A Chrome extension with tools and improvements for Hyperiums 7 (unofficial)
- Make URLs and e-mail addresses clickable
- Live ticks at the bottom of all page
- Link to player search in system messages
- Highlight names of contacts in system messages
- AvgP for leaving fleet messages
- Live timeline at the bottom of all pages (hover ticks to show)
- Planet statistics on Controlled planets page
- Influence value on Controlled planets page
- Preview of Space AvgP, Build Costs, Upkeep Costs and Time for Build on Military Build Center
- Accumulate Ground AvgP when grouping moving fleets by destination
- Show incoming fleets on overview of own and foreign planets
- "Merge All" and "Load All" buttons on planet's military page
- Auto Complete for planet names in fleet movement forms
- Search for planet name if no fleet around planet
- Information about deployed fleets
- Coordinates for moving fleets
- Button to drop/enable stasis on military page
- Overview of Army Capacity, Carried Armies and Ground Armies on military page
- Overview of Space and Ground AvgP by N/A
- Filter and Sort function for "more details" on planet's military page
- Add planet to group (use "Define/Extend" to confirm & save)
- Check all by ETA on "Sort by ETA" for moving fleets
- One input for all planets in Global exploitations manager
- Population size for each planet in Global exploitations manager
- Link to spy report for captive planets on cash page
- Upkeep in relation to Total Income on cash page
- Total gross income
- Total income from exploitations and captive planets
- Total upkeep for trading relations, factories, infiltrations and counter-infiltrations
- Try to format tables in forum messages
- Buttons for <b>, <i>, <pre>, [*FL=] and [*BR=] for personal messages and forum messages
- Auto Complete for contacts and planet names in send message forms
- Link to go to last page of thread
- Average Space AvgP and Ground AvgP for Battle Reports
- Count and display number of backup buddy logins
- Link to forum on "last 20 messages" page (for alliances)
- Search function for public forums
- Planet/Tag statistics on Map/Trading page and Political Maps
- Map on trading map page
- Link to planet history (Beka's tools) on trading map page
- Stats for credits on sale
- Link to player history (Beka's tools) on ranking page
- Simple Fleet Calculator (Accessible via Military menu in game)
- Notifications and text-to-speech for ticks, battle reports, planet events, personal messages and forum messages
- Login via browser action button
- (optional) Send session information to external website
Go to the Chrome Web Store and install the extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mnbakcpkbpcafjdbejdlmkmcknheihbk
- Hyperiums Userscripts by Nasga
You can contact the original author in game via personal message to natalie_g. There is also a contact link in the extension.
This extension stores its options on your computer and in your Google account.
Data that is sent to another server than *.hyperiums.com:
- Your current user session (player id, game id, authentication key) in Hyperiums if you set a specific URL pattern in the options and use the function to send the session to an external website.
- Your queries to the forum search. This is required because the forum is indexed on another server. The queries are not logged.
This chrome extension is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for full details.