Currently, we accept contributions to the documentation of modules, specifically files of each module. You can contribute in the following ways:
- Create a new Readme that is currently missing, add structure and write it in full or in part
- Add missing sections, paragraphs, and information to existing READMEs
- Correct typos and formatting issues
- Add/propose graphics to illustrate documentation
Swiss Army Kube documentation welcomes improvements from all contributors, new and experienced. Anyone can contribute to the
repository in the following formats:
- Open an issue about the documentation
- Propose a change with a pull request (PR)
- Propose minor text/formatting edits right on GitHub without cloning
All you need is being comfortable with Git and GitHub.
Find an issue to work on or create your own. If you are a new contributor take a look at issues marked with good first issue
Please check our guide on how to contribute to Swiss Army Kube with PRs:
The list of all Swiss Army Kube modules below includes information on the current state of documentation for each Module. Please select a module to contribute:
- airflow (has short annotation)
- cicd (no Readme)
- ingress (empty Readme)
- nginx (has short annotation)
- alb-ingress (has short annotation)
- kubeflow (has Readme)
- kubernetes (has short annotation)
- logging (empty Readme)
- monitoring (empty Readme)
- prometheus (no Readme)
- network (empty Readme)
- rds (no Readme)
- scaling (no Readme)
- storage (no Readme)
- system (has short annotation)
Approximate structure of a document:
- Module Description
- Implementation
- Usage
- Configuration
- Overrides
In some cases, modules won't need some of these sections or require additional ones. Change it according to a particular module.