Releases: qucosa/sword-fedora
Fix invalid removal of Fedora model RDF statements.
Proprietary SWORD v1.3 protocol extension:
- Support for HTTP PUT on ingested resource. The resource will be updated if there is a file handler for the given content type and packaging that implements update.
Along with the feature goes refactoring that changes the internal API:
- FedoraObject class split in two separate classes. One for representing the object and a second for representing a repository connection and access logic.
Fix bugs with accessing default configuration files from packed war-file (only works with Tomcat 7.0.5x).
Fix warning messages about superfluous Servlet-API.
Code cleanup and small enhancements for add-on file handlers.
- Supporting file:// URI schema for local datastreams
- Deletion of local temporary upload files can be disabled (responsibility of the file handler)
The *-classes.jar download file can be used to develop custom file handlers against the sword-fedora code.
Code cleanup and enhancements as well as DELETE feature.
- The project now uses Maven as build tool.
- All SOAP code is generated using Apache CXF.
- User who are authorized to deposit can also delete deposited items via HTTP DELETE
- The location of properties.xml and log4j.xml files can now be configured via JVM options, when Tomcat context configuration is not possible.
- Made corrections to internal API that might break existing extensions compiled against older versions.
Release of the SWORD Fedora Service with additions to override configuration file location and log4j config via Tomcat Context element. This allows for deploying a plain vanilla WAR file, without fuzzing with pre-build configuration.
NOTE: This is not an official release by the project initiators. It's solely a release for this fork of a particular part of the SWORD project. The original project can be found on SourceForge: