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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. License: GPL v3 R-CMD-check Publication

s-jSDM - Fast and accurate Joint Species Distribution Modeling

About the method

The method is described in Pichler & Hartig (2021) A new joint species distribution model for faster and more accurate inference of species associations from big community data, The code for producing the results in this paper is available under the subfolder publications in this repo.

The method itself is wrapped into an R package, available under subfolder sjSDM. You can also use it stand-alone under Python (see instructions below). Note: for both the R and the python package, python >= 3.6 and pytorch must be installed (more details below).

Installing the R / Python package


Install the package via

devtools::install_github("", subdir = "sjSDM")

Depencies for the package can be installed before or after installing the package. Detailed explanations of the dependencies are provided in vignette("Dependencies", package = "sjSDM"), source code here. Very briefly, the dependencies can be automatically installed from within R:

sjSDM::install_sjSDM(version = "gpu") # or
sjSDM::install_sjSDM(version = "cpu")

To cite sjSDM, please use the following citation:


Once the dependencies are installed, the following code should run:

Simulate a community and fit model:

## ── Attaching sjSDM ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── 0.1.8 ──
## ✓ torch 1.9.0 
## ✓ torch_optimizer  
## ✓ pyro  
## ✓ madgrad
community <- simulate_SDM(sites = 100, species = 10, env = 3, se = TRUE)
Env <- community$env_weights
Occ <- community$response
SP <- matrix(rnorm(200, 0, 0.3), 100, 2) # spatial coordinates (no effect on species occurences)

