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+# Capsule Security Self-Assessment
+## Metadata
+## Security Links
+## Overview
+Capsule implements a multi-tenant and policy-based environment in your Kubernetes cluster.
+It is designed as a micro-services-based ecosystem with a minimalist approach, leveraging only upstream Kubernetes.
+### Background
+Capsule takes a different approach.
+In a single cluster, the Capsule Controller aggregates multiple namespaces in a lightweight abstraction called Tenant, basically a grouping of Kubernetes Namespaces.
+Within each tenant, users are free to create their namespaces and share all the assigned resources.
+On the other side, the Capsule Policy Engine keeps the different tenants isolated from each other.
+Network and Security Policies, Resource Quota, Limit Ranges, RBAC, and other policies defined at the tenant level are automatically inherited by all the namespaces in the tenant.
+Then users are free to operate their tenants in autonomy, without the intervention of the cluster administrator.
+Capsule was accepted as a CNCF sandbox project in December 2022.
+## Actors
+### Capsule Operator
+It's the Operator which provides all the multi-tenant capabilities offered by Capsule.
+It's made of two internal components, such as the webhooks server (known as _policy engine_), and the _tenant controller_.
+**Capsule Tenant Controller**
+The controller is responsible for managing the tenants by reconciling the required objects at the Namespace level, such as _Network Policy_, _LimitRange_, _ResourceQuota_, _Role Binding_, as well as labelling the Namespace objects belonging to a Tenant according to their desired metadata.
+It is responsible for binding Namespaces to the selected Tenant, and managing their lifecycle.
+Furthermore, the manager can replicate objects thanks to the **Tenant Resource** API, which offers two levels of interactions: a cluster-scoped one thanks to the `GlobalTenantResource` API, and a namespace-scoped one named `TenantResource`.
+The replicated resources are dynamically created, and replicated by Capsule itself, as well as preserving the deletion of these objects by the Tenant owner.
+**Capsule Tenant Controller (Policy Engine)**
+Policies are defined on a Tenant basis: therefore the policy engine is enforcing these policies on the tenants's Namespaces and their children's resources.
+The Policy Engine is currently not a dedicated component, but a part of the Capsule Tenant Controller.
+The webhook server, also known as the policy engine, interpolates the Tenant rules and takes full advantage of the dynamic admission controllers offered by Kubernetes itself (such as `ValidatingWebhookConfiguration` and `MutatingWebhookConfiguration`).
+Thanks to the _policy engine_ the cluster administrators can enforce specific rules such as preventing _Pod_ objects from untrusted registries to run or preventing the creation of _PersistentVolumeClaim_ resources using a non-allowed _StorageClass_, etc.
+It also acts as a defaulter webhook, offloading the need to specify some classes (IngressClass, StorageClass, RuntimeClass, etc.).
+### Capsule Proxy
+The `capsule-proxy` is an addon which is offering a Kubernetes API Server shim aware of the multi-tenancy levels implemented by Capsule.
+It's essentially a reverse proxy that decorates the incoming requests with the required `labelSelector` query string parameters to filter out some objects, such as:
+- Namespaces
+- IngressClass
+- StorageClass
+- PriorityClass
+- RuntimeClass
+- PersistentVolumes
+Permissions on those resources are not enforced through the classic Kubernetes RBAC but rather at the Tenant Owner level, allowing fine-grained control over specific resources.
+`capsule-proxy` is not serving itself Kubernetes API server responses, but rather, it's acting as a middle proxy server offering dynamic filtering of requests: this means the resulting responses from the upstream are not mangled, and don't require any additional plugins, or third-party binaries, and integrating with any external components, such as the Kubernetes dashboard, the `kubectl` binary, etc.
+## Actions
+Tenants are created by cluster administrators, who have the right to create Tenant custom resource instances.
+End users should not manage tenants.
+Therefore users without any cluster administration rights can't list tenants or create tenants.
+## Creating namespaces in a tenant
+When creating a tenant, the Capsule controller inspects the user's supplied groups and matches, if the groups were defined in the `capsuleConfiguration`. If at least one matching group is found, the user request is considered by Capsule. If not, Capsule ignores the request and does not perform any action. This also applies to modifications (`UPDATE` request).
