Jira: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-2479
This test plan covers support of secret keys in SmallRye config
Following topics should be covered:
- Verify, that some config properties can be marked as secret.
- Verify, that usage of these secrets leads to an exception.
- Verify, that these secrets cannot be used when injected and when accessed directly.
- Verify, that these secrets can be used only within doUnlocked section.
- Coverage should exist for both JVM and native mode in baremetal.
- One new test class added for Kafka Dev Services
- One test method in sql/hibernate reactive refactored
- No additional requirements for resources in lab
- Required additional time for the test execution in JVM mode should be less than a minute.
- Since current implementation of config do not have baremetal tests, we have to add a separate test class, so duration of another native compilation will be added to total run time of the TS.
- No advanced topics found