Releases: publishpress/PublishPress-Capabilities
- Fixed : Multisite - On sub-sites, Role Capabilities screen did not display PublishPress Capabilities section to Super Administrators who don't have a role on the site
- Fixed : Role name captions on Role Capabilities and Backup Tool screens could not be translated
- Fixed : Checkbox bulk selection on Role Capabilities screen was incorrect under some conditions
- Perf / Stability : Apply workaround filters for WordPress edit_published_posts / publish_posts handling only for users who have edit_published_posts capability for current post type
- Fixed : Multisite - On sub-sites, Role Capabilities screen did not display PublishPress checkboxes to Super Administrators who don't have a role on the site
This is a followup to CME 1.8's support for users who can edit_published_posts but not publish_posts. This functioned as a workaround for native WordPress handling of those capabilities, which was reported as a WP bug on both Trac and Github:
However, this workaround caused the automatic publication of blank auto-saves on some sites. Other sites saw post save cause WooCommerce posts to be set to an invalid status.
The issues with version 1.8 were due to filtering the 'pre_post_status' value based on a post_id derived from the request parameters. The result was that the published status of the primary post was "restored" to the post being updated - which may have been an auto-draft, WooCommerce custom types or other supplemental posts updated within the request. This is no longer possible because the post_status value is only filtered based on the post_id passed directly into the 'edit_post_status' or 'wp_insert_post_data' filter.
Post ID is still derived from the query, but only for the purpose of publish_posts / edit_publish_posts capability checks.
This will be released as a beta version initially. As an ongoing precaution, the entire edit_published_posts workaround can be disabled by defining the following constant:
1.8 - 24 Oct 2019
- Feature : WooCommerce, PublishPress, PressPermit capabilities grouped in sections on role editor screen
- Feature : Plugin API - plugins can hook into "cme_plugin_capabilities" filter to register their capabilities
- Feature : Work around WordPress issue preventing users with edit_published_posts (but not publish_posts) capability from updating published posts (
- Feature : Work around WordPress issue allowing users with edit_published_posts (but not publish_posts) to unpublish published posts
- Fixed : If a unique edit/delete capability is already defined, don't change the definition
- Fixed : Removed add_users from the Core WordPress Capabilities section because it is was replaced by promote_users
- Fixed : PHP Notices on Role Capabilities screen for undefined index, under some configurations
- Fixed : HTML validation errors on Manage Capabilities screen
- Fixed : PHP 5.x : Notice for undefined constant PHP_INT_MIN on wp-admin Posts / Pages listing
- Change : Move Role Capabilities menu item to Permissions menu if PressPermit plugin is active (restoring previous behavior with Press Permit Core)
- Change : Edit Roles link in CME row of Plugins list
- Change : PublishPress icon, footer on Roles and Capabilities screen