+To create namespaces within a tenant a User, Group or ServiceAccount must be configured as owner of the tenant.
+A namespace is assigned to a tenant based on its label, its owner (if the owner only has one tenant) or the prefix of the namespace (which matches the tenant name).
+If the request is considered, the namespace is created with all the configuration on the tenant, which is relevant. The additional resources (NetworkPolicy, ResourceQuota, LimitRange) are created in the new namespace.
+### Applying Workload and configs to namespaces within a tenant
+Whenever a tenant user applies new workloads or configs to a namespace, the capsule controller inspects the namespace and checks if it belongs to a tenant. If so, the capsule controller applies policies from the tenant configuration to the given workloads and configs.
+If there are defaults defined on the tenant, they are applied to the workloads as well.
+This is a further abstraction from having cluster defaults (eg. default `StorageClass`) to having tenant defaults (eg. default `StorageClass` for a tenant).
+### Goals
+* **Multitenancy**: Capsule should be able to support multiple tenants in a single Kubernetes cluster without introducing overhead or cognitive load, and barely relying on Namespace objects.
+* **Kubernetes agnostic**: Capsule should integrate with Kubernetes primitives, such as _RBAC_, _NetworkPolicy_, _LimitRange_, and _ResourceQuota_.
+* **Policy-based**: Capsule should be able to enforce policies on tenants, which are defined on a tenant basis.
+* **Native User Experience**: Capsule shouldn't increase the cognitive load of developers, such as introducing `kubectl` plugins, or forcing the tenant owners to operate their tenant objects using Custom Resource Definitions.
+### Non-Goals
+* **Control Plane**: Capsule can't mimic for each tenant a feeling of a dedicated control plane.
+* **Custom Resource Definitions**: Capsule doesn't want to provide virtual cluster capabilities and it's sticking to the native Kubernetes user experience and design; rather, its focus is to provide a governance solution by focusing on resource optimization and security lockdown.
+## Self-assessment use
+This self-assessment is created by the Capsule team to perform an internal analysis of the project's security.
+It is not intended to provide a security audit of Capsule, or function as an independent assessment or attestation of Capsuleās security health.
+This document serves to provide Capsule users with an initial understanding of Capsule's security, where to find existing security documentation, Capsule plans for security, and a general overview of Capsule security practices, both for the development of Capsule as well as security of Capsule.
+This document provides the CNCF TAG-Security with an initial understanding of Capsule to assist in a joint review, necessary for projects under incubation. Taken together, this document and the joint review serve as a cornerstone for if and when Capsule seeks graduation.
+## Security functions and features
+See [Actors](#actors) and [Actions](#actions) for a more detailed description of the critical actors, actions, and potential threats.
+## Project compliance
+As of now, not applicable.
+## Secure development practices
+The Capsule project follows established CNCF and OSS best practices for code development and delivery.
+Capsule follows [OpenSSF Best Practices](https://www.bestpractices.dev/en/projects/5601).
+Although not perfect yet, we are constantly trying to improve and score optimal scores.
+We will assess the issues during our community meetings and try to plan them for future releases.
+### Development Pipeline
+Changes must be reviewed and merged by the project maintainers.
+Before changes are merged, all the changes must pass static checks, license checks, verifications on `gofmt`, `go lint`, `go vet`, and pass all unit tests and e2e tests.
+Changes are scanned by trivy for the docker images.
+We run E2E tests for different Kubernetes versions on Pull Requests.
+Code changes are submitted via Pull Requests (PRs) and must be signed and verified.
+Commits to the main branch directly are not allowed.
+## Security issue resolution
+Capsule project vulnerability handling related processes are recorded in the [Capsule Security Doc](https://github.com/projectcapsule/capsule/blob/main/SECURITY.md).
+Related security vulnerabilities can be reported and communicated via email to [cncf-capsule-maintainers@lists.cncf.io](mailto:cncf-capsule-maintainers@lists.cncf.i).
+## Appendix
+All Capsule security-related issues (both fixes and enhancements) are labelled with "security" and can be queried using[ https://github.com/projectcapsule/capsule/labels/security](https://github.com/projectcapsule/capsule/labels/security).
+The code review process requires maintainers to consider security while reviewing designs and pull requests.