model <- sjSDM(Y = Occ, env = linear(data = Env, formula = ~X1+X2+X3), spatial = linear(data = SP, formula = ~0+X1:X2), se = TRUE, family=binomial("probit"), sampling = 100L)
## LogLik:  -521.6559 
## Deviance:  1043.312 
## Regularization loss:  0 
## Species-species correlation matrix: 
## 	sp1	 1.0000									
## 	sp2	-0.3550	 1.0000								
## 	sp3	-0.1370	-0.3560	 1.0000							
## 	sp4	-0.1490	-0.3190	 0.6960	 1.0000						
## 	sp5	 0.5980	-0.3380	-0.0930	-0.0980	 1.0000					
## 	sp6	-0.2140	 0.3800	 0.1480	 0.1320	-0.0620	 1.0000				
## 	sp7	 0.4640	-0.1500	 0.1330	 0.1140	 0.5180	 0.2360	 1.0000			
## 	sp8	 0.2880	 0.1210	-0.4110	-0.4260	 0.2170	-0.0310	 0.1270	 1.0000		
## 	sp9	-0.0960	-0.0590	 0.0620	 0.0650	-0.3180	-0.2570	-0.2460	-0.0910	 1.0000	
## 	sp10	 0.1910	 0.3840	-0.6080	-0.5700	 0.2390	 0.1010	 0.1240	 0.3890	-0.2280	 1.0000
## Spatial: 
##             sp1        sp2       sp3         sp4       sp5      sp6       sp7
## X1:X2 0.2116772 -0.5360333 0.5232622 0.008332695 0.3565705 0.180108 0.4192475
##            sp8       sp9      sp10
## X1:X2 0.473037 0.2719108 0.2562078
##                  Estimate  Std.Err Z value Pr(>|z|)    
## sp1 (Intercept)  -0.03177  0.20968   -0.15  0.87955    
## sp1 X1            0.81680  0.40515    2.02  0.04379 *  
## sp1 X2           -1.62852  0.37989   -4.29  1.8e-05 ***
## sp1 X3           -0.12715  0.34814   -0.37  0.71494    
## sp2 (Intercept)  -0.02736  0.21477   -0.13  0.89864    
## sp2 X1            0.88439  0.40578    2.18  0.02929 *  
## sp2 X2            0.18309  0.39785    0.46  0.64538    
## sp2 X3            0.42769  0.35764    1.20  0.23174    
## sp3 (Intercept)  -0.34305  0.22798   -1.50  0.13240    
## sp3 X1            1.03899  0.42114    2.47  0.01362 *  
## sp3 X2           -0.26187  0.40653   -0.64  0.51948    
## sp3 X3           -0.68567  0.39507   -1.74  0.08264 .  
## sp4 (Intercept)  -0.05341  0.20209   -0.26  0.79157    
## sp4 X1           -0.99991  0.38088   -2.63  0.00866 ** 
## sp4 X2           -1.30519  0.38755   -3.37  0.00076 ***
## sp4 X3           -0.29711  0.33797   -0.88  0.37936    
## sp5 (Intercept)  -0.16683  0.20947   -0.80  0.42577    
## sp5 X1            0.48812  0.40224    1.21  0.22494    
## sp5 X2            0.43646  0.37802    1.15  0.24826    
## sp5 X3           -0.43820  0.35445   -1.24  0.21635    
## sp6 (Intercept)   0.20027  0.20509    0.98  0.32883    
## sp6 X1            1.66526  0.42341    3.93  8.4e-05 ***
## sp6 X2           -0.68414  0.39862   -1.72  0.08611 .  
## sp6 X3            0.18311  0.34733    0.53  0.59805    
## sp7 (Intercept)  -0.00229  0.20182   -0.01  0.99093    
## sp7 X1           -0.26273  0.37531   -0.70  0.48389    
## sp7 X2            0.27684  0.35667    0.78  0.43764    
## sp7 X3           -1.03507  0.34031   -3.04  0.00235 ** 
## sp8 (Intercept)   0.15549  0.16257    0.96  0.33884    
## sp8 X1            0.24234  0.31080    0.78  0.43556    
## sp8 X2            0.29605  0.30469    0.97  0.33122    
## sp8 X3           -1.10672  0.28354   -3.90  9.5e-05 ***
## sp9 (Intercept)   0.03493  0.16276    0.21  0.83008    
## sp9 X1            1.07005  0.31712    3.37  0.00074 ***
## sp9 X2           -0.78384  0.30910   -2.54  0.01122 *  
## sp9 X3            0.59471  0.27136    2.19  0.02841 *  
## sp10 (Intercept) -0.09433  0.18507   -0.51  0.61027    
## sp10 X1          -0.45735  0.33925   -1.35  0.17762    
## sp10 X2          -0.96954  0.33834   -2.87  0.00416 ** 
## sp10 X3          -0.38647  0.31582   -1.22  0.22106    