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Lukas W edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 9 revisions


  • ⌛ 2.1 | ⛔ 2.0 | ⛔ 1.9 | ...


Add LetsEncrypt certificate support to QZ Tray.


  • QZ Tray 2.1 with certgen command line option (See #504)
  • Unix machine with certbot installed
  • Internet-accessible machine
    • For a basic (e.g. home/small business) router, this is usually involves:
      • Static IP for the machine running QZ Tray
      • Port forwarding enabled for ports 80, 8181 and optionally 8182
  • A fully qualified DNS name pointing to this machine

Generate Certificate

QZ Tray is capable of renewing a LetsEncrypt certificate but it must be in a writable location. First step is to generate the initial certificate.

⚠️ Mac Users: The below commands were written for Linux, however this tutorial will work on MacOS if /srv/qz/ssl is replaced with /Library/Application\ Support/qz and replace /opt/qz-tray/qz-tray with /Applications/QZ\ Tray/Contents/MacOS/QZ\ Tray.

⚠️ White-Label Users: If using a white-labeled version of QZ Tray, make sure to replace all instance of qz, qz-tray, or QZ Tray with your branded value.

  1. Ask certbot to write files to the QZ shared directory:

    certbot certonly --standalone --config-dir /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/config --logs-dir /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/logs --work-dir /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/

    This will install your certificate into /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/live/<hostname>.

  2. Using the certgen command, tell QZ Tray to reconfigure using these files, updating <hostname> with your domain name.

    sudo /opt/qz-tray/qz-tray certgen --key /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/live/<hostname>/privkey.pem --cert /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/live/<hostname>/fullchain.pem
  3. Start QZ Tray

Modify Code

By default QZ Tray will attempt to connect to localhost. To force QZ Tray to connect to the Print-Server add the { host: '<hostname>' } parameter:

qz.websocket.connect({ host: '<hostname>' });

Renew Certificate

Five days before the LetsEncrypt certificate expires, QZ Tray will call certbot using the above path and automatically attempt to renew the certificate.

Uninstall LetsEncrypt

  1. Delete the certificate
    certbot delete --cert-name <hostname> --config-dir /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/config --logs-dir /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/logs --work-dir /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt/
  2. Delete the letsencrypt folder
    rm -rf /srv/qz/ssl/letsencrypt
  3. Reset QZ Tray to use a self-signed certificate.
    sudo /opt/qz-tray/qz-tray certgen
  4. Start QZ Tray