From 5226df43ad419c6b243c5691b38c455805f5a4bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Praven John Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 11:12:48 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] adding a README to EC2 --- terraform/aws/modules/ec2/ | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+) create mode 100644 terraform/aws/modules/ec2/ diff --git a/terraform/aws/modules/ec2/ b/terraform/aws/modules/ec2/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da44276 --- /dev/null +++ b/terraform/aws/modules/ec2/ @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +# AWS EC2 Module +This module sets up an EC2 server in your account. It also can be used to launch a spot instance if you wish. + +## Inputs + +| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | +|------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| +| [allowed\_ip](#input\_allowed\_ip) | List of allowed ip. | `list(any)` |
| no | +| [allowed\_ports](#input\_allowed\_ports) | List of allowed ingress ports | `list(any)` |
| no | +| [ami](#input\_ami) | The AMI to use for the instance. If not set the module will try to use the latest Ubuntu 22.04 image | `string` | `""` | no | +| [assign\_eip\_address](#input\_assign\_eip\_address) | Assign an Elastic IP address to the instance. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [associate\_public\_ip\_address](#input\_associate\_public\_ip\_address) | Associate a public IP address with the instance. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [availability\_zone](#input\_availability\_zone) | AZ to start the instance in | `string` | `null` | no | +| [cpu\_core\_count](#input\_cpu\_core\_count) | Sets the number of CPU cores for an instance. | `string` | `null` | no | +| [cpu\_options](#input\_cpu\_options) | Defines CPU options to apply to the instance at launch time. | `any` | `{}` | no | +| [cpu\_threads\_per\_core](#input\_cpu\_threads\_per\_core) | Sets the number of CPU threads per core for an instance (has no effect unless cpu\_core\_count is also set) | `number` | `null` | no | +| [disable\_api\_termination](#input\_disable\_api\_termination) | If true, enables EC2 Instance Termination Protection. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [dns\_zone\_id](#input\_dns\_zone\_id) | The Zone ID of Route53. If this is set, a DNS record is created for the instance. | `string` | `""` | no | +| [ebs\_device\_name](#input\_ebs\_device\_name) | Name of the EBS device to mount. | `list(string)` |
| no | +| [ebs\_iops](#input\_ebs\_iops) | Amount of provisioned IOPS. This must be set with a volume\_type of io1. | `number` | `0` | no | +| [ebs\_optimized](#input\_ebs\_optimized) | If true, the launched EC2 instance will be EBS-optimized. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [ebs\_volume\_enabled](#input\_ebs\_volume\_enabled) | Flag to control the ebs creation. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [ebs\_volume\_size](#input\_ebs\_volume\_size) | Size of the EBS volume in gigabytes. | `number` | `30` | no | +| [ebs\_volume\_type](#input\_ebs\_volume\_type) | The type of EBS volume. Can be standard, gp2 or io1. | `string` | `"gp2"` | no | +| [egress\_ipv4\_cidr\_block](#input\_egress\_ipv4\_cidr\_block) | List of CIDR blocks. Cannot be specified with source\_security\_group\_id or self. | `list(string)` |
| no | +| [egress\_ipv4\_from\_port](#input\_egress\_ipv4\_from\_port) | Egress Start port (or ICMP type number if protocol is icmp or icmpv6). | `number` | `0` | no | +| [egress\_ipv4\_protocol](#input\_egress\_ipv4\_protocol) | Protocol. If not icmp, icmpv6, tcp, udp, or all use the protocol number | `string` | `"-1"` | no | +| [egress\_ipv4\_to\_port](#input\_egress\_ipv4\_to\_port) | Egress end port (or ICMP code if protocol is icmp). | `number` | `65535` | no | +| [egress\_ipv6\_cidr\_block](#input\_egress\_ipv6\_cidr\_block) | List of CIDR blocks. Cannot be specified with source\_security\_group\_id or self. | `list(string)` |
