Releases: publishpress/PublishPress-Planner
Releases · publishpress/PublishPress-Planner
- Fixed: Fixed performance and memory issue for the calendar and content overview pages adding filters with asynchronous data search, removing the bloat of rendering all the users/tags in fields for each calendar cell, and content overview filters, #674;
- Fixed: Fixed language domain loading and updated the POT file, #670;
- Fixed: Removed a not used JS library: remodal, #517;
- Fixed: Stop loading the Chosen JS library where it is not used, #330;
- Fixed: Fixed support to Cyrillic chars on post status, #439;
- Added: Added support for displaying editorial comments in post status transition notifications, #676;
- Changed: Updated the Select2 JS library to version 4.0.13. The library instance was refactored to pp_select2;
- Changed: Converted the select field for notifications in the post edit page from Chosen to Select2;
- Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about variable $key being used outside and inside the context;
- Added: Added new filter "publishpress_new_custom_status_args" to customize the post status arguments, #640;
- Fixed: Fixed a PHP Fatal error: Trait Dependency_Injector not found, #652;
- Fixed: Fixed PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreadh in TopNotice/Module.php;
- Fixed: Fixed warnings about mixed content when the site uses HTTPS;
- Fixed: Fixed JS error related to jQuery "live" function being deprecated and not found;
- Fixed: Fixed DOM errors in the browser related to multiple elements using the same ID, #660;
- Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.5;
- Removed: Fixed conflict with Gutenberg and other plugins keeping draft as the default status, always. Removed the option to set another status as default, #621;
- Removed: Removed the notice asking for reviews after a few weeks of usage, #637;
- Removed: Removed the following statuses from the Status dropdown on posts - on Gutenberg: Pending Review, Privately published, Scheduled. To set them, use the respective Gutenberg's UI;
- Fixed: Protect the WordPress post statuses "Pending" and "Draft", blocking edition of those statuses;
- Fixed: Fix the post status selection and the "Save as" link for Gutenberg for posts in published statuses. For changing the status you have to unpublish the post first;
- Fixed: Fix the "Save as" button when the current status doesn't exist;
- Fixed: Fix compatibility with the Nested Page plugin, #623;
- Fixed: Fix the title of Editorial Meta meta box in the options panel for Gutenberg, #631;
- Fixed: Load languages from the relative path, #626;
- Fixed: Updated the PT-BR translation strings;
- Added: Added support to PublishPress Authors (requires at least 3.3.1), #610, #614;
- Added: Added the user email to the notifications log entries and details popup, #602;
- Added: Added option to choose which statuses can show the time in the calendar, #607;
- Added: Added option to select custom publish time in the calendar for all post statuses, #554;
- Added: Added "read only" label to calendar items you can't edit, #608, #615;
- Changed: Removed debug statements from the Custom Status module;
- Fixed: PHP error related to the undefined "current_datetime" function;
- Fixed: Ajax calls are saying the Notification Workflow post type is not registered, #601;
- Fixed: Removed the selection from the calendar to avoid messing up with the drag-and-drop;
- Fixed: Added visual feedback and error messages when errors happens while dragging and dropping items in the calendar, #609;
- Fixed: Fixed compatibility with PHP < 7.3 removing the call to the function "array_key_first";
- Fixed: Fixed duplicated posts after publishing from custom post statuses, a bug introduced by the fix for #546;
- Fixed: Fixes the metadata form in the settings to display the errors after a form submission; (#592)
- Fixed: Updated the build script to remove test files from the built package to avoid false positive on security warnings issued by some hosts;
- Fixed: Wrong publish date when using custom statuses - Now the publish date is always updated when the post is published;
- Fixed: Fixed the error displayed on Windows servers when the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is not defined;
- Added: Added link in the menu for upgrading to Pro;
- Fixed: JS error related to undefined editor when subject or content is empty;
- Fixed: Permalinks for scheduled posts removing the preview param;
- Fixed: Not all custom posts were available for notifications;
- Added: Add top banner for the Pro version;
- Fixed: Bulk actions in the notifications log page not working;
- Fixed: Notifications sent to wrong roles on some cases. If the post has any user role set to be notified, and the notification workflow doesn't have that option selected, notifications were being sent to the followers - #571;
- Fixed: If PublishPress\Notifications\Shortcodes::handle_psppno_edcomment is called with nullstring attrs a fatal error occurs;
- Fixed: The Notifications Log text is bigger than the other h3 elements in the post editor metabox;
- Fixed: Fixed the hidden publish status and notifications for published posts;
- Fixed: Fixed the default order for custom statuses;