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The search command performs batch homology searching on input protein sequences against a reference sequence database, and filters hits based on alignment metrics and taxonomic information.

hgtector search -i sample.fa -o <output_dir> <parameters...>

Remote search

The simplest (but not recommended) usage of the search command is to have it communicate with the NCBI server to complete searching, self-aligning, sequence and taxonomy information retrieval. This does not require any local database or compute resource. The command is as simple as:

hgtector search -i sample.fa -o .

Local search

In this recommended mode, the program requires an external aligner to execute searching. Two common aligners are supported: DIAMOND (Buchfink et al., 2015) and BLASTp (Altschul et al., 1990). We recommend DIAMOND for normal use cases, since it is much faster whereas retaining comparable accuracy versus the classical BLAST.

The program also needs a reference protein sequence database, and a taxonomy database. Please refer to the database section.

hgtector search -i sample.faa.gz -o . -m diamond -p 32 -d <diamond_db> -t <taxdump_dir>

Output file

One output file, sample.tsv is created for each sample to host basic properties and hit table for each protein. The header section contains the following keys:

ID, Length, Product, Score, Hits

The hit table has the following columns, which are a subset of the standard BLAST output metrics:

Code Description
qaccver Query accesion.version
saccver Subject accession.version
pident Percentage of identical matches
evalue Expect value
bitscore Bit score
qcovhsp Query coverage per HSP
staxids Unique subject taxonomy ID(s)

Search thresholds

Multiple search parameters can be specified (see below for details). Here is an example command:

hgtector search ... --maxhits 500 --minsize 50 --evalue 1e-20 --identity 50 --coverage 50 --maxseqs 1000 --extrargs "--sensitive --range-culling"

Note that maxhits and maxseqs are different. The later controls how many hits to return in a DIAMOND/BLAST search; the former controls how many hits to preserve after filtering.

Taxonomic filtering

Multiple parameters are available to control the inclusion and exclusion of taxonomic groups. For example:

hgtector search ... --tax-include 2,2157 --tax-exclude 1117,766 --tax-unirank genus --tax-block environmental,uncultured,...

This will limit the search result within domains Bacteria (TaxID: 2) and Archaea (TaxID: 2157), but exclude Cyanobacteria (TaxID: 1117) and Rickettsiales (TaxID: 766). It will only retain the top hit within each genus. It will also remove hits with taxon names reading "environmental XXX", "uncultured XXX", etc.

Pre-computed search result

In some cases, sequence homology search has already been executed for other tasks in the research project, and it is favorable to re-use the search result to ensure consistency and to save compute.

hgtector search -i sample.faa -m precomp -s sample.blast6out -o . -t <taxdump_dir> [--taxmap]

One still needs the taxonomy database. If the pre-computed search result does not contain subject TaxIDs, an additional taxon map is also needed. See database.

The native HGTector-style hit table can be manually generated using the following commands:


blastp -query sample.fa -db <blast_db> -outfmt "6 qaccver saccver pident evalue bitscore qcovhsp staxids"


diamond blastp --query sample.fa --db <diamond_db> --outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid pident evalue bitscore qcovhsp staxids

But this is not the typical command one would execute before meeting HGTector. In many cases, the standard tabular output (-outfmt 6) is used:

diamond blastp --query sample.fa --db <diamond_db> --outfmt 6
blastp -query sample.fa -db <blast_db> -outfmt 6

HGTector automatically recognizes and parses this format. Note that subject TaxID is not part of the standard tabular output, so a taxon map file is necessary in this case.


HGTector computes the bit score of each protein sequence aligned against itself, and uses it as a baseline for normalizing bits scores of subjects. Several methods are available for doing this self-alignment, and the priority is automatically determined by default. The typical scenario is as follow (in case one wants to override):

hgtector search ... -m diamond --aln-method native

This will use the same method (DIAMOND) for both homology search and self-alignment.

