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In this video, we learned about Python operators.
Programs in the Video
- Arithmetic Operators
- Concatenate Strings
- Program to Compute Amount After Discount
- Task: Kilometers to Miles
An operator is a symbol that is used to perform operations om values and variables.
The most frequently used operator is =
. It is used to assign data to a variable.
name = "Punit"
print(name) # Punit
Here's a list of arithmetic operators:
Addition: +
Subtraction: -
Multiplication: *
Division: /
Floor division: //
Remainder: %
Exponent: **
# Arithmetic operators in action
x = 5
result = x + 10 # addition
print(result) # 15
result = x - 10 # subtraction
print(result) # -5
result = x * 10 # multiplication
print(result) # 50
result = x / 10 # division
print(result) # 0.5
result = x ** 2 # exponent
print(result) # 25
quotient = x // 2 # floor division
remainder = x % 2 # modulus
print("Quotient is", quotient) # 2
print("Remainder is", remainder) # 1
We can use parentheses to make code more readable.
# harder to understand
number = 34 * 5 - 5 / 3 # 168.33333
# easier to understand
number = (34 * 5) - (5 / 3) # 168.33333
If the +
operator is used with strings, it concatenates the strings.
str1 = "Hey "
str2 = "Jude"
print(str1 + str2) # Hey Jude
Multiple assignment at once
x, y = 5, 6
print(x) # 5
print(y) # 6
Compound Assignment Operators
x = 5
x += 10 # x = x + 10
x -= 10 # x = x - 10
Suppose you are a university student, and you need to pay 4535 dollars tuition fee for the next semester.
The college is giving you a discount of 10% on the early payment of your tuition fee. Since it's a good offer, you decided to make an early payment. Can you find out how much money you have to pay?
fee = 4530
discount_percent = 10
discount_amount = discount_percent/100*fee
discounted_fee = fee - discount_amount
print("Fee after discount:", discounted_fee, "dollars") # 4081.5
Can you create a program to convert distance in kilometers to miles?
Formula: 1 kilometer -> 0.621371 miles
# Program to convert kilometers to files
distance_km = 564.5
conversion_ratio = 0.621371
distance_miles = distance_km * conversion_ratio
print(distance_miles) # 350.7639295