Using expand
command to flatten a field of type:
expand <field> [As alias]
- field: to be expanded (exploded). The field must be of supported type.
- alias: Optional to be expanded as the name to be used instead of the original field name
The expand command produces a row for each element in the specified array or map field, where:
Array elements become individual rows.
Map key-value pairs are broken into separate rows, with each key-value represented as a row.
When an alias is provided, the exploded values are represented under the alias instead of the original field name.
This can be used in combination with other commands, such as stats, eval, and parse to manipulate or extract data post-expansion.
source = table | expand employee | stats max(salary) as max by state, company
source = table | expand employee as worker | stats max(salary) as max by state, company
source = table | expand employee as worker | eval bonus = salary * 3 | fields worker, bonus
source = table | expand employee | parse description '(?<email>.+@.+)' | fields employee, email
source = table | eval array=json_array(1, 2, 3) | expand array as uid | fields name, occupation, uid
source = table | expand multi_valueA as multiA | expand multi_valueB as multiB
Expand command can be used in combination with other commands such as
and more -
Using multiple expand commands will create a cartesian product of all the internal elements within each composite array or map
The expand command is translated into an equivalent SQL operation using LATERAL VIEW explode, allowing for efficient exploding of arrays or maps at the SQL query level.
SELECT customer exploded_productId
FROM table
LATERAL VIEW explode(productId) AS exploded_productId
Where the explode
command offers the following functionality:
- it is a column operation that returns a new column
- it creates a new row for every element in the exploded column
- internal
s are ignored as part of the exploded field (no row is created/exploded for null)