Other options are:

lookup: The search result already contains a self-hit. This only works if the query protein is also in the database.

fast: Use a built-in implementation of a simplified BLAST algorithm to calculate this score. The result should be identical to the result of DIAMOND in its default cost scoring setting, but it is slightly different from the result of modern releases of BLAST. If the native method fails (it happens occassionally), the program will automatically use this algorithm instead.

precomp: Provide precomputed self-alignment results, in a simple format of protein <tab> score. For example:

hgtector search ... -m precomp -s sample.b6 --aln-method precomp --aln-precomp sample.txt

Multiple samples

One can perform search on multiple samples under the same directory:

hgtector search -i <input_dir> -o <output_dir> [-s <precompute_dir>] <parameters...>

This will generate one output file per input file. The filename without extension (e.g., "Bin1" of Bin1.faa) will be considered as sample ID and carried to the output file (Bin1.tsv).

Command-line reference


Option Default Description
-i, --input - A file or a directory of files which store query protein sequences in multi-Fasta format. Compressed files (.gz, .bz2, .xz and .lz) are supported. Plain lists of protein IDs without sequences are supported if the IDs can be found in the database.
-o, --output - Directory where search results are to be saved.
-m, --method auto Search method (auto, diamond, blast, remote, precomp).
-s, --precomp - File or directory of precomputed search results (when method = precomp).


Option Default Description
-d, --db - Reference protein sequence database.
-t, --taxdump - Directory of taxonomy database files (nodes.dmp and names.dmp).
--taxmap - Sequence ID to taxID mapping file (not necessary if protein database already contains taxonomy).

Search behaviors

Option Default Description
-k, --maxhits 0 Maximum number of hits to preserve per query (0 for unlimited)
--minsize 30 Minimum length of query sequence (aa).
--queries (depends) Number of queries per run (0 for whole sample).
--maxchars (depends) Maximum number of characters per run (0 for unlimited).

Search cutoffs

Option Default Description
--maxseqs 500 Maximum number of sequences to return.
--evalue 1e-5 Maximum E-value cutoff.
--identity 0 Minimum percent identity cutoff.
--coverage 0 Minimum percent query coverage cutoff.
--extrargs (depends) Extra arguments for choice of search method. This can be command-line arguments for DIAMOND or BLAST, or URL API for remote search.

Taxonomic filters

Option Default Description
--tax-include - Include taxa under those TaxIDs (a comma-delimited string, or a file of one TaxID per line).
--tax-exclude - Exclude taxa under those TaxIDs (a comma-delimited string, or a file of one TaxID per line).
--tax-unique yes Ignore more than one hit with same TaxID.
--tax-unirank - Ignore more than one hit under same taxon at this rank (species, genus, family, etc.). Recommended if the database is highly taxonomically imbalanced (e.g., contains thousands of E. coli strains).
--tax-capital yes Ignore taxon names that are not capitalized.
--tax-latin no Ignore species names that are not Latinate.
--tax-block unknown,
Ignore taxon names containing any of these words.

Local search behaviors

Option Default Description
-p, --threads 0 Number of threads (0 for all CPU cores).
--tmpdir - Temporary directory.
--diamond diamond diamond executable.
--blastp blastp blastp executable.
--blastdbcmd blastdbcmd blastdbcmd executable.

Remote search behaviors

Option Default Description
--retries 5 Maximum number of retries per search.
--delay 60 Seconds between two search requests.
--timeout 900 Seconds before program gives up waiting.
--server link Remote search server URL.

Self-alignment options

Option Default Description
--aln-method auto Self-alignment method (auto, native, fast, lookup, precomp).
--aln-precomp - File or directory of precomputed sequence Id to score maps (when self-alignment method = precomp).
--aln-server link Remote align server URL.

Remote fetch options

Option Default Description
--fetch-enable auto Whether to enable remote fetch (yes, no, auto).
--fetch-queries 100 Maximum number of query entries per search.
--fetch-retries 3 Maximum number of retries per search.
--fetch-delay 5 Seconds between two fetch requests.
--fetch-timeout 60 Seconds before program gives up waiting.
--fetch-server link Remote fetch server URL.