |
| logger | Logger | Level for ‘d4storagehub4R’ logger messages (NULL, ‘INFO’ or ‘DEBUG’) |
-#### List of d4storagehub properties
+#### List of d4storagehub properties
| name | label | definition |
| workspace | Workspace | D4Science storage hub workspace name |
-### 2.1.13 gbif
+### 2.1.14 gbif
-#### List of gbif parameters
+#### List of gbif parameters
| name | label | definition |
@@ -378,26 +405,26 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| pwd | Password | Password for Gbif authentication |
| email | Email | Email address for sending notification |
-#### List of gbif properties
+#### List of gbif properties
*No properties available for this software*
-### 2.1.14 thredds
+### 2.1.15 thredds
-#### List of thredds parameters
+#### List of thredds parameters
| name | label | definition |
| x | Catalog URL | url of top level catalog request |
| prefix | Namespace | the namespace to examine |
-#### List of thredds properties
+#### List of thredds properties
*No properties available for this software*
-### 2.1.15 openapi
+### 2.1.16 openapi
-#### List of openapi parameters
+#### List of openapi parameters
| name | label | definition |
@@ -405,13 +432,13 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| api_key_name | Open API key name | Name of the API key for registered uses |
| api_key_value | Open API key value | Value of the API key for registered uses (typically a token) |
-#### List of openapi properties
+#### List of openapi properties
*No properties available for this software*
-### 2.1.16 ocs
+### 2.1.17 ocs
-#### List of ocs parameters
+#### List of ocs parameters
| name | label | definition |
@@ -420,6 +447,23 @@ workflows - List of actions and softwares
| pwd | Password | Password for user authentication |
| logger | Logger | Level for ‘ows4R’ logger messages (NULL,INFO or DEBUG) |
-#### List of ocs properties
+#### List of ocs properties
+| name | label | definition |
+| workspace | Workspace | Cloud workspace name |
+### 2.1.18 geonode
+#### List of geonode parameters
+| name | label | definition |
+| url | URL | GeoNode endpoint URL |
+| user | Username | Username for user authentication |
+| pwd | Password | Password for user authentication |
+| logger | Logger | Level for ‘geonode4R’ logger messages (NULL,INFO or DEBUG) |
+#### List of geonode properties
*No properties available for this software*