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## LogLik:  -521.6559 
## Deviance:  1043.312 
## Regularization loss:  0 
## Species-species correlation matrix: 
## 	sp1	 1.0000									
## 	sp2	-0.3550	 1.0000								
## 	sp3	-0.1370	-0.3560	 1.0000							
## 	sp4	-0.1490	-0.3190	 0.6960	 1.0000						
## 	sp5	 0.5980	-0.3380	-0.0930	-0.0980	 1.0000					
## 	sp6	-0.2140	 0.3800	 0.1480	 0.1320	-0.0620	 1.0000				
## 	sp7	 0.4640	-0.1500	 0.1330	 0.1140	 0.5180	 0.2360	 1.0000			
## 	sp8	 0.2880	 0.1210	-0.4110	-0.4260	 0.2170	-0.0310	 0.1270	 1.0000		
## 	sp9	-0.0960	-0.0590	 0.0620	 0.0650	-0.3180	-0.2570	-0.2460	-0.0910	 1.0000	
## 	sp10	 0.1910	 0.3840	-0.6080	-0.5700	 0.2390	 0.1010	 0.1240	 0.3890	-0.2280	 1.0000
## Spatial: 
##             sp1        sp2       sp3         sp4       sp5      sp6       sp7
## X1:X2 0.2116772 -0.5360333 0.5232622 0.008332695 0.3565705 0.180108 0.4192475
##            sp8       sp9      sp10
## X1:X2 0.473037 0.2719108 0.2562078
##                  Estimate  Std.Err Z value Pr(>|z|)    
## sp1 (Intercept)  -0.03177  0.20968   -0.15  0.87955    
## sp1 X1            0.81680  0.40515    2.02  0.04379 *  
## sp1 X2           -1.62852  0.37989   -4.29  1.8e-05 ***
## sp1 X3           -0.12715  0.34814   -0.37  0.71494    
## sp2 (Intercept)  -0.02736  0.21477   -0.13  0.89864    
## sp2 X1            0.88439  0.40578    2.18  0.02929 *  
## sp2 X2            0.18309  0.39785    0.46  0.64538    
## sp2 X3            0.42769  0.35764    1.20  0.23174    
## sp3 (Intercept)  -0.34305  0.22798   -1.50  0.13240    
## sp3 X1            1.03899  0.42114    2.47  0.01362 *  
## sp3 X2           -0.26187  0.40653   -0.64  0.51948    
## sp3 X3           -0.68567  0.39507   -1.74  0.08264 .  
## sp4 (Intercept)  -0.05341  0.20209   -0.26  0.79157    
## sp4 X1           -0.99991  0.38088   -2.63  0.00866 ** 
## sp4 X2           -1.30519  0.38755   -3.37  0.00076 ***
## sp4 X3           -0.29711  0.33797   -0.88  0.37936    
## sp5 (Intercept)  -0.16683  0.20947   -0.80  0.42577    
## sp5 X1            0.48812  0.40224    1.21  0.22494    
## sp5 X2            0.43646  0.37802    1.15  0.24826    
## sp5 X3           -0.43820  0.35445   -1.24  0.21635    
## sp6 (Intercept)   0.20027  0.20509    0.98  0.32883    
## sp6 X1            1.66526  0.42341    3.93  8.4e-05 ***
## sp6 X2           -0.68414  0.39862   -1.72  0.08611 .  
## sp6 X3            0.18311  0.34733    0.53  0.59805    
## sp7 (Intercept)  -0.00229  0.20182   -0.01  0.99093    
## sp7 X1           -0.26273  0.37531   -0.70  0.48389    
## sp7 X2            0.27684  0.35667    0.78  0.43764    
## sp7 X3           -1.03507  0.34031   -3.04  0.00235 ** 
## sp8 (Intercept)   0.15549  0.16257    0.96  0.33884    
## sp8 X1            0.24234  0.31080    0.78  0.43556    
## sp8 X2            0.29605  0.30469    0.97  0.33122    
## sp8 X3           -1.10672  0.28354   -3.90  9.5e-05 ***
## sp9 (Intercept)   0.03493  0.16276    0.21  0.83008    
## sp9 X1            1.07005  0.31712    3.37  0.00074 ***
## sp9 X2           -0.78384  0.30910   -2.54  0.01122 *  
## sp9 X3            0.59471  0.27136    2.19  0.02841 *  
## sp10 (Intercept) -0.09433  0.18507   -0.51  0.61027    
## sp10 X1          -0.45735  0.33925   -1.35  0.17762    
## sp10 X2          -0.96954  0.33834   -2.87  0.00416 ** 
## sp10 X3          -0.38647  0.31582   -1.22  0.22106    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We also support also other response families: Count data:

