+from IPython.display import display, Markdown
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+# Criteria and their definitions
+= {
+ criteria 'archive': 'Stored in a permanent archive that is publicly and openly accessible',
+ 'id': 'Has a persistent identifier',
+ 'license': 'Includes an open license',
+ 'relevant': '''Artefacts are relevant to and contribute to the article's results''',
+ 'complete': 'Complete set of materials shared (as would be needed to fully reproduce article)',
+ 'structure': 'Artefacts are well structured/organised (e.g. to the extent that reuse and repurposing is facilitated, adhering to norms and standards of research community)',
+ 'documentation_sufficient': 'Artefacts are sufficiently documented (i.e. to understand how it works, to enable it to be run, including package versions)',
+ 'documentation_careful': 'Artefacts are carefully documented (more than sufficient - i.e. to the extent that reuse and repurposing is facilitated - e.g. changing parameters, reusing for own purpose)',
+ # This criteria is kept seperate to documentation_careful, as it specifically requires a README file
+ 'documentation_readme': 'Artefacts are clearly documented and accompanied by a README file with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce results in the manuscript',
+ 'execute': 'Scripts can be successfully executed',
+ 'regenerated': 'Independent party regenerated results using the authors research artefacts',
+ 'hour': 'Reproduced within approximately one hour (excluding compute time)',
+ }
+# Evaluation for this study
+# TODO: Complete evaluate for each criteria
+eval = pd.Series({
+'archive': 0,
+ 'id': 0,
+ 'license': 0,
+ 'relevant': 0,
+ 'complete': 0,
+ 'structure': 0,
+ 'documentation_sufficient': 0,
+ 'documentation_careful': 0,
+ 'documentation_readme': 0,
+ 'execute': 0,
+ 'regenerated': 0,
+ 'hour': 0,
+ })
+# Get list of criteria met (True/False) overall
+= list(eval)
+ eval_list
+# Define function for creating the markdown formatted list of criteria met
+def create_criteria_list(criteria_dict):
+ Creates a string which contains a Markdown formatted list with icons to
+ indicate whether each criteria was met
+ Parameters:
+ -----------
+ criteria_dict : dict
+ Dictionary where keys are the criteria (variable name) and values are
+ Boolean (True/False of whether this study met the criteria)
+ Returns:
+ --------
+ formatted_list : string
+ Markdown formatted list
+ '''
+= {True: '✅',
+ callout_icon False: '❌'}
+ # Create list with...
+ = ''.join([
+ formatted_list '* ' +
+ eval[key]] + # Icon based on whether it met criteria
+ callout_icon[' ' +
+ + # Full text description of criteria
+ value '\n' for key, value in criteria_dict.items()])
+ return(formatted_list)
+# Define groups of criteria
+= ['archive', 'id', 'license']
+ criteria_share_how = ['relevant', 'complete']
+ criteria_share_what = ['structure', 'documentation_sufficient', 'documentation_careful', 'documentation_readme']
+ criteria_doc_struc = ['execute', 'regenerated', 'hour']
+ criteria_run
+# Create text section
+ display(Markdown(To assess whether the author's materials met the requirements of each badge, a list of criteria was produced. Between each badge (and between categories of badge), there is often alot of overlap in criteria.
+This study met **{sum(eval_list)} of the {len(eval_list)}** unique criteria items. These were as follows:
+Criteria related to how artefacts are shared -
+{create_criteria_list({k: criteria[k] for k in criteria_share_how})}
+Criteria related to what artefacts are shared -
+{create_criteria_list({k: criteria[k] for k in criteria_share_what})}
+Criteria related to the structure and documentation of the artefacts -
+{create_criteria_list({k: criteria[k] for k in criteria_doc_struc})}
+Criteria related to running and reproducing results -
+{create_criteria_list({k: criteria[k] for k in criteria_run})}
To assess whether the author’s materials met the requirements of each badge, a list of criteria was produced. Between each badge (and between categories of badge), there is often alot of overlap in criteria.
+This study met 0 of the 12 unique criteria items. These were as follows:
+Criteria related to how artefacts are shared -
- ❌ Stored in a permanent archive that is publicly and openly accessible +
- ❌ Has a persistent identifier +
- ❌ Includes an open license +
Criteria related to what artefacts are shared -
- ❌ Artefacts are relevant to and contribute to the article’s results +
- ❌ Complete set of materials shared (as would be needed to fully reproduce article) +
Criteria related to the structure and documentation of the artefacts -
- ❌ Artefacts are well structured/organised (e.g. to the extent that reuse and repurposing is facilitated, adhering to norms and standards of research community) +
- ❌ Artefacts are sufficiently documented (i.e. to understand how it works, to enable it to be run, including package versions) +
- ❌ Artefacts are carefully documented (more than sufficient - i.e. to the extent that reuse and repurposing is facilitated - e.g. changing parameters, reusing for own purpose) +
- ❌ Artefacts are clearly documented and accompanied by a README file with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce results in the manuscript +
Criteria related to running and reproducing results -
- ❌ Scripts can be successfully executed +
- ❌ Independent party regenerated results using the authors research artefacts +
- ❌ Reproduced within approximately one hour (excluding compute time) +