- This project is set up as a maven project, so use maven to build the project.
- If you are working with IDE's like eclipse or IntelliJ use the corresponding mavenplugins.
- Never check in the IDE specific files
- Add all dependencies to the dependencyManagement in the main pom.xml
- Use a property for version control of the dependency
- Never add submodules to the dependency management
- Never add dependencies directly to the main pom.xml
- If you have to add a new module choose the correct parent
- If the groupId will not change, do not define it. Maven will set it automatically from the parent.
- Do not define a version tag. Maven will set it automatically from the parent.
- Create always jUnit tests if possible.
- Avoid "Integrative" tests with dependency on external services
- Testdriven development will be the correct way
If you have to make an integration test use the corresponding integration test project!