Three parts are involved with making a request:
- access the Operation object
- provide parameters to the Operation object, it will return (Request, Response) pair
- provide this pair to the client implementation you choose
There are many ways to access an Operation object. For example, if you want to access 'getUserByName' in petstore.
from pyswagger import App
app = App.create('')
# via operationId and tag, they are optional in swagger 2.0
op = app.op['getUserByName'] # when the operationId is unique
op = app.op['user', 'getUserByName'] # tag + operationId
# via JSON Pointer, every object in Swagger can be referenced via its JSON Pointer.
# The JSON pointer of Operation 'getUserByName' is '#/paths/~1user~1{username}/get',
# here we provide a simple way for you to handle JSON pointer.
from pyswagger import utils
# check the place of the Operation 'getUserByName' in petstore
op = app.resolve(utils.jp_compose(['#', 'paths', '/user/{username}', 'get']))
# cascade resolving
username_api = app.resolve(utils.jp_compose(['#', 'paths', '/user/{username}']))
op = username_api.resolve('get')
# there is no special character in 'get',
# just access it like a property
op = username_api.get
This step involves converting primitives in python to primitives in Swagger, please refer to here for a list of primitives im Swagger.
# a fake operation containing all types of primitives
op = app.op['FakeApi']
req_and_resp = op(
# integer, long,
# float, double
# string
# byte
# byte, in string, would be encoded to 'utf-8'
# boolean
# date, datetime, in timestamp
# date, in,
# datetime, in datetime.datetime,
# date, in string ISO8601
# datetime, in string ISO8601
# array of integer
list_of_ids=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
# an object
user=dict(id=1, username='Tom'),
# list of objects
dict(id=1, username='Tom'),
dict(id=2, username='Mary')
The return value when calling an Operation is a pair of (Request, Response), just pass it to 'request' function of client. Below is a full example of 'getUserByName'
from pyswagger import App
from pyswagger.contrib.client.requests import Client
app = App.create('/path/to/your/resource/file/swagger.json')
client = Client()
# make the request
response = client.request(
app.op['getUserByName']( # access the Operation
username='Tom' # provide the parameter