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Add bundle like system to Silex 2.x

There is a demo project !

What ?

Silex Pack add some code structuring in your Silex project. It mimics the Symfony Bundle feature.

mountable pack

Packs can provides controllers and prefix where to mount.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\MountablePackInterface

twiggable pack

Packs can define private Twig templates folder with override capability from the application templates folder.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\TwiggablePackInterface

For a pack class AcmeDemoPack Silex pack will register a @AcmeDemo namespace with Twig. @AcmeDemo is created from PackInterface::getName().

Now you can use something like that in your controllers:

return $app->renderView('@AcmeDemo/default/hello.html.twig', $vars);

Within .twig templates, you can also use @AcmeDemo, ie for extends clause:

{% extends '@AcmeDemo/base.html.twig' %}

If you register twig.path, Silex Pack will look for overriden templates in these folders.

$app->register(new TwigServiceProvider(), ['twig.path' => '/path/to/app/views']);

For @AcmeDemo/default/hello.html.twig we will look for in /path/to/app/views/AcmeDemo/default/hello.html.twig. Cute no ?

entitable pack

Packs can expose entites to Doctrine ORM.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\EntitablePackInterface

consolable pack

Packs can add commands to the console.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\ConsolablePackInterface

configurable pack

Packs can have config files. All the config files will be injected into the application container.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\ConfigurablePackInterface

assetable pack

Packs can have assets.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\AssetablePackInterface

{% stylesheets '@AcmeDemo/css/*.css' output="css/acme_demo.css" %}
    <link href="{{ asset(asset_url) }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endstylesheets %}

You have to register the provided Assetic service provider because we have to inject a "namespace aware" assetic factory.

The provided assetic.factory knows how to handle paths with @AcmeDemo prefix.

@AcmeDemo is derived from PackInterface::getName().

See Quazardous\Silex\Provider\AsseticServiceProvider

The assets dump is done in the standard $app['assetic.path_to_web'].

See Silex Assetic from more info on this provider.

translatable pack

Packs can have translations.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\TranslatablePackInterface

You can provide yaml files, xliff files or php files (returning a key => translation array).

linkable pack

You can create symlinks between project and pack (ie. for public files).

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\LinkablePackInterface

You'll have to execute the provided command pack:symlinks.

optionnable pack

You can inject common options into your pack.

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Api\OptionnablePackInterface

$app->register(new AcmeDemoPack(), [
    'acme_demo.mount_prefix' => '/acme/demo',
    'acme_demo.entity_subnamespace' => 'Model',

See below.



composer require quazardous/silex-pack

Use Quazardous\Silex\PackableApplication instead of Silex\Application.

Implements the interfaces you need and register your pack as a classic service provider.

$app = new Quazardous\Silex\PackableApplication;
use Acme\DemoPack\AcmeDemoPack;
$app->register(new AcmeDemoPack());

Enjoy (or not) !

Jet pack

Silex Pack provides a basic dropin trait implementation for the trivial functions:

Use Quazardous\Silex\Pack\JetPackTrait

And a all in one interface:

Implement Quazardous\Silex\Pack\JetPackInterface

So with JetPackInterface + JetPackTrait you should just have to provide some options:

$app->register(new AcmeDemoPack(), [
    'acme_demo.mount_prefix' => '/acme/demo',
    'entity_subnamespace' => 'Model',

The user pack namespace acme_demo. is derived from PackInterface::getName() wich result is decamelize.

See JetPackTrait::$packOptions for a list of all options.

NB: you will need to manualy add all the suggested dependencies (see the demo project for a typical composer.json).


Silex pack uses Sillex Console.

Silex pack provides assetic commands:

  • assetic:dump : dumps the assets
  • assetic:watch : watches the assets and dumps if modifications

Register Quazardous\Silex\Provider\AsseticCommandsProvider

Silex pack provides pack commands:

  • pack:symlinks : create pack symlinks

Register Quazardous\Silex\Provider\PackCommandsProvider

Pack folders

A pack has no strict structure but it could/should be very similar to bundle:

+-- Acme/ :
|   +-- AlphaPack/
|   |   +-- AcmeAlphaPack.php
|   |   +-- Command/
|   |   +-- Controller/
|   |   +-- Entity/
|   |   +-- assets/
|   |   +-- configs/
|   |   +-- fixtures/
|   |   +-- locales/
|   |   +-- public/
|   |   +-- views/
|   |
|   +-- BetaPack/


See a full working demo.

You can use it as a quick bootstrap for your project.

Features Silex User Pack (see below).

Some pack projects