model <- sjSDM(Y = Occ, env = linear(data = Env, formula = ~X1+X2+X3), spatial = linear(data = SP, formula = ~0+X1:X2), se = TRUE, family=poisson("log"))

Gaussian (normal):

model <- sjSDM(Y = Occ, env = linear(data = Env, formula = ~X1+X2+X3), spatial = linear(data = SP, formula = ~0+X1:X2), se = TRUE, family=gaussian("identity"))

Let's have a look at the importance of the three groups (environment, associations, and space) on the occurences:

imp = importance(model)
##    sp       env      spatial     biotic
## 1   1 0.8512507 3.235598e-04 0.14842576
## 2   2 0.5535324 3.788728e-03 0.44267890
## 3   3 0.7185561 3.539847e-03 0.27790397
## 4   4 0.8885156 5.296470e-07 0.11148381
## 5   5 0.4769188 2.544400e-03 0.52053678
## 6   6 0.8595052 2.418374e-04 0.14025287
## 7   7 0.5184419 1.667692e-03 0.47989047
## 8   8 0.9243904 3.566132e-03 0.07204356
## 9   9 0.7220337 6.654685e-04 0.27730072
## 10 10 0.9641129 1.151201e-03 0.03473605

As expected, space has no effect on occurences.

Let's have a look on community level how the three groups contribute to the overall explained variance

an = anova(model)
## Changes relative to empty model (without modules):
##  Modules       LogLik            R2   marginal R2          R2ll
##        _  693.1472015  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.0000000000
##        A  -21.2049255  2.576520e-02  1.682891e-02  0.0305922400
##        B  -55.2553113  9.658548e-06  4.844455e-06  0.0797165612
##        S   -0.4988708  3.544428e-04  2.202305e-04  0.0007197185
##      A+B  -30.3583012 -1.836237e-03 -9.200357e-03  0.0437977693
##      A+S   -1.4909744 -5.084443e-05  8.346787e-06  0.0021510213
##      B+S    1.2818292 -3.086277e-04 -2.047642e-04 -0.0018492886
##    A+B+S    0.9275459  1.017823e-04  9.642144e-05 -0.0013381659
##     Full -106.5990082  2.403537e-02  7.753627e-03  0.1537898558

The anova shows the relative changes in the logLik of the groups and their intersections.

If it fails, check out the help of ?install_sjSDM, ?installation_help, and vignette("Dependencies", package = "sjSDM").

Installation workflow:

  1. Try install_sjSDM()
  2. New session, if no 'PyTorch not found' appears it should work, otherwise see ?installation_help
  3. If do not get the pkg to run, create an issue issue tracker or write an email to maximilian.pichler at

Python Package

pip install sjSDM_py

Python example

import sjSDM_py as fa
import numpy as np
import torch
Env = np.random.randn(100, 5)
Occ = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, [100, 10])

model = fa.Model_sjSDM(device=torch.device("cpu"), dtype=torch.float32)
model.add_env(5, 10), optimizer=fa.optimizer_adamax(0.001),scheduler=False), Occ, batch_size = 20, epochs = 10)
# print(model.weights)
# print(model.covariance)
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.18]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.178]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.163]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.183]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.172]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.175]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.155]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.137]
Iter: 0/10   0%|          | [00:00, ?it/s, loss=7.165]
Iter: 9/10  90%|######### | [00:00, 87.36it/s, loss=7.165]
Iter: 9/10  90%|######### | [00:00, 87.36it/s, loss=7.141]
Iter: 10/10 100%|##########| [00:00, 90.60it/s, loss=7.141]

Calculate Importance:

Beta = np.transpose(model.env_weights[0])
Sigma = ( model.sigma @ model.sigma.t() + torch.diag(torch.ones([1])) ).data.cpu().numpy()
covX = fa.covariance( torch.tensor(Env).t() ).data.cpu().numpy()

fa.importance(beta=Beta, covX=covX, sigma=Sigma)
## {'env': array([[ 4.1893846e-03,  5.5393800e-03,  1.3987868e-02,  5.1057325e-03,
##          3.2040334e-04],
##        [ 4.8073977e-03,  2.1980505e-04,  5.5616826e-04,  2.2618828e-04,
##          1.4837000e-02],
##        [ 9.5910449e-03, -2.6523434e-05,  8.9576719e-03,  1.4117245e-02,
##          2.6826796e-04],
##        [ 1.5072384e-02,  6.0981540e-03,  8.1819193e-03,  1.1266603e-03,
##          1.3036386e-02],
##        [ 1.2810972e-02,  4.9146665e-03,  7.0648100e-03,  6.1532706e-03,
##         -6.2168780e-04],
##        [ 3.5765194e-04,  1.5423226e-03,  9.0936786e-03,  1.5325662e-02,
##          2.8687348e-03],
##        [-2.5524709e-05,  8.9721283e-04,  1.2243549e-02,  1.3080860e-02,
##          1.8863674e-03],
##        [ 2.7550785e-05,  1.3295179e-03,  1.2515844e-02,  3.7936254e-03,
##          2.0696187e-02],
##        [ 3.4044436e-03,  2.0984237e-03,  2.9508309e-03,  2.3899646e-03,
##          1.5562433e-03],
##        [ 3.7611238e-04,  6.6016875e-03,  1.4190309e-04,  1.0578999e-02,
##          5.1813303e-03]], dtype=float32), 'biotic': array([0.97085726, 0.9793535 , 0.9670923 , 0.95648456, 0.969678  ,
##        0.97081196, 0.9719175 , 0.96163726, 0.98760015, 0.97712   ],
##       dtype=float32)}