| no | +| [egress\_ipv6\_from\_port](#input\_egress\_ipv6\_from\_port) | Egress Start port (or ICMP type number if protocol is icmp or icmpv6). | `number` | `0` | no | +| [egress\_ipv6\_protocol](#input\_egress\_ipv6\_protocol) | Protocol. If not icmp, icmpv6, tcp, udp, or all use the protocol number | `string` | `"-1"` | no | +| [egress\_ipv6\_to\_port](#input\_egress\_ipv6\_to\_port) | Egress end port (or ICMP code if protocol is icmp). | `number` | `65535` | no | +| [egress\_rule](#input\_egress\_rule) | Enable to create egress rule | `bool` | `true` | no | +| [enable\_security\_group](#input\_enable\_security\_group) | Enable default Security Group with only Egress traffic allowed. | `bool` | `true` | no | +| [get\_password\_data](#input\_get\_password\_data) | If true, wait for password data to become available and retrieve it | `bool` | `null` | no | +| [host\_id](#input\_host\_id) | The Id of a dedicated host that the instance will be assigned to. Use when an instance is to be launched on a specific dedicated host. | `string` | `null` | no | +| [hostname](#input\_hostname) | DNS records to create. | `string` | `"ec2"` | no | +| [iam\_instance\_profile](#input\_iam\_instance\_profile) | The IAM Instance Profile to launch the instance with. If not specified, the IAM profile is not set. | `string` | `""` | no | +| [instance\_count](#input\_instance\_count) | Number of instances to launch. | `number` | `1` | no | +| [instance\_name](#input\_instance\_name) | The base name of all instances being created | `string` | `"ec2-test"` | no | +| [instance\_type](#input\_instance\_type) | The type of instance to start. Updates to this field will trigger a stop/start of the EC2 instance. | `string` | `"t2.micro"` | no | +| [ipv6\_address\_count](#input\_ipv6\_address\_count) | Number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the primary network interface. Amazon EC2 chooses the IPv6 addresses from the range of your subnet. | `number` | `null` | no | +| [ipv6\_addresses](#input\_ipv6\_addresses) | List of IPv6 addresses from the range of the subnet to associate with the primary network interface. | `list(any)` | `null` | no | +| [is\_external](#input\_is\_external) | enable to udated existing security Group | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [kms\_key](#input\_kms\_key) | This map has all the variables needed for using KMS | `map(any)` |
"alias": null,
"deletion_window_in_days": 7,
"description": "KMS master key",
"enabled": true,
"id": "",
"multi_region": false
| no | +| [monitoring](#input\_monitoring) | If true, the launched EC2 instance will have detailed monitoring enabled. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [multi\_attach\_enabled](#input\_multi\_attach\_enabled) | Specifies whether to enable Amazon EBS Multi-Attach. Multi-Attach is supported on io1 and io2 volumes. | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [private\_ip](#input\_private\_ip) | Private IP address to associate with the instance in a VPC | `string` | `null` | no | +| [protocol](#input\_protocol) | The protocol. If not icmp, tcp, udp, or all use the. | `string` | `"tcp"` | no | +| [root\_block\_device](#input\_root\_block\_device) | Customize details about the root block device of the instance. See Block Devices below for details. | `list(any)` | `[]` | no | +| [secondary\_private\_ips](#input\_secondary\_private\_ips) | A list of secondary private IPv4 addresses to assign to the instance's primary network interface (eth0) in a VPC. Can only be assigned to the primary network interface (eth0) attached at instance creation, not a pre-existing network interface i.e. referenced in a `network_interface block` | `list(string)` | `null` | no | +| [sg\_description](#input\_sg\_description) | The security group description. | `string` | `"Instance default security group (only egress access is allowed)."` | no | +| [sg\_egress\_description](#input\_sg\_egress\_description) | Description of the egress and ingress rule | `string` | `"Description of the rule."` | no | +| [sg\_egress\_ipv6\_description](#input\_sg\_egress\_ipv6\_description) | Description of the egress\_ipv6 rule | `string` | `"Description of the rule."` | no | +| [sg\_ids](#input\_sg\_ids) | List of the security group ids, in case they already exist | `list(any)` | `[]` | no | +| [sg\_ingress\_description](#input\_sg\_ingress\_description) | Description of the ingress rule | `string` | `"Description of the ingress rule use elasticache."