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protz edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 14 revisions

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If you’re getting the “convert failed with error N” error message, please use the following procedure to determine what’s wrong.

First, create a file named test.tex and put the contents below in it

Hello, world

We’re going to run the exact same procedure as LatexIt!. Assuming your file is named test.tex, please run

latex -output-directory /tmp -interaction=batchmode test.tex

This should create a test.dvi file in your /tmp directory. If you’re on Windows, replace /tmp with the appropriate location (usually TEMP, which means, for instance, c:\documents and settings\yourusername\local settings\temp).

Now we need to crop the dvi file and convert it to ps.

dvips -o /tmp/ -E /tmp/test.dvi

Finally, and this is where it usually fails, you need to run convert.

convert -units PixelsPerInch -density 300 /tmp/ -trim /tmp/test.png

Possible raisons for failure include:

  • you’re on Windows, and LatexIt found c:\system32\convert.exe instead of ImageMagick’s convert utility. Please double-check in Tools > Addons > LatexIt > Preferences that the path to convert.exe looks like c:\program files\imagemagickQ4blahblahblah\bin\convert.exe
  • you’re on Windows and you’re using a 64-bit version of ImageMagick, please see this thread
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