` | no | +| [source\_dest\_check](#input\_source\_dest\_check) | Controls if traffic is routed to the instance when the destination address does not match the instance. Used for NAT or VPNs. | `bool` | `true` | no | +| [spot\_block\_duration\_minutes](#input\_spot\_block\_duration\_minutes) | The required duration for the Spot instances, in minutes. This value must be a multiple of 60 (60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360) | `number` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_instance\_count](#input\_spot\_instance\_count) | Number of instances to launch. | `number` | `0` | no | +| [spot\_instance\_enabled](#input\_spot\_instance\_enabled) | Flag to control the instance creation. | `bool` | `true` | no | +| [spot\_instance\_interruption\_behavior](#input\_spot\_instance\_interruption\_behavior) | Indicates Spot instance behavior when it is interrupted. Valid values are `terminate`, `stop`, or `hibernate` | `string` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_launch\_group](#input\_spot\_launch\_group) | A launch group is a group of spot instances that launch together and terminate together. If left empty instances are launched and terminated individually | `string` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_price](#input\_spot\_price) | The maximum price to request on the spot market. Defaults to on-demand price | `string` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_type](#input\_spot\_type) | If set to one-time, after the instance is terminated, the spot request will be closed. Default `persistent` | `string` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_valid\_from](#input\_spot\_valid\_from) | The start date and time of the request, in UTC RFC3339 format(for example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) | `string` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_valid\_until](#input\_spot\_valid\_until) | The end date and time of the request, in UTC RFC3339 format(for example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) | `string` | `null` | no | +| [spot\_wait\_for\_fulfillment](#input\_spot\_wait\_for\_fulfillment) | If set, Terraform will wait for the Spot Request to be fulfilled, and will throw an error if the timeout of 10m is reached | `bool` | `false` | no | +| [ssh\_allowed\_ip](#input\_ssh\_allowed\_ip) | List of allowed ip. | `list(any)` | `[]` | no | +| [ssh\_allowed\_ports](#input\_ssh\_allowed\_ports) | List of allowed ingress ports | `list(any)` | `[]` | no | +| [ssh\_key](#input\_ssh\_key) | n/a | `map(any)` |
"algorithm": "RSA",
"key_name": "",
"public_key": "",
"rsa_bits": 4096
| no | +| [ssh\_protocol](#input\_ssh\_protocol) | The protocol. If not icmp, tcp, udp, or all use the. | `string` | `"tcp"` | no | +| [ssh\_sg\_ingress\_description](#input\_ssh\_sg\_ingress\_description) | Description of the ingress rule | `string` | `"Description of the ingress rule use elasticache."` | no | +| [subnet\_ids](#input\_subnet\_ids) | A list of VPC Subnet IDs to launch in. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no | +| [tenancy](#input\_tenancy) | The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of 'dedicated' runs on single-tenant hardware. Valid values are 'default', 'dedicated', and 'host' | `string` | `"default"` | no | +| [ttl](#input\_ttl) | The TTL of the record to add to the DNS zone to complete certificate validation. | `string` | `"300"` | no | +| [type](#input\_type) | Type of DNS records to create. | `string` | `"CNAME"` | no | +| [user\_data](#input\_user\_data) | (Optional) A string of the desired User Data for the ec2. | `string` | `""` | no | +| [user\_data\_replace\_on\_change](#input\_user\_data\_replace\_on\_change) | When used in combination with user\_data or user\_data\_base64 will trigger a destroy and recreate when set to true. Defaults to false if not set | `bool` | `null` | no | +| [vpc\_id](#input\_vpc\_id) | The ID of the VPC that the instance security group belongs to. | `string` | `""` | no | + +## Outputs + +| Name | Description | +|------|-------------| +| [instance\_id](#output\_instance\_id) | The instance ID. | +| [private\_ip](#output\_private\_ip) | Private IP of instance. | +| [public\_ip](#output\_public\_ip) | Public IP of instance (or EIP). | +| [ssh\_private\_key](#output\_ssh\_private\_key) | n/a | +| [ssh\_public\_key](#output\_ssh\_public\_key) | n/a |